LG F2410: Messages


Messages: LG F2410



This menu includes functions related to SMS (Short


Message Service), MMS (Multimedia Message

] Symbol: You can add special characters.

Service), voice mail, as well as the network’s service


] Picture: You can insert the Default graphics or

graphics in My pictures that are available for short

Write text message Menu-5-1


You can write and edit text message, checking the

] Sound: You can insert sounds that are available for

number of message pages.

short messages.

1. Enter the Messages menu by pressing the left soft

] Text templates: You can use Text templates already

key [Select].

set in the phone.

2. If you want to write a new message, select Write

] Contacts: You can add phone numbers or e-mail

text message.

addresses in the Contacts.

3. To make text input easier, use T9.

] Signature: You can add your signature to the

4. Press [Insert] to attach the followings.


5. If you want to set option for your text, or to finish


your writing, press the left soft key [Options].

] Send: Sends text messages.

n Note The phone which supports EMS release 5 is

1. Enter numbers of recipient.

available to send colour pictures, sounds, text

styles, etc.. The other party may not receive

2. Press key to add more recipients.

pictures, sounds or text styles you sent properly if

the phone does not support such options.

3. Press the left soft key after entering numbers.



All messages will be automatically saved in the

provider. Only the devices that offer compatible

outbox folder, even after a sending failure.

multimedia message or e-mail features can receive

and send multimedia messages.

] Save: Stores messages in Drafts.

You can create a multimedia message up to 10 slides.

] Font: You can select Size and Style of fonts.

(approximately 100 KB)

] Colour: You can select Colour of foreground and

1. After entering the subject of the message, press the


OK key.

] Alignment: You can make the message contents

2. Key in the text message. Using the right soft key

aligned Left, Center or Right.

[Insert], you can insert a symbol, a photo, a picture,

] Add T9 dictionary: You can add your own word.

a sound, a voice memo, text templates, phone

This menu can be shown only when edit mode is

numbers stored in the contacts or a signature.

Predictive (T9Abc/T9abc /T9ABC).

3. Press the left soft key [Options]. The following

] T9 languages: Select a T9 input mode.

options are available.

] Exit: If you press Exit while writing a message, you

] Send: You can send the multimedia message to

can end the writing message and back to the

multiple recipients at the same time.

Message menu. The message you have written is

1) Key in the phone number. You can also search the

not saved.

phone number from the recent number list or the

Contacts using the left soft key [Search].

Write multimedia message Menu-5-2

2) Press the right soft key [Settings]. You can set the

A multimedia message can contain text, images,

following options:

and/or sound clips. This feature can be used only if it

is supported by your network operator or service

- Priority: Set the priority of the MMS.



- Validity period: Set the duration for keeping the

] Delete slide: Deletes the current slide.

multimedia messages on the network server.

] Set slide format: You can set the following slide

Possible values are 1 hour, 12 hours, 1 day, 1 week


and the maximum authorized by the network


- Set timer: Enter the timer in each field using the

numeric keypad.

- Delivery report: Select Yes to activate the report

function. When this function is activated, the

- Swap text and picture: Swaps the text and

network informs you whether or not your message


has been delivered.

] Remove media (shown when any media exists in

3) Press the left soft key [Send].

the message): You can remove picture, sound or

video in the slide.

] Preview: Select this option to check out the

multimedia message you've created. Each slide is

] Add T9 dictionary: When you didn’t find a desired

sequentially played back automatically. You can

word in the T9 text input mode, you can add a word

also move to another slide from the currently

in the T9 dictionary using this option. After typing a

played slide using the left/right navigation keys.

word, press the left soft key [Save].

To replay the message, press the left soft key

] T9 langauges: Select the T9 language for T9 input


mode. You can also deactivate the T9 input mode by

] Save: Saves the message in drafts or as a template.

selecting T9 off. For further details on the T9 mode,

refer to page 24 through 25.

] Add Slide: Add a slide before or after the current


] Exit: Exits from the Write multimedia message


] Move to slide: Select this option to move to another

slide from the current slide.



Write email message Menu-5-3

] Exit: If you select this while writing the message,

you can exit from writing message and go back to

To send/receive an email, you should set up the email

the previous screen. The message you have written

account. Refer to Email on page 59 first.

is not stored.

1. You can input up to 20 email addresses in the To and

4. You can attach files by pressing the right soft key

Cc field.


Tip: To input "@", press the and select "@".

n Note For each e-mail account you may save up to 40

2. Key in the subject of the mail and press OK.

messages (totally 120 for three accounts). In Inbox

folder you may save not more than 20 messages, in

3. After writing an email message, press the left soft

Drafts and Outbox folders - 5 messages, and in Sent

key [Options]. You can access the following option

folder up to 10 messages. In case Drafts Outbox or

Sent folder is full, and you try to save new message


to one of this folders, first saved message will be

] Send: Sends the email message.

automatically deleted.

n Note Maximum size for one sent message is 300 kb with

] Insert: You can insert text templates, phone

attachments, and maximum size for one received

numbers, symbols and/or the signature.

message is 100 kb.

] Edit recipients: You can edit recipients.

] Edit subject: You can edit the subject.

] Save: Select this to save the message in Drafts.

] T9 languages: Select the language for T9 input

mode. You can also deactivate the T9 input mode by

selecting 'T9 off'.



Inbox Menu-5-4

Each received message has the following options

available. Press the left soft key [Options].

You will be alerted when you have received messages.

They will be saved in the Inbox. You can identify each

] View: You can view the selected message.

message by icons. For details, see the icon description

] Reply: Replies to the received message.


] Forward: Forwards the received message to other

Icon Description


Read SIM message

] Return call: Calls back to the sender.

Unread SIM message

] Extract: Extracts a picture, sound, text web page or

email address from the message. These will be

Read message

saved in My folder, Contacts, or bookmarks.

Unread message

] Delete: Deletes the selected message from the


Read delivery report

] View information: Displays information about the

Unread delivery report

received message.

If the phone has ‘No space for messages’, you can

make space by deleting messages, media and


n Note SIM message refers the message saved in the SIM

memory. And the network distinguishes an incoming

message into the SIM message or just message.



Icon Description

Mailbox Menu-5-5

Read multimedia messages

When you access this menu, you can either connect

to your remote mailbox to retrieve your new e-mail

Unread multimedia messages

messages, or you can view the previously retrieved

e-mail messages without logging in to the e-mail

Read notified multimedia messages


Unread notified multimedia messages

Outbox Menu-5-6

Each received multimedia message has the following

You can view the list and contents of sent messages in

options available. Press the left soft key [Options].

this menu and can also verify if the transmission was

Reply: Replies to the sender.


Forward: Forwards the selected message to other

Icon Description


MMS sent

Return call: Calls back to the sender.

MMS unsent

Delete: Deletes the selected message from the


MMS delivery confirmed

Extract: Extracts pictures or sounds. They will be

SMS sent

saved in My folder or Contacts.

SMS unsent

View information: Displays information about

received messages; Sender’s address, Subject (only

SMS delivery confirmed

for Multimedia message), Message date & time,

Message type, Message size.



In each message, the following options are available

] Cancel: Cancels transmitting of the message.

by pressing the left soft key [Options].

] Delete: Cancels transmitting the message and

The messages of which transmission was

deletes the message.

completed has the following options.

] View information: You can view the information of

] View: You can view the selected message.

selected message: subject (only for multimedia

] Forward: You can forward the selected message to

message), the date and time when you sent it,

other recipients.

message type and size, the priority (only for multi-

media message), and recipients.

] Delete: Deletes the selected message from outbox.

] Send all: Sends all the messages of which

] View information: You can view the information of

transmission is in progress again.

selected message: subject (only for multimedia

message), the date and time when you sent it,

] Cancel: Cancels all the message transmission.

message type and size, the priority (only for

] Delete all: Cancels all the message transmission

multimedia message), and recipients.

and deletes all of them.

] Delete all: Deletes all the messages in the outbox


The messages of which transmission is in

progress has the following options.

] View: You can view the selected message.

] Send: Select this to send it again.



Drafts Menu-5-7

] Delete all: Deletes all the messages from drafts


You can view the messages saved as a draft. The draft

messages are listed with the date and time when they

Listen to voice mail Menu-5-8

were saved. Scroll through the list using up/down

navigation keys.

This menu provides you with a quick way of accessing

your voice mailbox (if provided by your network).

Icon Description

Before using this feature, you must enter the voice

server number obtained from your network operator.

Multimedia message

When new voice message is received, the

Text message

symbol will be displayed on the screen. Please check

Each draft has the following options.

with your service operator for details of their service

in order to configure the handset correctly.

Press the left soft key [Options].

] View: You can view the selected message.

] Edit: You can edit the selected message.

] Delete: Deletes the selected message from the

drafts folder.

] View information: You can view the information of

selected message: subject (only for multimedia

message), the date and time when saved, message

type and size and the priority (only for multimedia




Info message Menu-5-9

Templates Menu-5-0

Info service messages are text messages sent by the

After creating some templates (text, multimedia,

network to mobile phone users. They provide general

signature), you can use them by just selecting them

information such as weather reports, traffic news,

when you send messages.

taxis, pharmacies, and stock prices. Each type of

information is associated with a number, which can be

Text templates


obtained from the network operator. When you

The followings are pre-defined text templates.

receive an info service message, a popup message

will indicate a new message receipt or the info

Please call me back.

service message will be displayed directly.

I’m late. I will be there at...

The following options are available when viewing info

Where are you now?

service messages.

I’m on the way.



Top urgent. Please contact.

When you have received broadcast messages and

I love you.

select Read to view the message, it will be displayed

on the screen.

The following options are available.



] View: Select this to view the selected template.

] Edit: Use this to edit the selected template.

To create new topics, press the left soft key [Option]

then select Add new. If you already have topics, you

can deactivate, edit, or delete them by using the left

soft key [Options].



] Write messages

] Write messages: You can write a multimedia

message with the multimedia template.

- Write text message: Use this to send the selected

template message by SMS.

] Delete: Deletes the selected template message

from the multimedia template list.

- Write multimedia message: Use this to send the

selected template message by MMS.

] Delete all: Clears the multimedia template list.

] Add new: Use this to create a new template.



] Delete: Deletes the selected template from the text

1. Press the left soft key [Edit].

template list.

2. After keying in the name, press the left soft key [OK].

] Delete all: Deletes all templates.

3. Key in the mobile phone number, home number,

Multimedia templates


office number, fax number, and E-mail address.

You can create a multimedia template after pressing

4. Press the left soft key [Save].

the left soft key [Add new]. And the multimedia

After creating the signature template, you can access

templates you saved as a template while creating a

the following menus by pressing the left soft key

multimedia message in the Write multimedia message


(See page 49).

] Edit: Use this to edit the signature.

] View: You can view the multimedia template.

] Write messages: You can send your business card

] Edit: You can edit the multimedia template.

via SMS, MMS or Bluetooth.

] Add new: Allows you to add a new multimedia

] Receive: You can receive other business cards via





] Exchange: You can exchange your business card

] Reply via same service centre: Allows the recipient

and others' business cards ia Bluetooth.

of your SMS message to send you a reply via your

message centre, if the service is provided by the

] Delete: Use this to delete the signature.


Settings Menu-5-

] SMS centre: Saves or changes the number of your

SMS centre when sending text messages. You must

Text message

Menu-5- -1

obtain this number from your service provider.

This menu lets you set up default SMS information.

Multimedia message

Menu-5- -2

] Message types: Set the default message type (Text,

Voice, Fax, Natl. paging, X.400, E-mail, ERMES). The

Via this menu, you can set up the default multimedia

network can convert the messages into the

message information.

selected format.

The following options are available.

] Validity period: Set the length of time for which

] Priority: Set the priority for the multimedia

your text messages will be saved at the SMS

messages you will send.

center while attempts are made to deliver them to

the recipient. Possible values are 1 hour, 12 hours, 1

] Validity period: Set the length of time for which

day, 1 week and the maximum authorised by your

your multimedia messages will be saved in the

network operator.

network server while attempts are made to deliver

them to the recipient. Possible values are 1 hour, 12

] Delivery report: Select whether to activate or

hours, 1 day, 1 week and the maximum authorised

deactivate the report function. When this function

by your network operator.

is activated, the network informs you whether or

not your message has been delivered.



] Delivery report: Select whether to activate or


Menu-5- -3

deactivate the report function. When this function

This menu allows you to edit, delete or add an email

is activated, the network informs you whether or


not your message has been delivered.

] Account

] Auto download:

You can set up to 3 email accounts by selecting

- On: If you select this, messages are downloaded

Add new.

automatically on receipt.

Using the Edit menu, you can set the following

- Off: Requires you to confirm you want to download


the message.

1. User Name: Key in your user name.

- Home network only: If you select this, messages

2. E-mail Address (mandatory): Enter the e-mail

are downloaded automatically on receipt in your

address given to you by your service provider.

home network area. And outside your home

n Note To enter "@", press and select "@" using

service area, it requires you to confirm you to

the navigation keys.

download the message.

3. Incoming server (mandatory): Enter the POP3

] Network settings: If you select the multimedia

address and Port number of the computer that

message server, you can set the URL for multimedia

receives your email.

message server.

4. Incoming ID/PWD: Enter the ID and password for

] Permitted types: Set the permitted type. Possible

connecting to your inbox.

values are Personal, Advertisements and




5. Outgoing server (mandatory): Enter the SMTP

Voice mail centre

Menu-5- -4

address and Port number of the computer that

sends your email.

You can receive the voicemail if your network service

provider supports this feature. When a new voicemail

6. Outgoing ID/PWD: Enter the ID and password for

is arrived, the symbol will be displayed on the screen.

connecting to your outbox.

Please check with your network service provider for

7. Access point (mandatory): Select the Access

details of their service in order to configure the phone

point from the list.


n Note An access point is the point where your phone

] Home: You can listen to voice mails by selecting

connects to the mobile Internet by way of a


data call or packet data connection. It can be

provided by the service provider. Contact your

] Roaming: Even when you are in abroad, you can

service provider for more information.

listen to voice mails if roaming service is supported.

8. Options: You can set the following options.

- Leave msgs on server: Select Yes to leave the

messages on the server.

- Insert signature: Select Yes to attach your

signature to your email messages.

] Access Point

You can edit the access points.



Info message

Menu-5- -5

Push messages

Menu-5- -6

] Receive

You can set the option whether you will receive the

message or not.

Yes: If you select this menu, your phone will

receive Info service messages.

No: If you select this menu, your phone will not

receive Info service messages any more.

] Alert

Yes: Your phone will beep when you have received

Info service message numbers.

No: Your phone will not beep even though you have

received info service messages.

] Languages

You can select the language you want by pressing

[On/Off]. Then, the info service message will be

shown in the language that you selected.