Packard Bell EN TM80: Reference Topics (Elements, Descriptions)
Reference Topics (Elements, Descriptions): Packard Bell EN TM80

Reference Topics (Elements, Descriptions)
About Secure Perfect
Help Menu
Selection of this option opens a screen displaying the Secure Perfect software version, service pack
number, copyright information, licensing information, and contact information.
A sample window for a Secure Perfect system might display as follows:
Access Right
Personnel Menu
The Access Right option displays the Access Right Form that allows you to assign when (using a time
schedule or allowing access at all times) and where (using readers) access is given, that is then assigned
to a person.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 87

Access Rights Assignment
Select from the Available list those access rights you want to assign to this person. The access rights
that display in this list are those that were previously set up on the Access Rights Form. Only access
rights in the operators’ facilities are available for assignment by this operator.
• Select, then click the right arrow to assign an available access right.
• Select, then click the left arrow to unassign an access right.
Access Rights Tab
Access Right Form
Use this tab to create and define access right records.
• Assigned readers: This windowpane lists all readers currently assigned to this access right.
• Assign Readers: Click to display the Reader Assignment dialog box and select from a list of
readers available for assignment by this operator. If no readers are listed, check that the
readers have been marked Active on the Readers tab of the Reader Form.
Access control:
• Allow access at all times: Select this option to allow access all the time, in all modes.
• Allow access by schedule: Select this option to assign a time schedule to this access right.
The time schedule governs when the access right grants access to the assigned readers.
• Time schedule: If you selected Allow access by schedule, this field is now available to select
a time schedule from the drop-down list of previously created time schedules.
If you do not have valid access to a reader that belongs to an Intrusion Zone due to a schedule in that
access right, you will not be able to arm/disarm a zone.
Access Rights Tab
Person Form
Use this tab to assign access rights to this person.
Assigned access rights
This windowpane lists any currently assigned access rights.
Click to display the Access Rights Assignment dialog box, enabling you to select the access rights you
want to assign or unassign for this badgeholder.
Activity Monitor
Operations Menu
The Activity Monitor option opens the Activity Monitor Form that allows you to monitor badge and
intrusion zone transactions. The shortcut key combination for Activity Monitor Form is CTRL+A.
Clicking this icon from the Secure Perfect toolbar can also access this option:
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 88

Activity Monitor Form Shortcut Menu
Options of the shortcut menu are as follows:
Resume: Starts the scrolling of badge transactions. This option will be active only if you previously
selected Pause. All badge transactions that occurred while the Pause option was on will be displayed
once you select Resume.
Pause: Suspends scrolling of badge transactions on the Activity Monitor.
Clear: Clears all badge transactions from the Activity Monitor.
Swipe and Show Readers: Select to display an Edit Readers List assignment form. Select those
readers you want monitored in the Swipe and Show window. If readers have not been selected, the
Swipe and Show program will not start.
Launch Swipe and Show: Starts the Swipe and Show program. Only one instance of Swipe and Show
is available for display on a computer at one time. If Imaging is not licensed for the system, this option is
not available.
Badge: Displays the Badge Form, making available the selected badge record.
View Live Video: Accesses live video from the camera(s) associated with the reader’s badge transaction
as defined by its event trigger. In order to view live video, the DVR must be online (if it is a duplex
recorder, the recorder must also be in record mode). The following windows open:
• The Digital Video Viewer. (Refer to Digital Video Viewer Help for information about the Digital
Video Viewer.)
• Video window(s) displaying the current live view of the camera(s) associated with the badge
transaction. Each window displays a dialog box containing the current date and time.
View Recorded Video: Accesses previously recorded video from the camera(s) associated with the
reader’s badge transaction as defined by its event trigger. In order to view recorded video, the DVR must
be online and available. The DVR cannot be serving another request for playback of any recorded video
event. The following windows open:
• The Digital Video Viewer. (Refer to Digital Video Viewer Help for information about the Digital
Video Viewer.)
• Video window(s) displaying the recorded video associated with the badge transaction. Each
window displays a dialog box containing the current date and time.
View Single Recorded Frame: Select to display the first frame of the event recording as a still photo.
Quick Launch: Accesses live and recorded video from camera(s) associated with the reader’s badge
transaction as defined by its event trigger.
A message dialog will display if video is not available because associated cameras are not assigned
to the current active facility.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 89

Activity Monitor Form Toolbar
Reference Topic:
Activity Monitor Form Shortcut Menu
The Activity Monitor Form toolbar consists of the following options:
Click To
Resume or restart the scrolling of badge transactions.
Pause or suspend the scrolling of badge transactions.
Clear all badge transactions.
Display an Edit Readers List dialog.
Start the Swipe and Show program. This option will not
be available if the system is not licensed for Imaging or
readers have not been selected.
Add Map
An Add Map dialog box displays when you click Add Record on the Secure Perfect toolbar while the
Alarm Graphics Editor window is displayed, allowing you to navigate to a file source for an existing map.
Enter a description of the type of map. Example: Overview of Main Building.
A facility option can be assigned from the drop-down list of available facilities for assignment by this
Enter the full pathname of the file or click Browse to navigate, locate, and select the file. Secure Perfect
supports map files in the Windows MetaFile format (.wmf or .emf).
Add New Icon to Database
Alarm Graphics Viewer Form
Click to import your own icon files to the list of available icons used in the previous three fields to
represent a specific alarm state. Icon files must be .ico format.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 90

Adding Sound to an Alarm
If you would like to hear a sound from the Secure Perfect computer when an alarm occurs, follow the
steps below:
You MUST have a sound card in your computer!
1. Click Start, Settings, then Control Panel.
2. From the Control Panel window, double-click the Sounds and Multimedia icon.
3. In Sound Events, scroll to Secure Perfect.
4. Select the alarm to which you want to assign sound; then select the sound you want for that alarm.
5. Click OK to save the change and exit the window or Apply to save that change and add more sounds.
6. Start SP; select Administration, then Parameters.
7. On the Settings tab of the Parameters Form, verify that the Console alarm sound field is set for the
results you anticipate (either Continuous or Short).
Additional Filters Tab
Person Report
This tab displays ONLY if you have selected User Data in the field Report Type on the General Tab of the
Person Report. Use this tab to add user fields as an additional filter for the report.
• User Fields: This window lists all the user fields, the user field value you want to use as a
filter, and whether the user field should print. (You can print the user field on the report by
selecting the field Print selected user field or deselect this field so the user field will not print.)
• Modify Value: To change the value of a user field, select the user field you want and enter a
new value in this field.
• User fields printed on report: If this field is enabled, then the currently selected user field will
print on the report.
• Clear All/Set All: Click Clear All so that none of the User Fields are set to print. Click Set All
to set all of the User Fields to print.
• Print selected user field: Enable this field to set the selected User Field to print or disable this
field so that the selected User Field does not print.
Additional Filters Tab - Badge History Report Form
Use this tab to select additional, specific criteria by which this report will be generated.
• Micro: Select the micro you want to use to generate report information. If you want to use all
micros, select <ALL>.
• Reader: Select the reader you want to use to generate report information. If you want to use
all readers, select <ALL>.
• Department: Select the department you want to use to generate report information. If you
want to use all departments, select <ALL>.
• Activity: Select the badge activity you want to use to filter report information, such as Duress
Invalid, Duress Valid, Duress Valid No Passage, Duress Valid Open, Guard Tour Activity,
Invalid, Invalid APB In, Invalid APB Out, Invalid Floor, Invalid PIN, Invalid T&A In, Invalid T&A
Out, Invalid Timed APB, Lost, Max Invalid PIN, Overdue, Override, Unknown, Valid, Valid No
Passage, and Valid Open. If you want to use all activities, select <ALL>.
• Logical Reader Type: Select the logical reader type that you want to use to limit the report,
such as APB In, APB In or Out, APB Out, Elevator, In Required, Normal, T&A In, T&A In and
Out, T&A In or Out, or T&A Out. If you want to use all the logical reader types, select <ALL>.
• Floor Description: Select the range of floor descriptions you want to display on the report. If
you want to list all floor descriptions, leave these fields blank.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 91

Additional Filters Tab - Zone History Report
Use this tab to select additional, specific source criteria by which this report will be generated.
• Activity Type: Select the type of activity to use in generating this report. If you want to use all
intrusions zone activity type messages, select <ALL>.
• Locaton : Select the source of the zone activity as a Badge, Digital Input, Manual, Micro, or
• Device Description: Enter the range of device descriptions on which you want to report.
Leave blank for all descriptions.
• Micro Description: Enter the range of micro descriptions you want to use to generate report
information. If you want to use all micros, select <ALL>.
Address Fields Tab
Parameters Form
Use this tab to modify the labels of the address fields. These labels are used on the Person Form.
Address 1/Address 2/Address 3/Address 4/Address 5
Displays the current label. To edit or create a new label, select and enter text over the existing text. The
address field label can be up to 32 alphanumeric characters in length.
Click Save before you exit this form.
Reports Menu
The Administration option opens the Administration Report Form that allows you to create a report on
the administrative aspects of your Secure Perfect system, such as alarm instructions, events, host
parameters, operators, permissions, responses, schedules, archives, client, and floors.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 92

Administration Menu Selections
The following selections display in the Administration drop-down menu:
API Connections
Event Schedule
Time Schedule
Mode Schedule
Alarm Notifier
Client Group
Alarm Routing and Bumping
Badge Format
Auto Update
Diagnostic Setting
Diagnostic Viewer
CCTV Alarm
Camera Preset
Event Trigger
Intrusion Zone
Guard Tour
Tour Point
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 93

Device Menu
The Alarm option displays the Alarm Form that allows you to modify records that are automatically
generated when you define a micro. It also displays alarms created from Digital Inputs.
Alarm Assignment
This window displays a list of alarms in the Secure Perfect system for the facilities available for
assignment by this operator. All alarms display. If this is a Global Edition system, alarms are not filtered
by Region.
• Select, then click the right arrow to assign an available alarm.
• Select, then click the left arrow to unassign an alarm.
Click OK to display results in the Assigned Alarms windowpane.
Alarm Bumping Client Group Assignment Dialog Box
This dialog box allows you to select and assign Client Groups for this bumping record. Only Client
Groups in the operator’s facilities are available for assignment by this operator.
• Select, and then click the right arrow to assign an available Client Group.
• Select, and then click the left arrow to unassign a Client Group.
Click OK to close this dialog box and display the results in the Bumping, Client Groups windowpane.
Alarm/Digital Input Tab
Manual Control
Manually monitor alarms and DIs (digital Input points) depending on the current operator’s facilities and
There may be schedules in effect that will override manually controlled changes if schedule override
is selected; otherwise, the manual control selection is truly indefinitely.
Select type
Select one of the alarm/DI types from the drop-down list:
• Alarms
• Alarm Groups
• Digital Input
Nothing will display in the list box until you choose a micro option.
Select micro
Select a micro option.
• All displays all the selected type of devices in the current operator’s facilities for all micros.
• By Micro displays all the selected type of devices in the current operator’s facilities for a specific micro.
Columns in Windowpane
• Description: Description of the Alarm/DI in the database.
• Micro: Micro on which the Alarm/DI is located.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 94

Set state to:
The names of the buttons change depending on the DI type (Alarm or Other) selected.
If an Alarm or Alarm Group is selected, click . . .
• Monitor On: To monitor the selected alarms or alarm groups. Setting Monitor On will display the
alarms on the Alarm Monitor Form.
• Monitor Off: To immediately discontinue monitoring the selected alarms or alarm groups. Setting
Monitor Off will not display alarms on the Alarm Monitor Form.
• Indefinite: To make the change permanent. This selection does not allow it to be overridden by a
schedule (can be monitor ON or OFF).
• Sched. Override: To change the state of the monitoring by a schedule override. For example, use
Sched. Override to monitor an alarm until a schedule overrides it. If you don’t want the schedule to
stop the monitoring, click Indefinite.
If a DI is selected, click . . .
• Enable: To enable the selected DI on the micro so a state change will be reported.
• Disable: To immediately disable the selected DI on the micro so its state changes will not be reported
to the host or trip a Digital Output.
• Indefinite: To Enable or Disable permanently.
• Sched. Override: Use this option to change operation state of a DI if you want a schedule to override
its setting. For example, use Sched. Override to control operation of the DI until a schedule takes
over. If you don’t want a schedule to control activation of a DI, use the On Indefinite selection.
Enter an explanation for monitoring an alarm or enabling/disabling DI points. This field accepts 255
alphanumeric characters. These comments are written to the operator history field and display on the
Operator History Report, Purpose Field.
Alarm Graphics Editor
Operations Menu
The Alarm Graphics Editor option opens the Alarm Graphics Editor that allows you to add icons on
graphical map views to point out the location and type of incoming alarms. You cannot create a map
using SP; create it using the program of your choice and save it in .WMF or .EMF format.
Alarm Graphics Viewer
Operations Menu
The Alarm Graphics Viewer option opens the Alarm Graphics Viewer that allows you to view the maps
of your facility that were created. These maps point out the location and type of incoming alarms. The
shortcut key combination for Alarm Graphics Viewer is CTRL+V.
Clicking this icon from the Secure Perfect toolbar can also access this option:
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 95

Alarm Graphics Viewer Shortcut Menu
Operator permissions for the Alarm Graphics Viewer must be assigned to ‘Update’ in order to view
and select right-click menu options. Points, alarms, DIs, and DOs do not display if not in the operator’s
facility. For shortcut menu functionality, move your mouse pointer to an assigned point and click the right
mouse button. The shortcut menu that displays with a right-click mouse button depends on the Point
Type assigned.
Element Description
• Alarm Monitor Form
Displays the Alarm Monitor form. This is the right-click menu
option when mouse pointer is not on an assigned map point.
Alarm Point Right-Click
Menu Options:
• Alarm Monitor Form
Displays the Alarm Monitor form.
• Monitor On Indefinite
Activates the assigned alarm. The alarm will remain active
until you manually turn it off.
• Monitor Off Indefinite
Immediately deactivates the alarm.
• Monitor On Schedule Override
Immediately activates this alarm and the schedule overrides
any active setting.
• Monitor Off Schedule Override
Immediately deactivates this alarm and the schedule overrides
any active setting.
Digit Input Point Right-Click
Menu Options:
• Enable On Indefinite
Enables this DI and will remain enabled until you change the
state manually.
• Enable Off Indefinite
Disables this DI and this DI will remain Off until you change
the state manually.
• Enable On Schedule Override
Immediately activates this digital input and a schedule can
override any active setting for this digital input.
• Enable Off Schedule Override
Immediately deactivates the digital input and a schedule can
override any active setting for this digital input.
Digit Output Point Right-Click
Menu Options:
• Unlock Reader/On for Duration
Immediately unlocks the reader or turns on the DO and
remains unlocked for the specified ‘On Time.’
• Unlock Reader Indefinitely/On
Immediately unlocks the reader or turns on the DO associated
with this reader and remains unlocked indefinately.
• Lock Reader/Off
Immediately locks the reader or turns off the DO associated
with this reader.
• Unlock Reader Schedule Override
Immediately unlocks the reader or turns on the DO associated
with this reader and the schedule overrides any active setting.
Alarm Group
Device Menu
The Alarm Group option opens the Alarm Group Form that allows you to assign alarms into groups or
sets for scheduling purposes. Example: To apply a schedule to a series of alarms, apply the schedule to
a group that contains the specific alarms.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 96

Alarm History
Reports Menu
The Alarm History option opens the Alarm History Report Form that allows you to create a report based
on the history of alarm activity.
Alarm Instruction Assignment
This window displays when you click Edit, allowing you to modify the list of alarm instructions assigned to
this alarm. Only alarm instructions in the operators’ facilities are available for assignment by this operator.
Select, and then click the right arrow to assign an available instruction. A maximum of six alarm
instructions can be assigned.
Select, and then click the left arrow to unassign an instruction.
Click OK to display results in the Instruction windowpane of the Alarm Form.
Alarm Instruction Tab
Use this tab to create instructions on how to react to alarms. The instructions should belong to the same
facility as the alarm with which they will be associated.
• Number: Assign a number to the instruction records. The range for alarm instructions is 0 to
254 for a total of 255 instructions.
• Instructions: Enter the text you want to display when the associated alarm occurs. The
instruction can be 0 to 64 alphanumeric characters in length.
Alarm Monitor
Operations Menu
The Alarm Monitor option opens the Alarm Monitor Form that allows you to monitor alarm activity. The
shortcut key combination for Alarm Monitor Form is CTRL+M.
Clicking this icon from the Secure Perfect toolbar can also access this option:
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 97

Alarm Monitor Form Shortcut Menu
Reference Topic:
Alarm Monitor Form Toolbar
Select To
Show Inactive
Display alarms in an inactive state and removed from view. These
alarms were previously acknowledged or purged from the Alarm
Monitor. This is a toggle election and is a way to display previous
alarm activity without running a report.
Opens the Alarm Form, allowing you to modify or view that
particular alarm record.
Alarm Graphics
Opens the Alarm Graphics Viewer Form, allowing you to view the
alarm graphics map to which the alarm belongs.
Alarm Graphics
Opens the Alarm Graphics Editor Form, allowing you to create or
edit a graphical view of alarm states for the alarms you select.
View Live Video
(If a camera icon is not displayed to the left of the alarm description,
this option is not available.) If an alarm transaction is displayed with
a camera icon to the left of the alarm description, right-click to view
live video from the camera(s) associated with the alarm’s
transaction as defined by its event trigger. Refer to Video Windows
- An Overview topic in this Help system for window management
In order to view live video, the DVR must be online (if it is a
duplex recorder, the recorder must also be in record mode).
The following windows open: 1) Digital Video Viewer. Refer to
Digital Video Viewer Help for information about the Digital Video
Viewer. 2) Video window(s) displaying the current live view of the
camera(s) associated with the alarm transaction. Each window
displays a dialog box containing the current date and time.
View Recorded
(If a camera icon is not displayed to the left of the alarm description,
this option is not available.) If an alarm transaction is displayed with
a camera icon to the left of the alarm description, select to view live
video from the camera(s) associated with the alarm’s transaction as
defined by its event trigger. Refer to Video Windows - An Overview
for window management information.
In order to view recorded video, the DVR must be online and
available, and not serving another request for playback of recorded
video based on this event.
The following windows open: 1) Digital Video Viewer window. Refer
to Digital Video Viewer Help for information about the Digital Video
Viewer. 2) Video window(s) displaying the current live view of the
camera(s) associated with the alarm transaction. Each window
displays a dialog box containing the current date and time.
View Single
Select to display the first frame of the event recording as a still
Recorded Frame
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 98

Quick Launch
Select to automatically access live and recorded video from the
camera(s) associated with the alarm’s transaction as defined by its
event trigger. Refer to Video Windows - An Overview for window
management information.
In order to view live and recorded video, the DVR must be
online and available, and not serving another request for playback
of recorded video based on this event.
The following windows open: 1) Digital Video Viewer; 2) Video
window(s) displaying the current live view of the camera(s)
associated with the alarm transaction. Each window displays a
dialog box containing the current date and time. For additional
information, click Help on the Digital Video Viewer window.
Alarm Monitor Form Toolbar
Reference Topic:
Alarm Monitor Form Shortcut Menu
Click To
Remove all alarms from the Alarm Monitor.
Remove an individual alarm from the Alarm
Alarm Notifier
Administration Menu
The Alarm Notifier option opens the Alarm Notifier form, allowing you to accomplish the following:
• Assign the alarms/resets that will trigger an e-mail message.
• Assign people who will receive e-mail notification of the alarm condition.
• Format the e-mail message.
Alarm Response Tab
Reference Topic:
Alarm Monitoring Using the Alarm Monitor Form
Alarm Response Form
Use this tab to enter a predefined alarm response. This multi-line dialog box accepts 64 alphanumeric
characters. The responses you create and save will display as selections on the Alarm Monitor Form.
Alarm Routing and Bumping
Administration Menu Item
The Alarm Routing and Bumping option opens the Alarm Routing and Bumping form, allowing you to
do the following:
• Route alarms to one or more Client Groups by time schedule or at all times.
• Bump alarms to one or more Client Groups following a time lapse of an unacknowledged or
unpurged alarm to the Client Groups selected for bumping.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 99

Alarm Routing Client Group Assignment Dialog Box
This dialog box allows you to select and assign Client Groups for this routing record. Only Client Groups
in the operator’s facilities are available for assignment by this operator.
• Select, and then click the right arrow to assign an available Client Group.
• Select, and then click the left arrow to unassign a Client Group.
Click OK to close this dialog box and display the results in the Routing, Client Groups windowpane.
Alarm Selection Tab
Alarm Notifier Form
The Alarm Selection tab allows you to assign alarms in this operators’ facility that will trigger an e-mail
Assigned Alarms:
This windowpane displays any previously assigned alarms.
Assign Alarms
Click Assign Alarms to display the Alarm Assignment dialog box that allows you to select specific alarms
that will trigger e-mail notifications. Click OK and the selected alarms will display in the Assigned Alarms
Transaction Type
Select one or both transaction types that will trigger an e-mail alarm notification.
• Alarm: E-mail notification is sent at onset of the alarm.
• Reset: E-mail notification is sent when an alarm is reset.
By default, no type is selected when you create a new Alarm Notifier record. A transaction type must be
selected in order to save this record.
Alarm Sense Time
This form allows you to add or edit the link between an event and an alarm sense time. The event
determines when and to what value the sense times for all alarms in the group are changed.
• Event: Select an event from the drop-down list. If there are no events listed, you will need to
configure events using the Event Schedule Form.
• New time: Select or enter a sense time. The value is in seconds and indicates the delay
before triggering an associated digital output or sending in a Secure Perfect alarm if the DI
type is Alarm. This number tells the system how many seconds to wait after sensing the input
has changed to Active State. Enter 00 to immediately send the transaction to the host,
notifying the host of a state change. Increase the Sense Time entry if using noisy or
chattering contacts.
Example: This value could indicate the delay time, in seconds, that elapses between the time a door
contact is broken and the time the output and alarms are triggered. If door contact is re-established
before the sense time elapses, the alarm would not come in to Secure Perfect and the output would not
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 100

Alarm Tab
Alarm Form
The Alarm Tab configures the alarm.
Group: Displays the alarm group to which this alarm was assigned. The default is alarm group 0. You
can change to any other alarm group available on that micro, displayed on the drop-down list.
Owner Type: This is a read-only field and displays the object to which the alarm belongs or refers.
• API: Alarm is bi-directional and owned by the external interface.
• Board: Alarm is owned by the microcontroller.
• CCTV Interface: Alarm is owned by an interface.
• Client: Alarm is owned by a Regional Database client.
• Digital Input: Alarm is owned by the digital input, such as a motion sensor. (The 11
DI on a
Micro/PX-2000 or M/PXN-2000 is owned by the micro; it is a low-battery alarm from the
• Failover: Alarm is owned by the host client.
• Guard Tour: Alarm is owned by a reader or digital input.
• Kalatel Camera: Alarm is owned by a Kalatel camera.
• Kalatel DVMR: Alarm is owned by a Kalatel DVR.
• Micro: Alarm is owned by a micro.
• Reader: Alarm is owned by a reader.
• Region Failover: Alarm is owned by the host Regional Database Server.
• Monitor (Alarm, Short, Cut, Reset): If selected, this alarm, when triggered, will display all
alarm conditions available to this alarm on the Alarm Monitor Form. You have the option to
schedule alarm monitoring on the Schedule Tab of this form. If this option is NOT selected
but a schedule is in place, the schedule will monitor alarms only for the time that monitoring
is on. (Although the option to monitor is displayed for the 11
DI on a Micro/PX-2000 (low-
battery alarm), an alarm is not generated for Cut and Short.)
An operator can see alarms on the Alarm Monitor Form only for facilities that are currently
active and assigned to the current operator.
The option to monitor an alarm must be selected on the Alarm Form in order for a specific
alarm to display on the Alarm Monitor Form.
Alarms do not display on the Alarm Monitor Form if the selection to monitor an alarm is
removed, even though Alarm Routing and Bumping may be configured.
• Always monitor (Short, Cut, Reset): If selected, this alarm will always display Cut, Short, and
Reset conditions of alarms on the Alarm Monitor Form. Select this option if a schedule
prevents monitoring an alarm/reset condition during certain periods of the day but you still
want Short, Cut, and Reset to be monitored and displayed. (Although the option to monitor is
displayed for the 11
DI on a Micro/PX-2000 (low-battery alarm), an alarm is not generated
for Cut and Short.)
• Micro dial host: If selected, an alarm occurring on a dial-up micro, or micros downstream
from a dial-up micro, will cause the micro to dial the host in order to report the alarm.
• Operator acknowledge: If selected, the operator must acknowledge the alarm on the Alarm
Monitor Form before the alarm can be cleared.
• Priority: Select a number from 0 to 9 by clicking on the up and down arrow buttons to the
right of the field. This number indicates the priority of this alarm and tells the system (host) in
which order it should alert the operator should multiple alarms occur at the same time. The
lower the number, the higher the priority; therefore, 0 has the highest priority and 9 the
Route alarms to history: If selected, alarm activity is written to the alarm history.
Print alarms: If selected, the alarm history transaction is printed on a selected system parallel/serial
printer when the alarm changes state between alarm and reset. Alarm transactions will print only if the
transaction is routed to the printer and the alarm transaction printer is selected. The selection of the alarm
transaction printer is done on the Client tab of the Client form.
If you modified this record, save before you exit the form.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 101

Alarms Tab - Alarm Routing and Bumping Form
Element Description
This windowpane displays the names of Alarms assigned to
this Routing and Bumping record.
Assign Alarms:
Click to display an Alarm Assignment dialog box that allows
you to assign Secure Perfect alarms to this Routing and
Bumping record.
Alarms Tab
Reference Topic:
Enable Alarm Video Pop-Up
Event Trigger Form
This tab allows you to select alarm(s) and alarm transaction type(s) that will become the source for this
Event Trigger.
Element Description
Select one or both options as types of alarm transactions
to trigger an event. The alarm must be set for monitoring.
Alarm: An event is triggered as a result of an alarm.
Reset: An event is triggered as a result of an alarm reset.
Tag Selection
Select one of the Tag Selection options:
None: No tag is sent to the DVR for marking recorded
video or manipulating record rate.
Tag only: A tag is sent to the DVR for marking recorded
video at the camera(s) current record rate.
Tag as event: A tag is sent to the DVR for marking
recorded video and for changing the camera(s) record rate
to its event record rate settings.
Assign Alarms
Click to display an Alarm Assignment window, enabling
you to select and assign/unassign an alarm record for this
Event Trigger record. You can also unassign an alarm for
an Event Trigger.
Auto Pop-up
Select this checkbox to enable an automatic live video
pop-up window when an alarm occurs associated with this
alarm trigger. Additionally, the Enable Alarm Video Popup
must be enabled on the Operations menu. If this operators’
Permission for Digital Video Viewer is not made available,
this option will not activate even though selected here.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 102

Set the antipassback status to neutral for all badges in this micro.
Clicking this icon from the Micro Utility Form toolbar will access this option:
Antipassback Definitions
Antipassback (APB) is an access control feature designed and configured to reduce the chance of users
‘passing back’ their credential to another person attempting to gain access. When readers are designated
as entry (IN) or exit (OUT), the system is able to record whether a user in inside or outside at any time by
noting the last place their credential was used. If the last time it was used was at an IN reader, then the
system knows that they are inside. If the last time it was used was at an OUT reader, then the system
knows that they are outside.
• Active APB does not let a person re-enter unless they first exit. The user is unable to ‘pass back’ their
credential to allow a friend to gain entry.
• Passive APB records the status but does not enforce the status. The system knows where a person is
but does not stop them from entering twice. This type of system is often applied with time and
• Tailgating refers to a user following another user through a door without presenting a credential. They
follow closely enough so they can get through the door or gate before it closes. Only the first user is
recorded as IN or OUT.
• Timed APB refers to a system where users are ‘forgiven’ after a certain length of time, configured in
minutes. After the configured time is expired, the user status is set to ‘neutral’ and the system allows
them to re-enter. This eliminates the need for an OUT reader and prevents a badge holder from re-
entering for that time period.
• Global APB tracks the user throughout the entire Secure Perfect network and across all micros. No
matter where a user is, their APB status is recorded.
• Regional APB (Secure Perfect Global Edition Systems) tracks the user within a Region. The user is
active in that Region only and inactive in all other Regions.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 103

APB Region Configuration Tab - Region Form
Use this tab to identify APB IN and APB OUT readers, and configure the APB behavior across Regions.
APB Entering Region: This listbox displays those readers that have been selected as APB IN readers
for the selected Region.
Assign: Click to assign APB IN readers to this region. Only readers previously configured as APB IN
readers are displayed for selection.
APB Exiting Region: This listbox displays those readers that have been selected as APB OUT readers
for the selected Region.
Assign: Click to assign APB OUT readers for this region. Only readers previously configured as APB
OUT readers are displayed for selection.
It may not be required or significant for the micros in a Region to report status to another Region. Select
from one of the following notification options:
1. Retain APB Status Across Regions: This is the default of three status options. If selected, the APB
status is recognized across all Regions in the Secure Perfect Global system. A badge can be
presented at an APB IN reader in one Region and at an APB OUT reader in a second Region. (Enable
Global APB must be selected on the Parameter Form.)
2. Invalidate Badge Across Regions: If selected, this option disables the badge in all other regions
when a person enters the selected Region by presenting the badge at an APB IN reader. The Activity
Monitor displays ‘Invalid APB IN’ or ‘Invalid APB OUT’ if you attempt to enter in or out of any other
Region. When a person exits the selected Region and the badge is presented at an APB OUT reader,
the badge becomes enabled in all other Regions. (Enable Global APB must be selected on the
Parameter Form.)
Example: Employees badging IN at a Miami office are tracked and not allowed to badge IN to another
location until they have presented their badge at an APB OUT reader in Miami.
3. Ignore APB Status Across Regions: If selected, the APB status is local to the selected Region and
status is retained within the Region. Regions are independent of each other and the status is not
recognzed by another Region.
API Connections
Reference Topic:
About Secure Perfect
Administration Menu
This option opens the API Connections form that allows you to define an interface license for external
application integration by assigning a description of the API (Application Program Interface), and then
assigning an application login, password, and host computer.
This option is unavailable if you are not licensed for an API connection.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 104

Appending Archive Databases
If you have a backup of a SecurePerfectArchive 3.x or later database, the data can be restored
using the SP Maintenance Utility. Backup and Restore functions are detailed in the Secure Perfect
Installation Guide.
The SP Maintenance Utility will also append badge history, alarm history, operator history, and where
appropriate, Digital Input history, Zone history, and DVR history data to the current
SecurePerfectArchive database. Current SecurePerfectArchive data will not be affected.
In order to use the Append utility, you must meet the following criteria:
• Backup SecurePerfectArchive files must be restored to a local or mapped network
directory folder.
• Free disk space that equals at least three times the size of your database backup file.
• The ‘sa’ password.
• Sufficient time and patience to complete the procedure.
To append data:
1. Open the SP Maintenance Utility and select Append from the menu bar.
2. Navigate to the Drive on the local computer where the backup file is located.
3. Select the Folder in which the backup file is located.
4. Select SecurePerfectArchive from the Backup Source File list.
5. Drag and drop the backup SecurePerfectArchive file to the Secure Perfect Archive Databases
Only: dialog box.
6. Enter the ‘sa’ password.
7. Click Append.
8. The Append process can take a considerable amount of time, depending on the size of the backup.
During the Append process, the application looks like it is not responding. This is normal.
9. When you have finished using the data, we recommend that you delete the appended data using
the Secure Perfect Parameter Form, Clear Archive tab. This will keep the current
SecurePerfectArchive file from becoming too large in size.
Reference Topic:
Backing Up Data
An archive is a history of transactions. The archive is created automatically by Secure Perfect, based on
the time interval that you selected on the Parameters Form (Daily, Weekly, or Monthly). When you select
Weekly, you must also select a day of the week.)
If you select:
• Daily: The archive is appended every day beginning at 11:59:58 P.M.
• Weekly: The archive is appended every week on the day that you select, beginning at
11:59:58 P.M. (You must select a day of the week.) Any change in the scheduling occurs
immediately. For example, if archiving is taking place on Tuesdays and the schedule is
revised to archive on Wednesday, the archiving will occur one day later, on Wednesday.
• Monthly: The archive is appended on the last day of the month beginning at 11:59:58 P.M.
The Secure Perfect services do NOT have to be running. Archiving will occur as long as SQL Server
Agent services are running. Archiving process takes place independently of Secure Perfect. As long as
the SQL Server Agent services are running, the archive process will occur.
Determine the status of the SQL Server Agent service by navigating to Settings, Control Panel, then
Component Services through Windows Explorer. Check the Status of SQLAgent$SPSQL.
Archiving is performed on the database Server computer only.
Archiving creates a copy of the latest history transactions and then removes all the data from the history
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 105

database. The data will be appended to the archive database until you decide the archive database has
grown too large.
The factors in determining whether the archive database is too large can be:
• The size of your hard drive.
• The performance you receive when running history reports.
• The length of time you need to keep data.
• Other factors specifically related to your installation.
To remove data from the archive database:
1. BACK UP YOUR SECURE PERFECT ARCHIVE DATABASE! You will have to back up the Secure
Perfect Archive database using utilities provided by SQL Server 2000 or by using the Secure
Perfect Maintenance Utility. After you perform the backup, label and store the media in a safe
If you do not back up the SecurePerfectArchive, you will lose all the data stored in it.
2. Select the Administration menu, then Parameters.The Parameter Form opens with the Settings
tab displayed.
3. Select the Clear Archive tab. The Earliest Date in Archive DB and Latest Date in Archive DB
fields will indicate dates once you have clicked the Show Date button. If you do not have any
records in your archive database, the two date fields will state No Record.
4. Choose the Start Date of the data that you want to remove from your archive database by
selecting the month, then the day to begin your archive.
5. Choose the End Date of the data that you want to remove from your archive database by selecting
the month, then the day to end your archive.
6. Click Delete.
7. Click OK.
The deletion of an archive database is taking place in the background. Progress is indicated on
the status bar in the lower right side of the screen. The process may take hours to complete. The
length of time is dependent on the size of the archive database and the hardware components of
your computer.
8. Upon completion, a message displays: The records from the Archive database has been
successfully deleted! Click OK.
Arm/Disarm an Intrusion Zone
Arm/Disarm an Intrusion Zone Using Access Rights
Any card and keypad reader or keypad within a defined zone can be used to arm and disarm the zone
with a valid access right for the reader and an Intrusion Zone assigned.
Click the Show me icon to view a step-by-step animated demo.
Arm = * 1 # followed by a valid card read.
• If all alarm points are reset (not in an active state of alarm) and all doors closed, then all
readers are placed offline (doors locked) and alarm points are monitored on. The
corresponding Digital Output is fired as selected on the Intrusion Zone Form.
• When the zone is successfully armed, all readers in the zone provide visual indication that
the zone is armed.
We recommend using CASI brand readers, configured to display the PIN light ON or
flashing, depending on the selected reader model. A Zone armed transaction is generated
and displays on the Activity Monitor Form.
• When a zone is not successfully armed due to an invalid zone configuration on the Access
Right Form, an Arm/Disarm Failed, Invalid Access Right transaction is generated.
• If any alarm points are set (in an active state of alarm) or a door is open, the zone does not
become armed. An Arm/disarm Failed Zone not secure transaction is generated and
displayed on the Activity Monitor Form.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 106

Disarm = * 0 # followed by a valid card read.
• All alarm points in the zone are monitored off and readers in the zone are placed online for
normal operation.
We recommend using CASI brand readers, configured to display the PIN light switching
from ON or flashing to OFF, depending on the selected reader model. A Zone disarmed
transaction is generated and displays on the Activity Monitor Form.
• When a zone is not successfully disarmed due to an invalid badge, an Arm/disarm Failed,
Invalid Access Right transaction is generated.
• When a zone is disarmed, all normal access control rules apply for gaining access.
Arm/Disarm an Intrusion Zone Using Arm/Disarm Intrusion DI
All of the same rules apply as if arming or disarming using an access right.
• When the zone is successfully armed, all readers in the zone should provide visual indication
that the zone is armed and a Zone Armed transaction is generated on the Activity Monitor
• When a zone is not successfully armed, an Arm/disarm Failed transaction is generated.
• When a zone is disarmed, all normal access control rules apply for gaining access and a
Zone Disarmed transaction is generated.
Arrange Icons
Windows Menu
This option allows you to control multiple windows or forms. If you have several forms in progress, you
can temporarily minimize a form from view. Select this option to arrange the minimized form icons across
the bottom of your Secure Perfect display screen.
Assign Micro Phone Numbers Dialog Box
This dialog box allows you to select a micro from the Dial-Up Micro drop-down list and assign telephone
numbers used by this micro to reach the selected backup client.
• Click to display a list of only Dial-Up and Network + Dial-Up micros for the client record
• When you select a micro from the drop-down list, the Phone numbers to reach backup client
xxxxxx fields become available for entry (where xxxxxx = name of selected client in the
Backup Clients list box ).
• When you enter a number in the first field, the Save button becomes available.
• All Number fields must contain a telephone number of up to 20 digits. If there is only one
telephone number for this micro to reach the backup client, repeat this number in all four
fields. (If you click Save after completing the first Number field, the system will automatically
complete all Number fields with a duplicate number.)
• Click Save to save the list of telephone numbers. The micro will dial the number in Number 1:
and then try the others in numerical order until connection it made.
• Click Close to exit the dialog box.
• Repeat the process for each micro in the Dial-up Micro drop-down list.
• Click Save to save this client record.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 107

Auto Shutdown of Client Services
Services will automatically shut down when a client closes the Secure Perfect application and meets ALL
of the following criteria:
1. Does not host any micros or DVRs.
2. Does not have any API connections.
3. Is not a Thin Client.
4. Is not a backup client or have any backup clients of its own.
5. Is not a CCTV client.
6. Is not hosting a Guard Tour.
7. Client form Enable Auto Shutdown is selected.
The shutting down of a particular client computer designates that license capacity unused. Now, that
license is available for another computer that can now be designated a Secure Perfect client.
Auto Update
Administration Menu
The Auto Update option opens the SP Auto Update Configuration Form that allows you to configure your
Secure Perfect network computer for automatic notification and installation of the latest Quick Fixes and
Service Packs.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 108

Backing Up Data
Reference Topics:
Appending Archive Databases
Restoring Secure Perfect Databases
A backup is a copy of selected data. Since Secure Perfect does not contain a backup option, you can use
any method you like to back up the data. Because the Server computer contains the database, there is
no need to back up your Secure Perfect folder on your client computers.
You should keep two sets of backups, of the following Server computer files:
Secure Perfect Data: The data includes the following:
• Database: Contains configuration data such as badges and micros.
• History: Contains current history including badge transactions and operator history.
• Archive: Contains the latest copy of Secure Perfect history data.
• Images: Backup needed if you have Imaging installed. Contains the picture files of badge
• Signatures: Backup needed if you have Imaging installed. Contains the signature files of
badge holders.
• Graphics: Backup needed if you are using Alarm Graphics. Contains the alarm graphics
The SP Server program MUST NOT BE RUNNING when you attempt a backup of images,
signatures, or graphics!
You should back up this data more often since it changes so frequently. While your internal policies may
dictate your backup requirements, we recommend that you create a backup at least every week.
Entire Secure Perfect Installation
• The entire Secure Perfect folder should be backed up when you first set up the system and
have confirmed that it is working, and any time you upgrade. It is very important that you also
back up the registry settings. In most backup programs, you will be prompted to back up
these settings.
• ALWAYS MAINTAIN A CURRENT BACKUP. Should you have any problems with your
system, you can always restore your backup.
SP Enterprise Edition Systems use SQL Server utilities to back up the Secure Perfect database,
Secure Perfect History, and Secure Perfect Archive.
Click the Show me icon to view a step-by-step animated demo.
Secure Perfect Professional Edition Systems use the Secure Perfect Maintenance Utility to back up
the Secure Perfect database, Secure Perfect History, and Secure Perfect Archive information (tables and
Click the Show me icon to view a step-by-step animated demo.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 109

Backup Clients Assignment Dialog Box
This dialog box allows you to select and assign backup clients associated with the selected client. This
list includes only clients available for assignment by the current operator and defined as a client that does
not exceed the limit of micros and DVRs allowed. When you select a client from the list, you will note that
the client statement defines the total combined number of DVRs and micros of the default client and
backup client. (The total number of micros cannot exceed 64. The total number of DVRs cannot exceed
• Select, and then click the right arrow to assign an available client.
• Select, and then click the left arrow to unassign a client.
Click OK to display results in the Backup Clients list box.
Backup Clients Tab
Reference Topic:
Client Monitoring
Takeover and Recovery Timing
Client Form
This tab displays ONLY at client computers that are licensed for Client Redundancy. Use this tab to
configure your backup clients that would take over the devices in case of a failure at the default client
Backup Clients:
This list box displays those clients you have assigned to take over control of any nondirect micros and
DVRs in the event of a failure at the default client computer. The order in which the client names display,
determines which client is next in line to take over. The timing of the takeover is a variable. Backup
clients must be online (Secure Perfect services are running). In the event of a failover, the client entry
includes the client computer name, and then the total combined number of DVRs and micros of the
default client and backup client.
• Move Up: Select and click to move this client up the list.
• Move Down: Select and click to move this client down the list.
• Assign: Click to display a Backup Clients Assignment dialog box, listing client computers
found on your Secure Perfect system. Those computers selected and assigned when you
close the dialog box, will display in the Backup Clients list box.
Database Connection Heartbeat
The Secure Perfect system validates communication with backup clients by pinging (sending continuous
broadcast messages). If there is a communication failure between the default client and the backup
client, the backup client looks for a Heartbeat (time stamp in the database) as an indication that the
default client is online and connected. a) If a Heartbeat exists, the default client is "alive" and the backup
client will not initiate takeover of the devices from the default client. b) If a Heartbeat does NOT exist, the
backup client initiates takeover of devices from the default client. The backup client will use the following
• Heartbeat (seconds): Select a computer from the Backup Clients list box and assign an
interval of seconds (the range is 10 to 180) between Heartbeat checks. The default number
is 60 seconds. This number can be reset at any time.
• Heartbeat Retries: Select the number of times (the range is 1 to 3) this backup client checks
for a Heartbeat stamp in the database, before initiating takeover of devices from the default
client. The default number of retries is 2.
Assign Micro Phone #s
This button is only available after completing the following:
• Backup clients have been assigned.
• The currently displayed client is host to Dial-up and/or Network + Dial-up micros.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 110

In the event of a system failure, the micros associated with the failed client must have available telephone
numbers to reach the backup client. Click to display an Assign Micro Phone Numbers dialog box.
Display Redundancy Notification:
By default, this check box is checked. If licensed for Client Redundancy, this check box must be selected
to generate a notification message, that will display at all clients (based on facilities available to the
current operator), when:
• A client failure occurs.
• A device takeover succeeded.
• A device takeover did not succeed. [Select Details button for explanation.]
(If the first-in-line backup client is not available, a second backup client will take over control
of devices and a notification message displays, updating you.)
• Recovery of the default client and transfer of devices failed. [Select Details button for
• Recovery succeeded.
If you clear this check box, you will not receive a notification message; however, indication of a take over
displays on the Client Monitor Form.
Perform Backup on Normal Shutdown: This check box is unchecked or clear by default. Select this
check box to trigger the takeover, by a specified backup client, of devices associated with a client during
a normal shut down.
If your system is not licensed and you are operating in demo mode, this option is not available for
Backup Region Assignment Dialog Box
A list displays, of available backup Regional Database Server computers.
• Select one or more computer names from the available list and then click the right arrow to
• Select one or more computer names from the assigned list and then click the left arrow to
Click OK to accept the selections and close this window.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 111

Backup Regions Tab - Region Form
Reference Topic:
Backup Region Assignment Dialog Box
Global Editions systems can be configured for database redundancy, at the Regional level. A Regional
Database Server can assign another for backup in the event of a failure at the default Regional Database
Regional database redundancy and fileserver redundancy operate independently. One or the other, or
both can fail at the same time, whether they reside on the same server computer or are configured to
reside on separate computers. Secure Perfect initiates three tries to fail over to another fileserver. This
process is taking place in the background. After three tries with no success, an SPFileServer interface
attempts to locate an available fileserver. If all attempts fail, the interface generates an alarm.
If you select a failover Regional Server and want your clients to failover to the backup Server, you
must also select the Client Region Failover checkbox on the Client form, Client tab.
Element Description
Backup Regions
This list box displays those Regional Database Server
computers that you have assigned to take over control in
the event of a failure at the default Regional Database
Server. The order in which the computer names display,
determines which Server is next in line to take over.
Move Up
Select and click to move this Regional Server up the list.
Move Down
Select and click to move this Regional Server down the list.
Click to display a Backup Region Assignment dialog box,
listing available Regional Database Servers found on your
Secure Perfect Global Edition system. Those computers
selected and assigned when you close the dialog box, will
display in the Backup Regions list.
Personnel Menu
The Badge option opens the Badge Form that allows you to define a badge in the system. The badge
can then be linked to a person record in the system. More than one badge can be assigned to a person.
Reports Menu
The Badge option opens the Badge Report Form that allows you to create a report on the badges in your
Secure Perfect system.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 112

Badge Alias
Reference Topic:
Badge Alias Form
Personnel Menu
The Badge Alias option displays the Badge Alias Form that allows you to assign an alias number to the
physically encoded badge number (available only if an alias was assigned during installation).
Badge Alias Tab
Badge Alias Form
Use this tab to assign alias numbers to badge encoded numbers.
Encoded Number
Displays the badge’s encoded number.
Badge Alias
If you selected Manual aliasing during installation, enter the new number for the badge.
If you selected Automatic aliasing during installation, the number will be entered for you.
Find Badge
Click to display a Find Badge dialog box, select a reader, and present a badge at that reader. The record
is displayed that is associated with the badge presented.
Click Save.
• Alias badge numbers saved to the system are automatically preceded with a ‘1-‘
• If this is a Global Edition system, the badge alias number is preceded by the Region ID number that
uniquely identifies the Region. Therefore, the same alias number can be assigned across regions,
because the number is uniquely identified by the Region ID.
Badge Assignment Dialog Box
This window displays when you click Assign Tour Badges, enabling you to select and assign tour badges
to a tour.
• Multiple badges can be assigned to a guard tour, but if a badge is assigned to a tour, the
same badge cannot be assigned to any other tours.
• The same badge must be used to complete the entire tour.
• When a badge is assigned to a guard tour, the badge is downloaded to all micros that have
reader type tour points for that guard tour.
• If any reader is assigned as a tour point, at least one badge must be assigned to the tour.
• If all tour points are DIs, you do not need to assign a badge to the tour.
Click OK to display the results in the Tour Badges windowpane.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 113

Badge Definition Tab
Badge Form
Use this tab to define a badge.
Element Description
Assigned to
Select the name of the person to whom this badge is assigned. If this
badge is not yet assigned, select <UNASSIGNED>.
Refresh: Click to update the person list with the most up-to-date
Click the Show me icon to view a
step-by-step animated demo.
This number must be unique to Secure Perfect. It may be already
encoded into the card (if you are using a card) or you can assign a
number in this dialog box no more than 20 digits. This number will be
entered into a keypad reader when there is no card.
If you are using badge aliasing: The alias displays here as a read-only
number and cannot be changed. An alias number is assigned on the
Badge Alias Form. The encoded number will be entered into a keypad
Only badges with the status of Active will be granted access through
• Active: The badge has been assigned to a person and may gain
access. An Active badge can be re-assigned as a Guard Tour
• Guard Tour: The badge has been assigned to a person and will be
used as a guard tour badge. A Guard Tour badge can be re-
assigned as an Active badge.
• Issuable: The badge has not yet been assigned to a person.
• Lost: The badge has been reported as lost.
• Remake: This badge has been damaged.
• Suspended: This badge was assigned to a person who no longer
works at the facility.
PIN Number
If this badge will be used with a badge-and-keypad reader, enter a
personal identification number here. This number will have to be entered
at the keypad in order to gain access with this badge.
This number must be four digits.
• Select this option to enforce ‘Extend Unlock Time’ for this badge
Follow Extend
record. If you assigned this badge to a person from the ‘Assigned to’
Unlock Time
drop-down list, this person is now allowed extra time to gain access
to an entry or exit point in the Secure Perfect system. Time
limitations are configured on the Door Functions tab of the Reader
• If this badge is being assigned to a person whose existing record
indicates that Extend Unlock Time is enforced, this checkbox will
display as already selected.
Example: An extended time limit beyond normal can be configured for
an employee who enters a motorized door by wheelchair.
Manual Control:
Resets the APB or T&A status of the current badge to neutral.
Reset APB and
T&A Status
Dates Click Calendar to select a date:
Issue: The date the badge was assigned and issued to a person.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 114

Expiration: The first date on which the badge will no longer grant
access. A blank value means the badge never expires.
Return: The date the badge was returned.
Last Valid Access Date: Date the last valid access was granted to the badge, as stored in
the Secure Perfect database.
Time: Time the last valid access was granted to the badge, as stored in
the Secure Perfect database.
Reader: Reader at which the last valid access was granted to the
badge, as stored in the Secure Perfect database.
Find Badge
Click to display a Find Badge dialog box, select a reader, and present a
badge at that reader. The record displays that is associated with the
badge presented.
Badge Design
Personnel Menu
The Badge Design option opens the Badge Design Form that allows you to create or format what will
print on your badge.
Badge Format
Administration Menu
The Badge Format option opens the Badge Format form that allows an operator to design, import, or
export custom badge formats into the micro. Custom magnetic stripe or Wiegand formats can be loaded
to your Secure Perfect system.
Badge Formats in 40-Bit and 55-Bit Wiegand Protocol
4002 - 40-Bit Wiegand Format
The 40 bits of transmission consist of two parity bits and 38 code bits. The first bit transmitted is the first
parity bit, P1; it is even parity calculated over the first 20 bits. The last bit transmitted is the second parity
bit, P2; it is odd parity calculated over the total 40 bits.
Code format:
F = Facility – 0 Digits
B = Badge Number (99.999.999.999 possible) 12 digits
This format was created to enable identical badge identification numbers to be produced in either
S-F/2F or Wiegand mode. These numbers are derived from the 40-bit binary code in the proximity
chip. The badge number is comprised of the 38 least significant bits. The most significant bit is set at
5502 - 55-Bit Wiegand Format
The 55 bits of transmission consist of two parity bits and 53 code bits. The first bit transmitted is the first
parity bit, P1; it is even parity calculated over the first 27 bits. The last bit transmitted is the second parity
bit, P2; it is odd parity calculated over the total 55 bits.
Code format:
F = Facility – 0 digits
B = Badge Number – 16 digits
P = Parity Bit
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 115

Badge Format Tab
Reference Topics:
Micro Flash and Micro Parameter Configuration
Badge Formats in 40-Bit and 55-Bit Wiegand Protocol
Badge Format Form
This tab allows you to identify the pattern of the data bits (mask) combination, in the badge numbers that
you will import or export to your micro and store in the Secure Perfect database.
Element Description
Format Type
Select from two data masks.
• Magnetic Stripe: The number is a mask embedded into a magnetic tape
strip and usually adhered to badges or credit cards.
• Wiegand: A pulse-generating mask sensed by a pickup coil (the reader).
This is a complex system to manufacture and virtually impossible to
duplicate making it one of the most secure access control technologies.
The number is a mask of a digital 0 or 1.
Indicates the location or position of the bit where your mouse pointer is
presently positioned, in the mask combination.
• Magnetic Stripe:
Badge data layout
N = Badge or facility/site bit
B = Start character (With few exceptions, the start character is ‘B’ the
majority of the time.)
0 to 9, A, C, D, E. = Constant characters
= Space
• Wiegand: The following characters are acceptable. Also refer to the
Legend group box:
B = Badge identification (BID) bit
F = Facility/site code bit
P = Parity bit (an extra bit added for error detection or integrity testing)
0 or 1 = Constant characters
E = Parity layout - Even
O = Parity layout - Odd
= Space
The following settings apply to Wiegand Format ONLY:
Parity layout 1 (E, O): Indicates the first parity bit in the data mask. The entry must be an even (0) or
odd (a) parity bit.
Parity layout 2 (E, O): Indicates the second parity bit in the data mask. The entry must be an even
(0) or odd (1) parity bit.
Parity layout 3 (E, O): Indicates the third parity bit in the data mask. The entry must be an even (0)
or odd (1) parity bit.
Parity layout 4 (E, O): Indicates the fourth parity bit in the data mask. The entry must be an even (0)
or odd (1) parity bit.
Number of facility
The number of facility code bits in the data mask.
Numbers of badge
The number of badge number (BID) bits in the data mask.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 116

The following applies to all formats:
Import format from file This selection is enabled when you click New to add a new record. Click to
navigate to a network drive, CD, diskette, or a local drive of your computer
and import a Wiegand or magnetic stripe file.
(Example Wiegand File Name: *.wgd)
Export format to file
Click to navigate to a network drive, CD, diskette, or local drive of your
computer and export a Wiegand or magnetric stripe file.
Enter text as an explanation or details of this procedure. The field accepts
256 characters.
Badge History
Reports Menu
The Badge History option opens the Badge History Report Form that allows you to create a report
based on the history of badge transactions in the system.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 117

Calendar Dialog
Select the day, month, and year of badge issue, return, or expiration. Click OK to accept the selected
date and close the form. Click Cancel to close the Calendar form without making any changes. Click
None to clear the date currently in the field.
Device Menu
The Camera option displays the Camera Form that allows you to edit the parameters of the selected
camera record. Camera records are automatically created when a DVR is defined.
Camera Preset
Administration Menu
The Camera Preset option opens the Camera Preset Form that allows you to label a preset camera
position and assign a number to that preset.
Camera Preset Assignment Dialog
A list of available camera presets displays. These presets were previously defined on the Camera Preset
• Select one or more presets from the available list and then click the right arrow to assign.
• Select one or more presets from the assigned list and then click the left arrow to unassign.
Click OK to accept the selections and close this window.
Can I Customize the Toolbar?
No. The toolbar cannot be customized.
Window Menu
The Cascade option allows you to control multiple windows or forms. If you have several forms open but
not visible, select this option for a cascading view of your forms with the active form taking precedence on
the display screen.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 118

CCTV Alarm
Administration Menu
The CCTV Alarm options opens the CCTV Alarm Form that allows you to link CCTV alarms to Secure
Perfect alarms so that Secure Perfect alarms trigger CCTV events and display on the Secure Perfect
Alarm Monitor Form.
This form is NOT used in the Kalatel Integrated Digital Video option. It is only applicable in the serial
CCTV interface.
CCTV Alarm Assignment
This dialog box allows you to select and assign CCTV alarms to Secure Perfect alarms. Only CCTV
alarms in the operator’s facilities are available for assignment by this operator.
• Select, and then click the right arrow to assign an available alarm.
• Select, and then click the left arrow to unassign an alarm.
Alarm Form
Select this tab to assign CCTV alarms to Secure Perfect alarms. The windowpane displays the CCTV
alarms already assigned to this alarm.
Add/Remove: Click to display the CCTV Alarm Assignment dialog box that allows you to add or remove
items from the list.
CCTV Alarm Form
Use this tab to set up a CCTV alarm.
CCTV Interface: Select the Interface from the drop-down list. If there is no interface listed, then it has not
been installed.
CCTV Alarm: Select the alarm number from the drop-down list. When you assign a number, an enable
and disable message is automatically generated.
• Enable Message: An enable message is automatically generated when you select a number
in the CCTV Alarm field. You can edit these messages, but any changes to the CCTV alarm
number will overwrite the changes to this message.
• Disable Message: A disable message is automatically generated when you select a number
in the CCTV Alarm field. You can edit these messages, but any changes to the CCTV alarm
number will overwrite the changes to this message.
Reset CCTV Alarm:
• When the Secure Perfect alarm is cleared from the Alarm Monitor: Select this option if you
want the CCTV alarm to reset when the alarm is cleared from the Secure Perfect Alarm
• When the Secure Perfect alarm Resets: Select this option if you want the CCTV alarm to
reset when the alarm is reset in SP.
Change Password
Operations Menu
The Change Password option opens the Change Password Dialog Box that allows you to change your
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 119

Change State
If the micro is currently online, this will change the state to offline. If the micro is offline, this will change
the state to online.
Each time a micro is set to online, the database must be downloaded to the micro. If a new micro
database is required, click Download Database as well as Download Badges for the selected micro.
Download Database:
Download Badges:
Check for Update
Reference Topic:
SP Auto Update Configuration Form
File Menu
This item is enabled when the Enable Auto Update option is selected on the SP Auto Update
Configuration Form of the Administration menu.
Each time you log in, your Secure Perfect system checks for updates. Also, at any time, you may select
this item to begin a search of the configured Web site for updates to the Secure Perfect system. This
process searches for new upgrades, compares the version, and if the patch or update needs to be
applied, a dialog box displays a message.
• Click OK to close the dialog box and begin the update process.
• Click Cancel to close the dialog box and process the upgrade at another time.
• If the Web site cannot be reached, a message informs you that communication failed. Recheck your
update configuration settings and try again.
• If no new updates are available for your system, a message displays informing you that your system is
up to date.
Clear Archive Tab
Reference Topic:
Appending Archive Databases
Parameters Form
Earliest Date in Current Archive DB: If you have an archive database, this date displays when you click
Show Date.
Latest Date in Current Archive DB: If you have an archive database, this date displays when you click
Show Date.
Show Date: If you have an archive database, click Show Date.
• The Earliest Date in Current Archive DB and Latest Date in Current Archive DB will display.
• If you do not have an archive database, the two date fields will state No Record.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 120

Archive Clean Period:
• Start Date: Select the Start Date of the data that you want to remove from your database by
selecting the month, then the day to begin your archive.
• End Date: Select the End Date of the data that you want to remove from your database by
selecting the month, then the day to end your archive.
• Delete: Press after selecting Start Date and End Date to remove from your database.
The deletion of an archive database takes place in the background. Progress is indicated on the
status bar. This may take hours to complete and is dependent on the size of the Archive database and
the hardware components of your computer.
Clear Button
This option clears all badge transactions from the Activity Monitor Form.
Clicking this icon from the Activity Monitor Form toolbar will access this option:
Clear Search
Search Menu
The Clear Search option clears all data in the current form. Use this option when the form has data and
you want to begin a new search. The option does not conduct a search nor does it affect any data in the
database. It only clears data from the form in preparation for a search or to cancel a change to a record.
The Clear Search option is available only when a form that contains records is open.
Clicking this icon from the Secure Perfect toolbar can also access this option:
Administration Menu
The Client option opens the Client Form that allows you to merge a client computer to your Secure
Perfect system.
Client Assignment Dialog Box
This dialog box allows you to select and assign Secure Perfect client computers to a Client Group. Only
clients in the operator’s facilities are available for assignment by this operator.
• Select, and then click the right arrow to assign an available client.
• Select, and then click the left arrow to unassign a client.
Click OK to close this dialog box and display the results in the Clients windowpane.
Client Group
Administration Menu Item
The Client Group option opens the Client Group form, allowing you to assign Secure Perfect client
computers into logical groups. A comment box is available for entry to describe the configuration. Later,
client groups can be assigned to specific alarm routing and bumping configurations.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 121

Client Group Tab - Client Group Form
On this tab, you must assign at least one Secure Perfect client computer in order to save this Client
Group record.
Element Description
This windowpane displays the names of client computers
that are assigned to this Client Group.
Assign Clients
Click to display a Client Assignment dialog box that allows
you to assign Secure Perfect clients to this Client Group.
Use this field to describe the reason for creating this group or
special considerations for this configuration. This field
accepts 256 characters.
Client Monitor
Operations Menu
The Client Monitor option opens the Client Monitor Form that allows you to obtain client information
such as client type, Imaging status, and connection status. The shortcut key combination for the Client
Monitor Form is CTRL+C.
Clicking this icon from the Secure Perfect toolbar can also access this option:
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 122

Client Monitor Form Shortcut Menu
Reference Topics:
Client Monitor Form Toolbar
Client Form
Element Description
To disconnect the selected client.
To launch and enable a CCTV interface (other than integrated CCTV).
To display the Client Form, to add a client to the Secure Perfect network.
Client Form
To initiate recovery of a host that failed, was taken over by a backup client,
and is now able to host its original devices. When the default client is running,
a manual intervention is required to bring all its devices back to itself.
This option is enabled and available ONLY on the shortcut menu of the
default host that is now ready to be recovered.
- A notification message informs you of a successful recovery. Control of
devices is returned to the default host.
- A notification message informs you of an unsuccessful recovery. Verify
communication with the default host and retry the recovery.
To initiate recovery of a Regional Database Server host that failed, was taken
Recover Region
over by a backup Regional Server, and is now able to host its database.
This option is enabled and available ONLY on the shortcut menu of the
default host that is now ready to be recovered.
- A notification message informs you of an unsuccessful recovery.
To display the Manual Control form, for this operator to manually perform
Manual Control Form
operations on the system.
Client Monitor Form Toolbar
Reference Topics:
Client Monitor Form Shortcut Menu
Click To
Disconnect the selected client.
Enable a CCTV interface (other than integrated
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 123

Client Redundancy Overview
The Secure Perfect software system is responsible for processing alarm and badge transactions from
devices like micros and DVRs. The software is responsible for writing these transactions to the database.
A device such as a micro or DVR is hosted by a single Secure Perfect client. The client could potentially
be responsible for hundreds of devices and can be a single point of failure. Although devices like the
micro are designed to run without the host software running for days, eventually memory is going to be
filled up at the micro end. The redundancy feature in SP 6.0 is designed to address this condition. Clients
can be configured to be backed up by other clients so that, in case of the default hosting client (called the
primary client) being disabled, one of the backup clients takes over all its devices. This is designed to
work automatically without any operator intervention so the system continues to work efficiently. One of
the backup clients performs the role of the default client until the default client is back up and running.
The devices that can be taken over at present are all DVRs, network micros, dialup micros, and network
+ dial up micros. Direct micros cannot be hosted by any other than the default client computer.
The table below will assist you to find the areas in this Help system, relating to the redundancy feature.
Reference Topics:
Configuring Client Redundancy:
Am I Licensed for Client Redundancy? About Secure Perfect
How do I configure backup clients for redundancy? Backup Clients Tab
What micros are supported?
Backup Clients Tab, Assign Micro Phone #s
What are the limits on micros and DVRs? Backup Clients Tab
What is not permitted? Backup Clients Tab
When a Failover Occurs:
Messages Displayed
Backup Clients Tab, Display Redundancy
Client Monitoring
Client Monitoring, Active Client
How long should I wait when a failover occurs?
Backup Clients Tab , Database Connection
What alarms display on the Alarm Monitor?
Alarm Tab
What is the behavior on the Digital Video Viewer
and Network List?
Digital Video Viewer
Recovery Notification Messages
Backup Clients Tab, Display Redundancy
Client Monitoring Client Monitoring
How do I recover? Client Monitor Form Shortcut Menu
What happens when a default client is back up?
Backup Clients Tab, Display Redundancy
What is the timing on the recovery? Takeover and Recovery Timing
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 124

Client Tab
Client Form
Element Description
• When creating a new client record, click Browse to display a Select Client
PC Name
window, listing all computers found on your network by PC name. (Secure
Perfect uses PC names only.) To add a client, select the computer name from
the list and click OK. You can add as many clients as you want but you are
limited to the number of licensed clients connected to the network at one time.
The number of client licenses presently active and connected to the Secure
Perfect system can be found on the Client Monitor form.
• By default, when an existing client record displays, PC Name is read-only and
not available for edit
• Client computers to which devices are associated, cannot be deleted. The
devices must be removed or assigned to another client before this client can
be deleted.
• Client computers assigned as backup clients cannot be deleted. You must first
un-assign this client from the Backup Clients list on the Backup Clients tab,
and then delete.
OS Type
When adding a Secure Perfect client to your system, accept the default OS Type
as Windows. When conducting a search, select either Windows or CCTV from
the drop-down list.
This field is available only when you first open the Client form, and BEFORE you
initiate a Search. To locate a particular Server or client, you are able to select a
Server name from the Region drop-down list. The field default displays the
Database Server computer name. The clients associated with the selected
Region display in the right windowpane. (If you click Search immediately after
you open the Client form, this field displays the default Server name and is
unavailable for selection.)
• Disabled: Select if you want to disable Imaging in order to enable another
Imaging Status
client computer.
• Enabled: Select to enable Imaging here but you are limited to the number of
licensed Imaging stations enabled at one time. The number of Imaging
licenses presently active can be found on the Client Monitor form.
Thin Client
A Secure Perfect client computer can also be a thin client. A thin client has
Terminal Services and/or Citrix Server software installed. If the Secure Perfect
client has Thin Client Status of Enabled, other computers can connect to the
Terminal or Citrix Server on the Secure Perfect client and run Secure Perfect.
• Disabled: Select if you want to disable the thin client option.
• Enabled: Select to enable the thin client option at this Secure Perfect client.
The number of thin clients you can enable is controlled by the number of thin
client licenses you have. Refer to the Client Monitor form, which displays the
number of thin client licenses presently available and in use.
Auto Logoff
Select the number of minutes the system will wait since the last action was taken
before logging off the current operator. To turn off the auto logoff feature and
remain permanently logged in, enter 0 (zero). The default setting is 20 minutes.
You must restart the Secure Perfect client program for changes to the Auto
Logoff selection to take effect.
Display Alarm
Enable this field if you want an alarm dialog box to display whenever an alarm
occurs, based on facilities available to the current operator.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 125

Client Region
This checkbox displays only on a Global Editions system.
This checkbox is applicable to Secure Perfect Global Edition systems. When
displayed, the default state of this checkbox is selected and grayed out. If a
database failure occurs at the default Regional Database Server, this client would
automatically fail over to a configured backup Regional Database Server.
Backups are configured on the Region Form, Backup Regions tab.
Click the checkbox to clear and disable the automatic failover option. You might
choose to clear this checkbox to prevent nonessential client failover.
Enable Auto
Secure Perfect services will automatically shut down when a client closes the
Secure Perfect application and meets all the Auto Shutdown criteria.
Ping Time
• Interval: This is the interval of time a broadcast message will be sent,
indicating a client is online. (Default is 40,000. This field will not accept an
entry less than 5,000 msec.)
• Timeout: The amount of time that will elapse between broadcast message and
response before the system considers a client offline. The client status will
display on the Client Monitor form. (Default is 120,000. This field will not
accept an entry less than three times the Interval amount specified.)
CAUTION: Windows 2003 or Win/XP Professional Operating Systems: If the printer you have
selected is hosted by a computer running a Windows 2003 or Win/XP Professional operating system,
you must add permissions to share this printer to the Secure Perfect network. At the host computer,
navigate to your printer property settings. On the Security tab, add ANONYMOUS LOGON or
NETWORK to the Security permissions.
Printers can be connected to the Server or any client computers. The defaults of the activity printer
selections are cleared on any newly configured system. Any system with a newly converted database
will require reconfiguration of these activity printer selections at each client workstation.
Alarm and
You must enable, select a printer, and route alarms to a printer in order for
Guard Tour DI
alarm activity to print.
Activity Printing
• Enable: Select this check box to print alarm activity. If you select to enable
alarm activity printing, you must select a printer in order to save this record.
• Printer: Displays the currently selected printer to which alarm activity will
print. This may be the same or a different printer than that used for badge
• Select Printer: Click this button to select a printer to which alarm activity will
Print Alarms At Host must be selected on the Alarm Form in order for alarm
activity to print.
Badge and Zone
You must enable, select a printer, and route badge activity to a printer in order
Activity Printing
to print badge transactions.
• Enable: Select this check box to print badge activity. If you select to enable
badge and zone activity printing, you must select a printer in order to save
this record.
• Printer: Displays the currently selected printer to which badge transactions
will print. This may be the same or a different printer than that used for alarm
• Select Printer: Click to select a printer to which badge transactions will print.
1) Printer options must be selected on the Reader Form in order for badge
transactions to print. 2) All zone activity transactions print and do not follow
routing or schedules assigned to a reader.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 126

Comments Tab
Micro Form
This tab and windowpane are provided to enter information about this micro, such as location data.
Communication Settings Tab
Reference Topic:
Dial-Up Troubleshooting
Parameters Form
Use this tab to select the modems that will be used for dial-up micros.
Installed Modems: Displays all modems currently installed on the PC. To designate a modem for use
with a dial-up micro, enable it by clicking in the box to the left of the modem name so that a check
displays. If you have a modem installed for support use, DO NOT SELECT THAT MODEM.
Disconnect After Idle: Select the number of minutes you want the system to wait before disconnecting
from the micro when the connection is idle (there is no history or database information being exchanged).
If you select 0, the connection will remain active indefinitely and the host will never drop communication
with the micros.
Network Port Range:
• If you communicate with your micros over a local intranet, this does not apply. Ignore these
• If you must cross a firewall to communicate with your micros, you will need to read the
Low end:/High end: You will be required to open up a range of ports sufficient to support the number of
micros with which you must communicate outside a firewall. The first ten port addresses are reserved for
client-to-client communication. Anything beyond the first ten port addresses can be used for micro
Example Addresses:
Default Low end: 6700
Default High end: 6709
(These are the 10 internal port addresses reserved for client-to-client communication.)
Change High end: to: 6710 = Assign address to 1 micro outside the firewall.
6711 = Assign addresses to 2 micros outside the firewall.
6712 = Assign addresses to 3 micros outside the firewall.
Communications Settings Tab
Digital Video Recorder Form
Use this tab to assign or edit a TCP/IP address, PTZ control, event tagging, and clock time
TCP/IP Address
Assign or edit the TCP/IP network address for the DVR.
PTZ Control
Select TCP/IP or None. The default is None. TCP/IP is to be selected if cameras with PTZ capability are
configured on this DVR and require control from SP. None is to be selected if all cameras on this DVR
are either fixed or if no control of PTZ cameras is desired.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 127

Event Tagging
Select TCP/IP or None. The default is None. Select TCP/IP if event triggers are required to tag recorded
video upon activity from defined readers and alarms. Select None if no tagging of recorded video is
required for event triggers and only access to live video is desired upon activity from defined readers and
Time Sync Interval
The DVR date and time clock can be syncronized by its host computer to ensure that access control,
alarm, and video events across the entire system are time stamped in sync. When DVRs on a centralized
system reside in different time zones, the DVRs should be hosted by computers in their same time zone.
The Secure Perfect hosting computers will synchronize their DVR clocks at the interval selected as well
as immediately manage any system date and time changes including daylight savings time. Select one:
• None (default)
• 1 Hour
• 4 Hours
• 8 Hours
• 12 Hours
• 24 Hours
If DVRs are required to be synchronized with the Secure Perfect system date and time clock, 12 Hours is
a recommended setting for most systems.
Conditions of Mass Update
The time to process a mass update depends on your system performance, number, and type of
updates. Specifically, the badge learn and alarm processing functions may be influenced. We
recommend that you schedule mass update processing during off-peak hours for your company.
• GE Security has set 200 as the default maximum number of records that can process
updates at one time. However, this number is configurable. Call GE Security Customer
Support for assistance if you want to reconfigure the default.
• ONLY those fields or dialog boxes that are available for mass update changes are enabled in
Mass Update mode.
• Navigating from any form to another form in Mass Update mode will take that form out of
Mass Update mode.
Person Form:
• The following fields are available for mass update: Facility, Personnel Type, Department, and
Access Rights.
Badge Form:
• The following fields are available for mass update: Assign To, Status, Dates – Issue, Dates –
Expiration, and Dates – Return.
• When changing an assigned badge to unassigned, the status automatically changes to
• When changing status to Issuable, a message displays a Yes or No option. If Yes, the status
automatically changes to Issuable and selected badges are unassigned.
• When changing an unassigned badge (status is Issuable) to an assigned person, the status
changes to Active.
• Records selected for mass update with a status changing to anything other than Issuable will
cause a check for badge assignment.
• If any badge in the mass update selection is not currently assigned, these badge records
become unavailable and a message displays indicating they are unavailable.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 128

Create Default Template
File Menu
Select this option to create a default Report template. This option is available only when a Report Form is
If a specific date is part of this template, whenever this report is run, it will use that date; therefore, it is
important to update the calendar criteria as needed.
Creating a Dial-Up Micro Record
Reference Topic:
Records Generation
Set up your modem(s) through the Server or client computer’s operating system. Refer to the
documentation you received with your modem.
1. Select the Administration menu, then select Parameters.
2. Select the Communication Settings tab, and enable the modem(s) that will be used for micros. You
will need to stop the SP Server computer and then restart it.
3. Once you restart Secure Perfect and log in, select the Device menu, then Micro.
4. On the Micro Definition tab, default values will be filled in for the following fields: Head of line and
Badge Loading.
Enter the address of the micro.
Enter the type of micro.
If this micro is the first micro on a string of micros, select Yes under Head of line. Otherwise,
select No and select the head of line micro. If this is a downstream micro that you are adding,
the micro directly upstream (towards the host) from it will need to be reset in order for it to
recognize the micro you are adding.
If your line of micros looks like this:
Host – Micro 1 – Micro 2
And you want to add Micro 3 to the end of the line so that it now looked like this:
Host – Micro 1 – Micro 2 – Micro 3
Then you would need to reset Micro 2 in order for Micro 3 to be recognized.
For Connection type, select Dial-up.
Select a Badge Loading method.
5. On the Password tab, if you do not enter passwords, the default passwords (one-1, two-2, three-3,
and four-4) are used. If you want to change the passwords, you may do so at any time.
6. On the Time Zone tab, verify and adjust time zone settings as necessary.
7. On the Comments tab, you may enter any information you want or leave this tab blank.
8. On the Events tab, you may want to schedule when APB and T&A are reset and when the host
dials the micro. If you select an event for the Dial field (host dials the micro), you must stop and
restart the SP Server before the host will recognize the event settings.
9. Select the Status tab to view information about the micro such as the firmware version. You can
request the latest information by clicking Refresh.
10. On the Settings to Reach Host tab:
Enter the telephone number(s) that the micro will dial to reach the host.
Enter the interval at which the micro will automatically dial the host.
Enter the number of times the micro will try the same number.
Enter the number of intervals that the micro will wait before trying a telephone number again.
11. On the Settings to Reach Micro tab:
Enter the telephone number(s) that the host will dial to reach the micro.
Enter the interval at which the host will automatically dial the micro.
Enter the number of times the host will try the same number.
Enter the number of intervals that the host will wait before trying a telephone number again.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 129

12. On the Micro Configuration tab, select the boards that are in the micro you are setting up. Click the
desired board in the Boards and drag to the Configuration column. To delete a board from the
Configuration column, select then right-click and select Delete.
13. Click Save to save the record. If there is any required information missing, a message will display
listing those items that are incorrect or missing. Do not forget to save the record again once you fix
those items.
14. When the micro record is created, the records for the associated readers, alarms, alarm groups,
digital outputs, and digital output groups are also created with default data based on the boards you
added on the Micro Configuration tab.
15. Use the Micro Utilities Form to set the micro online.
Creating a Direct-Connect Micro Record
Reference Topic:
Records Generation
1. On the Micro Definition tab of the Micro Form, default values will be filled in for Head of line and
Badge Loading. Complete the following:
Enter the address of the micro.
Enter the type of micro.
If this micro is the first micro on a string of micros, select Yes under Head of line. Otherwise,
select No and select the head of line micro. If this is a downstream micro that you are adding,
the micro directly upstream (towards the host) from it will need to be reset in order for it to
recognize the micro you are adding.
If your line of micros looks like this:
Host – Micro 1 – Micro 2
And you want to add Micro 3 to the end of the line so that it now looked like this:
Host – Micro 1 – Micro 2 – Micro 3
Then you would need to reset Micro 2 in order for Micro 3 to be recognized.
For connection type, select Direct.
Set Host keep alive time interval.
Enter the PC name of the host computer or navigate and select.
Select a method.
2. On the Password tab, if you do not enter passwords, the default passwords (one-1, two-2, three-3,
and four-4) are used. If you want to change the passwords, you can do so at any time.
3. On the Time Zone tab, a default time zone is filled in. Verify and adjust time zone settings as
4. On the Comments tab, enter any information you want or leave blank.
5. On the Events tab, you may want to schedule when APB and T&A are reset.
6. Select the Status tab to view information about the micro such as the firmware version. You can
request the latest information by clicking Refresh.
7. On the Micro Configuration tab, select the boards that are in the micro you are setting up. Click the
board you want and drag to the Configuration column.
8. To delete, select a board from the Configuration column, right-click and select Delete.
9. Click Save. If there is any required information missing, a window will display listing those items
that are incorrect or missing. Don’t forget to save the record again once you fix those items.
10. When the micro record is created, the records for the associated readers, alarms, alarm groups,
digital outputs, and digital output groups are also created with default data based on the boards you
added on the Micro Configuration tab.
11. Use the Micro Utility Form to set the micro online.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 130

Database Tab - Reports
Alarm History, Badge History, Zone History, DI History, Time and Attendance, or Operator History
Use this tab to select the history database to use for this report. The file name displayed on the tab is the
currently selected archive database.
• Select archive database: Click to select the archive history database.
• Use default: Click to use the current history database.
Database Utilites
The Integrity utility runs automatically, following a database creation or conversion and upgrade from a
previous version of Secure Perfect. No user interaction is required.
The utility can be run manually if you want to check your database integrity. The system compares and
validates the integrity of your database schema. If selected, the system will automatically correct missing
or incorrect schema properties such as columns, keys, constraints, indexes, triggers, and tables. The
executable file is installed with Secure Perfect and resides in the Secure Perfect program folder.
1. Locate and double-click the DatabaseIntegrity.exe file to manually run the utility.
2. Enter the Server Name or click the browse button and navigate to the appropriate Server Name.
3. Enter the SQL system administrator ‘sa’ Database Password or accept the encrypted database
password of the default Server.
4. Click Connect to locate and connect to the Secure Perfect databases. The remaining selections are
now enabled. Accept the default options or review and disable selections.
5. Select one of two options:
Verify that Check Database Integrity is selected.
OPTIONAL: Select the Autocorrect checkbox. This feature runs only once and
corrects obvious schema in the database. Results display in a report.
Autocorrect is not available on a Global Edition system.
Select which databases to check.
Select Start to begin. Wait as the Database Integrity tool compares and validates the
integrity of your database. Messages generate to an IntegrityCheck.html file in
your Secure Perfect application Logs folder.
Select Unlock Database Mutex to unlock the shared resource. Select Unlock to
unlock the database mutex for SPSQL.
6. Click OK when the Application Success window displays.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 131

7. Click View Integrity Report to review the messages generated to an IntegrityCheck.html file in your
Secure Perfect application Logs folder. Review the file to determine if database errors were detected.
Click Close to close the window and exit.
The Replication tab is applicable to systems that have Secure Perfect Global Edition installed. We
recommend that you call GE Security Customer Support for assistance in setting the parameters for the
Global Edition database replication.
Date Range Tab - Reports
Roll Call, Alarm History, Badge History, Zone History, DI History, Time and Attendance History, or
Operator History Reports
Use this tab to select a date and time range on which to base this report.
• Daily time range: Will report on transactions that occurred between the start and stop time
each day in the date range. For example, you select a start time of 8:00 a.m., a stop time of
5:00 p.m., a start day of April 1 and a stop day of April 5. You will receive a report of badge
transactions occurring between 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. each day of the day range.
• Continuous time span: Continuous will report on transactions that occurred between the start
time on the start day to the stop time on the stop day. For example, you select a start time of
8:00 a.m., a stop time of 5:00 p.m., a start day of April 1 and a stop day of April 5. You will
receive a report of alarm transactions occurring between 8:00 a.m. on April 1 through 5:00
p.m. on April 5.
• Start Date: Select the start date range by clicking the desired day on the calendar. To move
ahead or back by a month, click the arrows on either side of the name of the month. To move
ahead or back by a year, click the arrows on either side of the year.
• Start Time: Accept the default start time as displayed or enter a start time.
• Stop Date: Enter an end date range by clicking the desired day on the calendar. To move
ahead or back by a month, click the arrows on either side of the name of the month. To move
ahead or back by a year, click the arrows on either side of the year.
• Stop Time: Accept the default stop time as displayed or enter a stop time.
Definition Tab - Alarm Routing and Bumping Form
This tab allows you to configure the routing of alarms to selected Client Groups according to a schedule
or at all times. Additionally, you can select Client Groups and set a time to bump the alarm to an
additional location.
• You can configure both Routing and Bumping, only a Routing record, or only a Bumping
• Client Groups can be part of any Region in a Secure Perfect Global Edition system.
Element Description
Client Groups
This windowpane displays the names of Client Groups
assigned to this Routing record.
Assign Client Groups
Click to display an Alarm Routing Client Group Assignment
dialog box that allows you to assign Secure Perfect Client
Groups to this Routing record.
Select one of the following options:
• Always
Select this option if you always want this Client Group to
receive alarms.
• Time Schedule
Select this option to enable the Time Schedule drop-down list
and then select a Time Schedule from the list.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 132

Client Groups
This windowpane displays the names of Client Groups
assigned to this Bumping record. Typically, the Client Groups
displayed here are different than those assigned to Routing.
Assign Client Groups
Click to display an Alarm Bumping Client Group Assignment
dialog box that allows you to assign Secure Perfect Client
Groups to the Bumping record.
Time To Bump:
• Minutes
• Select the number of minutes to wait before bumping this
alarm notification to an additional location, if the alarm is not
acknowledged or purged at the Routing work station. The
Alarm Monitor form will indicate that this alarm is bumped.
The minimum setting is one minute. The default and
maximum is 30 minutes.
• Seconds
• Select the number of seconds to wait before bumping this
alarm notification to an additional location. The default is
• Comments
• Use this field to describe the reason for creating this record
or special considerations for this configuration. This field
accepts 256 characters. It is not necessary to complete an
entry in this field.
Definition Tab - API Connections Form
Enter information that defines an interface license for external application integration to Secure Perfect.
Application Login: Enter the login used by the external application to connect and access the API. Each
login must be unique.
Password: We recommend a noncryptic password. The password must be greater than four
alphanumeric or wildcard characters, with no spaces. The password is NOT case sensitive.
Confirm Password: Enter the password a second time.
PC Name: From the drop-down list, select the Secure Perfect computer that will host the external
Definition Tab - Camera Form
This tab displays the camera channel address, with which DVR this camera is associated, and camera
type configurable for Fixed or PTZ. The camera can be enabled or disabled for viewing and managing
from within SP. Use this form to edit the parameters of the selected camera record.
This is a read-only field. The address of the camera is automatically assigned. The address is a 2-digit
number that corresponds to the camera channel on the back of the DVR.
This is a read-only field. This field displays the corresponding DVR with which this camera is associated.
Camera Type
Select a type of camera behavior as Fixed or PTZ from the drop-down list.
Enable Camera
By default, this checkbox is selected. The camera can be enabled or disabled for viewing and managing
from within Secure Perfect and setting accessibility from the Digital Video Viewer. Disabled cameras will
not display on the Digital Video Viewer.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 133

Definition Tab - Camera Preset Form
In this text field, enter a number within the range of 1 to 32. This number will only reference the preset
number programmed and stored in a camera with PTZ capability. Click Save. This preset is now
available for assignment, to a specific camera.
Definition Tab - Digital Video Recorder Form
Use this tab to assign or edit a bus address, type, host computer, or poll time.
Field Description
Enter a DVR Address, a unique Secure Perfect logical address
associated with this DVR (from 1 to 255). This field will not be
available to edit existing records. This number is used in Secure
Perfect software to uniquely identify the DVR and its related
DVR Type
Select a DVR type from the drop-down list. Secure Perfect currently
supports: 4, 10, and 16-camera channel multiplexer/recorder
models from Kalatel. This field will not be available for edit on
existing records. When you click Save, the number of camera
records will be created equivalent to the type of DVR you selected.
The bus address is a 2-digit field in the range of 1 to 32. The bus
address refers to the physical DVR device address on the RS-485
bus and must be entered when multiple DVRs exist on a single bus
and/or for controlling camera(s) with PTZ capability.
Select a Default Hostname from the drop-down list that will host
the defined DVR and act as its communications server.
If the Default Hostname computer is in a failover condition, you
cannot re-assign this DVR to any other Host computer except the
Active Client that is presently hosting this device.
• Enter Poll Interval as the length of time in seconds that will
Poll Time
elapse prior to a staus request being sent to the DVR for
verification of communications and processing of error and/or
alarm messages since the last poll.
• Enter Timeout as a length of time to wait for a response after a
request prior to retrying (if no response has been returned).
• Enter Retry Interval as the length of time to wait between
• Enter Retry Count as the number of retries to attempt before
qualifying a communications failure.
Delete Record
File Menu Item
The Delete Record option deletes the current record from the database. BE CAREFUL when selecting
this option, as deleted records cannot be recovered! The Delete Record option is available only when a
form is open, contains records, and you have been given all permissions.
Some forms such as the Reader Form do not have a delete option.
Clicking this icon from the Secure Perfect toolbar can also access this option:
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 134

Delete Template
File Menu
Select this option to delete the current Report template. This option is available only when a Report Form
is displaying with a loaded template.
<deleted> Displays After I Delete All the Records
To correct this, click Clear, and then click Add.
Personnel Menu
The Department option opens the Department form that allows you to create departments that can then
be assigned to person records.
Department Tab
Department Form
Click Search to display or modify a list of existing departments. Click Add to create additional department
records of your own, based on your company.
DES/DES III Data Encryption Standards
Data Encryption is additional security assigned to protect the Host-to-micro exchange of information. The
data messages are encrypted.
Methods of Encryption
• DES: This option uses a single pass of authentication and 16 unique hex characters are
• DES III: This method of encryption uses a three-pass authentication process. Starting at the
left, the first pass authenticates 16 hex characters. The second pass authenticates 16 hex
characters. The third pass authenticates all 48 hex characters.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 135

Design Tab
Badge Design Form
Use this tab to create a new badge design record. If you are editing an existing design, these options are
not available.
Select one of the following:
• Select Default Layout: Select a badge default layout as Portrait or Landscape.
• Select Import Layout: Select Import Layout to make available the option to Browse to the Secure
Perfect designs folder and import an existing design. If you have already chosen a default layout,
this option is unavailable.
• Click Save to enable the Edit Badge Design button.
Edit Badge Design: Click to open the badge designer program that allows you to draw the graphics that
comprise the badge design. If you had a previous version of badge designer that created files with a
.gdr extension, you will be prompted to save the file as a .dgn when you edit a badge design for the
first time. Access the extensive Online Help system from the Badge Designer toolbar. Additionally, refer
to the Badge Designer User Manual, and review the "What’s New" section. A PDF file of the manual is
provided on your documentation CD.
• Each workstation where badge design or badge printing is to be performed must have its own
license. Refer to your Secure Perfect Installation Guide for additional details.
• If Imaging Status is not enabled for this client workstation, this feature is unavailable.
Device Configuration
Reports Menu
The Device Configuration option opens the Device Report Form that allows you to create a report on
devices such as micros, readers, alarms, alarm groups, digital outputs, digital output groups, digital
inputs, DVRs, cameras, and elevators.
Device Menu Selections
The following selections display in the Device drop-down menu:
Alarm Group
Digital Output
Digital Output Group
Digital Input
Digital Video Recorder
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 136

Diagnostic Setting
Administration Menu
The Diagnostic Setting option opens the Diagnostic Setting Form that allows you to select items for
which diagnostic information will be recorded in the diagnostics log, as created on the LogFile Form. This
is a good place to start troubleshooting.
Diagnostic Viewer
Administration Menu
The Diagnostic Viewer option opens the DiagView program. The items you selected on the Diagnostic
Setting Form determine the debug messages displayed by the DiagView program.
The DiagView program has its own Help system for additional details.
Diagnostic Viewer
When you select Diagnostic Viewer on the Administration menu, the DiagView program opens. The
activities of your selected component are displayed. (Those items with the COM # and Line # as part of
the component name have the highest effect on system performance and hard drive usage.)
The DiagView Help system provides additional details of the program.
If the dial-up micro is currently connected, this option will disconnect from the micro.
Clicking this icon from the Micro Utility Form toolbar will access this option:
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 137

Dial-Up Troubleshooting
Reference Topic:
Micro Utility Form
Your DiagView program logfile will indicate modem status by displaying one of two possible messages:
Message 1: The following modem is not functioning properly: <modem name>.
Message 2: The following modem is functioning properly: <modem name>.
Where <modem name> is the name of the modem, such as Hayes Accura 33.6.
Message 1 will display on the logfile every 90 seconds following a period when the modem is NOT
operating, until the modem is available and operational again. Verify the following:
• Selected modem on Parameters Form is identical to the modem you want to use. (If the
modem you want to use is not on the list of available modems, you may have to reinstall the
driver for the modem or select another modem.)
• Modem is turned on.
• Comm port connection is complete.
• Connection is plugged in properly.
• Modem settings are correct. (Maximum speed value of 9600 applies to MOST modems. If
you are having problems using this setting, refer to your modem manual for more
Message 2 will display ONE time only, and that is when your modem returns to operational after a period
when the modem was NOT operational.
The Micro Utility Form will indicate that the micro dedicated to a modem is in an error state.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 138

DI Board Records Creation
When you add a 20 DI board, twenty (20) digital input records are created.
Example: 0001-1-01 DI
This digital input is on micro 1, board 1, point 1. To change this description, enter text over the existing
text and save the record. It is recommended that you keep the mmmm-b-pp prefix in each digital input
displayed to aid in locating the alarm points on the physical hardware. This field accepts a maximum of
64 characters.
Micro/PX-2000 ONLY: When you create and save a Micro/PX-2000 record, Secure Perfect creates
and supports 11 DI points; however, the 11
DI is a low-battery alarm from the micro.
To configure the 11
DI to function as a low-battery alarm:
1. Open the Digital Input form from the Devices menu and click Search to display a list of digital
2. Select the DI labeled XXXX-X-11
where 11 is the 11
DI point of the Micro/PX-2000 micro board.
3. Select Alarm, from the drop-down list of available DI types.
4. Click Save.
5. Open the Alarm Form from the Devices menu and click Search to display a list of alarms belonging
to the micros.
6. Select the DI labeled XXXX-X-11
where 11 is the 11
DI point of the Micro/PX-2000 micro board.
7. Extend the Description entry by entering text indicating low battery.
The entry may look similar to 0002-2-11 Low Battery.
8. On the Alarm tab of the Alarm Form, select Monitor from the Settings options.
9. Click Save.
Digital Input
Device Menu
The Digital Input option opens the Digital Input form that allows you to modify the records that are
automatically generated when you define a micro. Example: Configure physical sensing devices such as
door sensors or motion sensors.
Digital Input Status
Operations Menu
The Digital Input Status option opens the Digital Input Status form that provides the status of the
selected digital input according to the information in the micro’s database.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 139

Digital Input Tab
Reference Topic:
DI Board Records Creation
Digital Input Form
Use this tab to configure the selected digital input.
Element Description
Displays the micro description to which this digital input is associated. This is a read-
only field and unavailable for modification.
Displays the micro board number where this digital input is located. This is a read-only
field and unavailable for modification.
Displays the number of the digital input. This is a read-only field and unavailable for
Type Select the type of DI that you are configuring. If you select another Type, click Search to
update the list box display of associated triggers.
• Alarm means that this digital input is being used to trigger an alarm.
• Elevator means this digital input is being used for elevator control.
• Inactive means this digital input is not being used at this time.
• Digital Output means this digital input is being used to trigger a digital output and no
alarm is generated.
• Intrusion means this digital input will arm/disarm an intrusion zone.
• Guard Tour means this digital input is a point along a pre-determined inspection
tour of your premises by a security officer.
Digital input Type of Intrusion can only be made if the previous type was Inactive,
meaning no other access control digital input was active. (For example, you cannot
assign Intrusion type to a DI that was previously set as an Alarm; the DI type must first
be Inactive.) Be aware that selection of this type overrides any access control. You
cannot assign any access control digital outputs, digital output groups, schedules, or
events for this record.
Active State
The active state of a selected digital input can be either Closed or Open.
A third option, Both, displays as grayed out and unavailable for selection unless the
DI Type is Guard Tour. During a Guard Tour, a single-state trigger (one-time "hit") will
trigger a DO in both states (Closed OR Open).
If you selected Digital Output as the Type (defined above), enable this field to fire DOs.
For all other type Digital Inputs, this is a read-only field, enabled, and unavailable for
Sense time
Select or enter a sense time. Enter a number between 0 and 64.
Digital Output
Device Menu
The Digital Output option opens the Digital Output Form that allows you to modify the records that are
automatically generated when you define a micro. You can configure, schedule, and control the state and
times of digital outputs.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 140

Digital Output Assignment
This dialog box allows you to select and assign digital outputs you want associated with the selected
record. Only digital outputs in the operators’ facilities are available for assignment by this operator.
• Select, and then click the right arrow to assign an available digital output.
• Select, and then click the left arrow to unassign a digital output.
Click OK to display results in the Digital Outputs windowpane.
Digital Output Group
Device Menu
The Digital Output Group option opens the Digital Output Group Form that allows you to assign digital
outputs into groups or sets for scheduling purposes. Example: To apply a schedule to a series of digital
outputs, apply the schedule to a group that contains the specific digital outputs.
Digital Output Group Assignment
This dialog box displays when you click Assign DO Groups, allowing you to select and assign DO groups
you want associated with the selected record. Only DO groups in the operators’ facilities are available for
assignment by this operator.
Select, and then click the right arrow to assign an available DO group.
Select, and then click the left arrow to unassign a DO group.
Click OK to display results in the Outputs Groups windowpane.
Digital Output Groups Tab
Access Right Form
This tab allows you to assign groups of digital outputs to access rights.
Assigned digital output groups: This windowpane displays a list of assigned output groups for the
current access right.
Assign Digital Output Groups: Click this button to display and assign digital output groups to the
selected access right. Only DO Groups that are related to the same micro as the readers selected in the
Access Right tab will be available for assignment. If no digital output groups display, verify that digital
output groups were set up on the Digital Output Group Form.
Digital Output Status
Operations Menu
The Digital Output Status option opens the Digital Output Status Form that displays the current status,
as found in the micro, for each DO (output) in the system.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 141

Digital Output Tab
Digital Input Form
This tab is available only if you have selected Digital Output in the Type field on the Digital Input Tab. Use
this tab to link digital outputs to a digital input. When this digital input is activated, the digital output is also
Output A (Primary/Local: A primary input assignment is not required. The default is None. Click the
drop-down list to select an available DO to assign as the primary. If you select an output, this output must
belong to the local micro. If the micro is offline or unable to communicate with the host at the time of an
alarm, only the Primary/Local DO is triggered.
If the ON time on the Digital Output Form is set to 00, this DO will remain active until the digital input is
Output B:
Click the drop-down list to select an available DO. The digital outputs in this list can be on a local micro or
other micros. Output B will be activated only if the host is online and able to communicate with other
Digital Output Tab
Digital Output Form
Use this tab to schedule when the digital outputs in the group are in the active state and for the specified
length of time.
This is a read-only field. Displays the description of the micro on which this digital output is located.
This is a read-only field. When the records are created, the default value is in the format: mmmm-b Board
Type where mmmm represents the micro number to which this reader is associated, b represents the
board number, and Board Type is the type of reader board, such as 16DO.
Example: 0001-1 16DO would be the digital output on micro one, 16DO board one.
This is a read-only field. Displays the number of the digital output.
Active state
On/Off: Defines whether the digital output will be turned On or Off when the digital output is activated.
Contact your installer on how the digital output was wired. This determines the active state of the digital
On time: Specifies the length of time the digital output will remain in the active state before going
inactive. This time may be overridden by the manual control buttons. If you enter 0 and this is:
• Output A, then the digital output will reset when the alarm resets.
• Output B, then the digital output will remain on until it is manually turned off or scheduled off.
When a micro is reset or the database is reloaded, all schedules from midnight to present time will run
EXCEPT for schedules that have a DO On time NOT equal to zero and were set to occur prior to the
current time. For example, you have created a schedule to occur at 8:00 am to turn a digital output into
the active state for 1 minute. At 10:00 am, the database for the micro is downloaded. During the
download process all schedules from Midnight to the current time (10:00 am) are re-run. Your schedule
for the DO will not run since it started and ended before the current time of 10:00 am.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 142

Digital Outputs Tab
Alarm Form
Use this tab to link digital outputs to an alarm. When this alarm is triggered, the linked digital output is
also triggered.
Output A (Primary/Local): A primary output assignment is not required. The default is None. Click the
drop-down list to select an available DO to assign as the primary. If you select an output, this output must
belong to the local micro. Because Output A is only on the local micro, it will communicate even when
offline. If the micro is offline or unable to communicate with the host at the time of an alarm, only the
Primary/Local DO is triggered.
If the ON time on the Digital Output Form is set to 00, this DO will remain active until the alarm is reset.
Example: A motion detector (digital input) senses movement in a restricted area and triggers a bell
(digital output). An alarm is generated.
Output B:
Click the drop-down list to select an available DO. The digital outputs in this list can be on a local micro or
other micros. Output B will be activated only if the host is online and able to communicate with other
micros. It will not communicate if offline.
Digital Video Recorder
Device Menu
The Digital Video Recorder option opens the Digital Video Recorder form that allows you to define,
configure, and request status of your DVR.
Digital Video Viewer
Operations Menu
The Digital Video Viewer menu item on the Operations menu opens a video command and control
application that allows you to monitor digital video multiplexers/recorders and their associated cameras,
control live video, as well as search and play back recorded video events.
The Digital Video Viewer application can also be accessed from the Secure Perfect toolbar by clicking
this icon:
Digital Video Viewer has its own Help system that details the features of the application.
DI History
Reports Menu
The DI History option opens the DI History Report Form that allows you to create a report based on the
history of digital input transactions in the system.
Disconnect Client
Select this icon to disconnect the selected client. This option also displays on the shortcut menu for this
form. The shortcut menu displays when you click the right mouse button.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 143

DO Board Records Creation
When you add a 16 DO board, sixteen (16) digital output records are created.
Example: 0001-1-01 DO
This digital output is on micro 1, board 1, point 1. To change this description, type over the existing text
and save the record. It is recommended that you keep the mmm-b-pp prefix in each digital output
description displayed to aid in locating the alarm points on the physical hardware. This field accepts a
maximum of 32 characters.
DO Groups Tab
Alarm Form
Use this tab to link digital output groups to an alarm. When this alarm is triggered, the linked digital output
groups are also triggered. The digital outputs will remain active until the alarm is reset, regardless of any
specified on-time setting for the DOs, unless it is the primary/local group.
• If it is the primary/local group, the DOs will follow their specified ON-time setting.
• If there is a reader in the primary/local group, the reader will follow the alarm state.
• If the DOs in the primary/local group are set to 0 for the ON time, that will force the DO to
follow the state of the alarm or input.
Be aware that Invalid Badge alarms and Lost Badge alarms do not reset. If you assign a DO Group to
either of these alarms, the alarm will go inactive or turn off when acknowledging or purging.
Output Groups: This windowpane displays assigned digital output groups. The digital output groups can
be on a local or other micro.
Assign DO Groups: Click to display a Digital Output Group Assignment dialog box, allowing you to
select and assign alarm DO groups that you want associated with this alarm record.
Primary/Local Output Group: The first local output group in the list of assigned output groups will
automatically display as the primary. You can select another output group as primary from the output
groups displayed in the windowpane. If the selection is not on a local micro, the assignment arrow button
is dimmed and unavailable for assignment as a primary output group. If the micro is offline or unable to
communicate with the host at the time of an alarm, only the Primary/Local DO group is triggered.
DO Groups Tab
Digital Input Form
Use this tab to link digital output groups to a Digital Input. When this Digital Input is triggered, the linked
digital output groups are also triggered. The digital outputs will remain active until the alarm is reset,
regardless of any specified on-time setting for the DOs, unless it is the primary/local group.
• If it is the primary/local group, the DOs will follow their specified ON-time setting.
• If there is a reader in the primary/local group, the reader will follow the Digital Input state.
• If the DOs in the primary/local group are set to 0 for the ON time, that will force the DO to
follow the state of the alarm or input.
Be aware that Invalid Badge alarms and Lost Badge alarms do not reset. If you assign a DO Group to
either of these alarms, the alarm will go inactive or turn off when acknowledging or purging.
Output Groups: This windowpane displays assigned digital output groups. The digital output groups can
be on a local or other micro.
Assign DO Groups: Click to display a Digital Output Group Assignment dialog box, allowing you to
select and assign alarm DO groups that you want associated with this DI record.
Primary/Local Output Group: The first local output group in the list of assigned output groups will
automatically display as the primary. You can select another output group as primary from the output
groups displayed in the windowpane. If the selection is not on a local micro, the assignment arrow button
is dimmed and unavailable for assignment as a primary output group. If the micro is offline or unable to
communicate with the host at the time of an alarm, only the Primary/Local DO group is triggered.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 144

Door Functions Tab
Reader Form
Use this tab to define the door settings associated with the selected reader.
Element Description
Time • Maximum unlock: The time interval in minutes and seconds that a door remains unlocked after
the reader reads a valid badge. This is the amount of time that a user has to open a door
based on a valid input.
1) Enter a number between 0 (minimum) and 60 (maximum) minutes.
2) Enter a number between 0 (minimum) and 59 (maximum) seconds.
Example: A facilities employee may be required to move equipment or furniture in and out of
rooms. The assignment requires a block of time beyond the normal unlock time as configured
and sufficient time to empty or fill rooms through which access is gained by a reader and valid
facility badge.
• Alarm sense: The time interval in minutes and seconds that a door can remain open (with a
valid badge read or an exit request). This time must always be greater than the maximum
unlock time.
1) Enter a number between 0 (minimum) and 62 minutes.
2) Enter a number between 0 (minimum) and 59 (maximum) seconds.
The Alarm sense time for the Reader and the DI Sense Time on the DI form are added
together to determine the total time that a door can remain open before the system triggers a
Door Held Open alarm.
• Extended unlock: The extended time interval in minutes and seconds that a door remains
unlocked after the reader reads a valid badge.
1) Enter a number between 0 (minimum) and 60 (maximum) minutes.
2) Enter a number between 0 (minimum) and 59 (maximum) seconds.
Example: If the door is used by handicapped persons or the reader is mounted at a distance
from the door, a longer unlock time may be required. If a 0 is entered in this field, the current
state of the reader is changed (or toggled) to its opposite state. The standard situation is the
first badge read causes the door to unlock and the next badge read toggles the door locked.
This time interval is also used if you selected Duration in the Lock On field below.
• Extended Alarm sense: This time interval is calcuated automatically and is a read-only entry.
The following illustrates time interval relationships:
The time intervals follow this formula:
extended alarm sense = alarm sense + extended unlock – maximum unlock
Door Lock
Once the door is unlocked, this field allows you to specify when the door should relock.
• Close: With this option, when the door is closed, the door lock will lock immediately regardless
of the Maximum Unlock Time (Maximum unlock field above) and the Alarm Sense Time
(Alarm sense field above) is reset to zero.
• Open: With this option, when the door is opened, the Maximum Unlock Time (Maximum
unlock field above) is set to zero and the door lock will lock. When the door is closed at any
time during this process, the Alarm Sense Time (Alarm sense field above) is reset to zero.
• Duration: With this option, after the Maximum Unlock Time (Maximum unlock field above)
expires, the door will lock when closed and the Alarm Sense Time is reset to zero. During the
Maximum Unlock Time, the state of the door does not affect the Maximum Unlock Time or the
Alarm Sense Time.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 145

• Open: Enable if the Exit Request button is wired as open for an exit request.
Request to
• Closed: Enable if the Exit Request button is wired as closed for an exit request.
exit (REX)
• Unlocks door: Select this checkbox if you want the door to unlock when an exit request button
is pushed.
• Follows extended unlock: Select this checkbox if you want this REX to follow the time limits as
configured for ‘Extended unlock.’
Select an output from the drop-down list of available Digital Output points. This output follows
the Extended unlock time configurations and must be on the same micro as this reader.
Link to this
Use this field to link this reader to another reader on the same micro. Select a reader from the
drop-down list.
Download Badges
Downloading includes the badge database records for that micro. This option forces a badge download
even if the micro is not configured for forced badge downloading. The badge download will not
automatically take place when the micro is placed online. You must initiate the download to send all
necessary badges to the selected micro.
Clicking this icon from the Micro Utility Form toolbar will access this option:
Download Database
You may select more than one micro for a database download. All downloads happen simultaneously
without affecting the micro’s ability to process badge and alarm transactions.
Downloading a database does not download badges. If a new micro database is required, you must
click the Download Database icon as well as the Download Badges icon for this micro.
Clicking this icon from the Micro Utility Form toolbar will access this option:
Reference Topic:
DVR Disk is Full
Digital Video Recorder (DVR): A generic reference to CCTV equipment that can provide digital video
multiplexing and/or recording.
The Digital Video Viewer system program, accessible from the Operations menu, allows you to monitor
and control video for multiple DVRs and their associated cameras. Digital Video Viewer can also be
accessed on the Secure Perfect toolbar by clicking this icon from the toolbar:
On the Digital Video Viewer window, click Help for additional information about the program.
Refer to the User Manual of your DVR for specific installation, configuration, and operation instructions.
DVR Disk is Full
This warning notification may display when the DVR internal disk for storing video is reaching its full
capacity. Refer to the DVR User Manual for specific information on configuring disk management options.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 146

DVR Help
Welcome to Digital Video Viewer Help!
The Digital Video Viewer program allows you to monitor digital video multiplexers/recorders and their
associated cameras; control live video; and search and playback recorded video events. Operators must
be assigned to the specific facility and have Digital Video Viewer full permission for all forms.
Related Topics:
Moving the Window
Digital Video Viewer
DVR Help - Boxes and Properties
60D File Extension
This is a Kalatel-specific file extension and is the default format.
1. The camera number and time labels are included with the images.
2. A 60D file is unalterable video and can be used for police work. If the file was recorded while
playing recorded video, chain of custody is preserved. Chain of custody is the process of tracking
and validating a video back to its source.
Admissible chain of custody files MUST be recorded by a Kalatel DVR, THEN saved as a
.60D file.
3. You can play back 60D video in Secure Perfect and Wavereader.
AVI File Extension
AVI (Audio Video Interleave) is the most common compression technique used to encode audiovisual
information for personal computers.
1. Video recorded in AVI format does not have a date and time label.
2. You cannot play back an AVI file through the Secure Perfect application. You must use an
external application such as Windows Media Player.
3. AVI files are not acceptable in a court of law.
Microsoft developed the AVI format. It is a common format on computers, and comes with the Windows
operating system as part of the "Video for Windows (VfW)" distribution. The format is interleaved such
that video and audio data are stored consecutively in an AVI file (that is, a segment of video data is
immediately followed by a segment of audio data). AVI is highly dependent on the type of hardware used
in the playback of images.
• A 386-based machine can only play back small, 160 by 120 pixel, 256 color images.
• A 486 machine can handle images up to 320 by 240 pixel (a quarter of a low-resolution
• Using a Pentium chip with an accelerator graphics cards it is now possible to provide full
screen (640 by 480 pixel) low resolution moving images.
DVR Help - Call Preset Button
Right-click a preset icon to display the Call Preset shortcut. Select Call Preset to call the camera to the
preset position and automatically open a live video window of the camera, if not already opened.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 147

DVR Help - Camera Shortcut Menu
Right-click on a selected camera icon to display the camera shortcut button.
• Select View Live to call up a live video window for that camera.
• Select Edit to display the Camera Form, and depending on your permissions, view or edit the
camera configuration.
DVR Help - Digital Video Search Icon
Digital Video Viewer Window
Click to launch the Digital Video Search window. Digital Video Search is used to search for recorded
video events triggered by reader and/or alarm transactions. Click this icon to close the Digital Video
Search window.
Digital Video Search has a separate Help system. Refer to Digital Video Search Help for specific details
on how to search for recorded video events. Activate the Help system by clicking Help on the Digital
Video Search window.
DVR Help - Digital Video Viewer Window
The main Digital Video Viewer program window consists of the following:
Digital Video Network List
The Digital Video Network List is an expanding hierarchical display of your digital video network devices
as defined in the system database. These devices include host computers, DVRs, cameras, and presets.
The Digital Video Network List also acts as a system monitor for its devices, providing graphical display
of device conditions and status changes.
Click the Show me icon to view a step-by-step animated demo.
Failed Host Computer
In case of a system failure on a client computer licensed for Client Redundancy, a backup client takes
over the functionality of DVRs and cameras. This scenario will be indicated by the backup computer
name in parentheses following the failed Hostname, such as: BCTBOCA <BCTROME>
• BCTBOCA is the failed host computer.
• <BCTROME> is the backup client. DVRs previously associated and displayed under BCTBOCA will
display under (BCTROME). No DVRs will display under the failed client.
Following recovery, devices again display under the default hostname. The backup client name may
display in the list with no device association.
Play Controls
Shortcut menus for operations of DVR and cameras can be accessed quickly using right-click mouse
button navigation.
The play controls allow you to control and adjust live and recorded video.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 148

Setup Record Video
The selections in this grouping are available only when a video window is open and a video is not
currently recording.
The setup allows you to save a permanent recording of a video segment from live or prerecorded
video, as displayed in the video window. You cannot assign a second setup until the current recording
is finished and a file name is assigned. However, you can open a second video window, configure
setup parameters, and begin recording on the new video window. When you close a video window,
the Setup Record Video options become unavailable and the recording stops.
File Format: Select the format you will use to save this video recording, from the drop-down list. You
can save this recording as 60D or AVI. The default is 60D.
Recorded File Name: This dialog box displays the default location and file name to which this video
will record.
Start Recording: This button becomes available when a video window is opened. Click
to begin
recording. While the recording is in progress, this button label changes to Stop Recording.
Play Recorded: This option is available for 60d files only. When you click
to play previously
recorded video, a window displays, allowing you to navigate to a video file and begin playing the selected
video. While a recording is playing, you can select and play additional recordings.
Create SP AutoPlay CD: This option is available for 60d files only. Click
to launch an SP AutoPlay
CD Creator window that allows you to create a CD from a video file.
Digital Video Search Icon
Click the Digital Video Search icon to display and enable the DVR Search window. Refer to the DVR
Search Help system for details and options of the Search Window.
Help: Click to activate the DVR Help system that provides details and options of fields and buttons
on the Digital Video Viewer window.
The text dialog at the bottom of this Digital Video Viewer window displays the current status of the
currently selected device.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 149

DVR Help - DVR Shortcut Menu
Right-click on a selected DVR icon to display the shortcut menu options:
• Select Online to initiate a connection between the host computer and the DVR. The DVR will be
monitored; event triggers will be processed; and video can be accessed.
Click the Show me icon to view a step-by-step animated demo.
• Select Offline to disconnect the host computer from the DVR. The DVR will not be monitored;
event triggers will not be processed; and video cannot be accessed.
• Start Recording forces a DVR into record mode if it is presently out of record mode.
• Stop Recording forces the DVR out of record mode. Live video cannot be accessed and event
triggers cannot be processed if the DVR is not in record mode.
• Select Edit to display the Digital Video Recorder Form, and depending on your permissions,
view or edit the DVR configuration.
DVR Help - Moving the Window
Related Topic:
Video Windows - An Overview
The Digital Video Viewer program window can be independently moved anywhere on the desktop and
the position saved.
• Move a Window
Left-click the title bar of any window and drag to desired position of your desktop.
• Save Position
Point and right-click in data box or button panel background to display and select Save Position
When you exit and re-launch the Digital Video Viewer program, the window will display at the saved
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 150

DVR Help - Play Controls - Digital Video Viewer
The play controls allow you to control and adjust live video and playback of recorded video. The controls
affect all active video windows on the same DVR. The functions of the buttons are as follows:
Play Forward
Play Reverse
Fast Forward
Fast Rewind
Single Frame Advance
Single Frame Reverse
Play Speed adjusts the playback speed of recorded video. The DVR playback speed
can be adjusted by this slide option from minimum to maximum speed. This option is available only when
a search option is selected or playback of recorded video is activated.
Adjust playback of live video from a PTZ camera with the following controls:
Focus: Click to increase the sharpness of the image from the live camera display.
Focus: Click to decrease the sharpness of the image from the live camera display.
Iris: Click to allow more light to fall on the image-sensing device, appearing to increase the light of
the live camera display.
Iris: Click to close down or decrease the light falling on the image-sensing device. Sufficient light is
maintained and controlled for the live camera display.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 151

DVR Help - Recorded File Name
A 60D file name may display similar to the following:
c:\Program Files\GE Interlogix\Secure Perfect\Video\170-01 Camera
(If this is a custom installation and the file shares were separated from the Secure Perfect Application, the
default video folder resides on the File Server.) If you choose to store the video in another location, click
to browse and navigate to another location. You can assign additional alphanumeric characters to
the video file name to assist in identification. If the Location dialog box has a file name from a previous
recording, you will need to change this file name to avoid overwriting a previous recording. The following
characters are NOT permissible as part of a file name:
/ \ ? * < > | "
DVR Help - SP AutoPlay CD Creator
This window displays a list of previously recorded 60d files, recorded from a DVR. By default, the Video
folder of your Secure Perfect application displays. If video clips are stored in another folder, navigate to
that folder to display the video file names.
If you choose to record a video clip, performance will be compromised. If you have other surveillance
windows open, close them. You may want to continue surveillance at another computer while the video is
recording to CD.
If you have a recordable drive and Roxio
Direct CD software:
1. Double-click the file name of the video you are going to record.
2. Verify the path.
3. Verify the naming convention of the video.
4. Verify the recording drive and device.
5. Click
to begin recording. The button displays red while recording. If you want to stop the
recording in progress, click the red button.
6. Follow the directions and prompts as they display in the popup windows.
GE Security uses only Roxio Direct CD software. If you purchased your system from GE Security,
Roxio software was provided for you.
DVR Help - Video Window On-Screen PTZ Control
Camera(s) with pan, tilt, and zoom capability can be manually controlled on screen from within a live
video window by use of the mouse. When placing your mouse pointer within a live video window of a PTZ
camera, the mouse pointer changes to a four-point star.
• Center the mouse pointer, left-click, and hold for pan and tilt function (the pointer changes to
• Drag left or right to pan; release the left mouse button to stop.
• Drag up or down to tilt; release the left mouse button to stop.
• Center the mouse pointer, right-click, and hold for zoom function (the pointer changes to Z).
• Drag up or down to zoom; release the right mouse button to stop.
• Left-click (the pointer changes to P/T) and drag to the right to pan right.
• When using on-screen PTZ control, it is helpful to start from the center position of the live video
window and initiate mouse control commands in short, smooth movements.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 152

DVR Search
Related Topics:
SP Events Tab
General Events Tab
General Playback Tab
Motion Tab
Video Windows - An Overview
Play Controls - Digital Video Viewer
Welcome to DVR Search!
The DVR Search window opens with the SP Events Tab displayed and can be independently moved
anywhere on the desktop. The window can be closed and reopened by clicking the Search icon on the
Digital Video Viewer window.
Move a Window
Left-click the title bar of any window and drag to desired position of your desktop.
Save Position
Point and right-click anywhere on the window and select Save Position shortcut. When you exit and
re-launch the DVR Search program, the window will display at the saved position. Each tab of this
form offers a unique type of search.
DVR Search - Alarms Button
Click Alarms to display an Edit Alarms List form. This form displays a list of available alarms that can be
selected and assigned as search criteria for recorded video event tags.
Select and then close the Edit Alarms List form. The assigned alarms will display in the Event Sources,
Alarm list window.
DVR Search - Cameras Button
Click Cameras to display an Edit Camera List assignment form. Only cameras belonging to DVMRs
associated with facilities available for assignment by this operator, will display. Select those cameras you
want to display in the camera list box.
DVR Search - Clear Button
Click Clear to clear the search criteria and results displayed. The window clears and the form returns to
default state.
While a search is in progress, this button label changes to Stop Search. The search can be terminated by
clicking Stop Search. When the search terminates, the button label again reads Clear.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 153

DVR Search - Event Tag
This dialog box allows you to enter Event Tag text, to contribute to the search of video in the Secure
Perfect database. This dialog box accepts up to 50 alphanumeric characters. A search by Event Tag
does not require a selection of Readers or Alarms.
DVR Search - General DVMR Events
Related Topic:
Video Windows - An Overview
General Events Tab
Click the Show me icon to view a step-by-step animated demo.
A General Events search allows you to search alarms and events on the hard drive of the DVR.
A database search of General Events is not available without entering a DVR Source.
DVR Source
Select a DVR from the drop-down list. Only DVRs associated with facilities available for assignment by
this operator will display.
Search Range Calendar Entries
Select the check box on the left to make available the calendar entries. The calendar displays with the
current date and time as defaults. Establish the parameters of a video search:
• Click a calendar day to start the search and a day to end the search.
• Enter a start time and end time in the list boxes or accept the defaults.
This instruction begins the recall of video recording from the closest point to the time and date selected.
Click Search to display the results of parameters in the search results windowpane or continue to set
additional parameters.
Search Criteria
Cameras: Select the checkbox to enable/disable search criteria by camera. Click Cameras to display an
Edit Camera List assignment form. Select those cameras available for assignment by this operator that
you want to display in the camera windowpane. When the camera assignment form closes, the selected
cameras display in the camera windowpane.
Text: This is the default search criteria type. When Text is selected, the text content box becomes
available and accommodates the entry of a maximum of 50 alphanumeric characters. The asterisk (*) can
be used as a wildcard entry.
Alarm or Event: Change the type to camera Alarm or Event to search for alarms or events.
Search: Click Search to begin the recall of video based on the date/time and/or search criteria.
A search cannot be performed if recorded video is currently playing on the selected DVR.
While the search is in progress:
• The Search button is unavailable.
• Click Stop Search to discontinue the search in progress. If you do not discontinue, the search
will progress until all records matching the search criteria have been found. When a search is
ended, the Stop Search button changes state and is now a Clear button.
• A statement displays indicating the number of records found. A flashlight icon indicates a
search is in progress.
• Results are displayed in the Search Results windowpane.
• Live video will play during a search.
• Recorded video on the same DVR cannot play during a search
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 154

• A search will terminate if the DVR goes into error.
• If the search generates no records, a No Video Found dialog box will display.
Search results can be sorted by clicking the column header in the Search Results windowpane; however,
recorded video cannot be initiated during a sort. Select an entry, right-click, and select Play to begin the
playback of the associated recorded video. Playback of individual recorded video is limited to a single
recall instance per DVR. If you are unable to access a recorded video, a cautionary message will display.
It may be that the recorded video on the same DVR is presently being accessed or the recorded video
event has been overwritten and is no longer present in the DVR.
Click Clear to clear the search results displayed and return the form to default state. The search results
window clears.
Click Help to activate the Digital Video Search Help system.
DVR Search - General Playback
General Playback Tab
Related Topic:
Video Windows - An Overview
Parameters set on this form search and retrieve video from the hard drive of the DVR. Playback
parameters selected here continue indefinitely until you choose to discontinue the playback.
Click the Show me icon to view a step-by-step animated demo.
Search on Date and Time
The calendar displays with the current date, and the current time displays in the time list box. Establish
the beginning parameter of a search by date and time. This instruction begins the recall of video
recording from the closest point to the time and date selected.
Search Source
Select a DVMR from the drop-down list. Only DVMRs associated with facilities available for assignment
by this operator will display.
Click Cameras to display an Edit Camera List assignment form. Select those cameras you want to
display in the camera windowpane. When the camera assignment form closes, the selected cameras
display in the camera windowpane.
Click Play to begin playing the associated recorded video. Playback of individual recorded video is limited
to a single recall instance per DVR. If you are unable to access a recorded video, a cautionary message
will display. It may be that the recorded video on the same DVR is presently being accessed, or the
recorded video event has been overwritten and is no longer present in the DVR.
Click Clear to clear the search criteria and results displayed. The search results window clears.
Click Help to open the Digital Video Search Help system.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 155

DVR Search - Grabbing Motion Video Clips
When grabbing a video image from a selected camera, keep in the mind the following:
1. If a camera is currently recording live video, the motion grid grabs a still image of what is
currently playing on that camera.
2. If a video window is displaying previously recorded video, the motion grid will be populated with
a clip from the recorded video that is presently displaying in the window.
3. If two video windows are in progress from the same camera, one is live video, and the other is
previously recorded video, the grid grabs a still image from the live video.
4. If no video window is currently open, the system starts the selected camera if it is online, opens
a live video window, grabs an image, and displays a frozen image in the grid.
5. If the camera is a PTZ type, the video window opens and the system grabs a still image of
whatever is in focus at that moment.
6. If you want to display video for a specific preset area of a PTZ type camera, it is recommended
that you conduct a preliminary search on the SP Events tab or General Events tab before setting
your parameters on the Motion tab.
DVR Search - Help Button
Click Help to open the Digital Video Search Help system.
DVR Search - Motion
Motion Tab
Reference Topic:
Grabbing Motion Video Clips
Parameters set on this tab allow you to select a specific area of the image displayed on the grid. The
image was grabbed from live or previously recorded video. A search of the DVR hard drive is generated
based on the selected criteria.
Click the Show me icon to view a step-by-step animated video.
DVR and Camera Source
You must select a DVR and a camera in order for the Search feature to become available.
• DVR: Select a DVR from the drop-down list of online DVRs. Only online triplex DVRs
associated with facilities available for assignment by this operator will display.
• Camera: Select an online camera from the drop-down list of cameras belonging to the
selected DVR. The grid immediately fills with an image grabbed from that camera. The image
may take a moment to freeze. If the camera is not online, the grid remains blank and no
image displays.
OPTIONAL: Search Range Calendar Entries
The calendar displays with the current date and time as defaults. The calendar is a way to establish the
parameters of a video search:
• Click a calendar day to start the search and a day to end the search.
• Enter a time in the start time and end time list box or accept the defaults.
This instruction begins the recall of video recording from the closest point to the date and time selected.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 156

Grid: When a camera is selected, a snapshot image is grabbed from the live video that is the focus of the
camera or from previously recorded video of that camera. The snapshot image is displayed in the grid.
Verify that the date/time caption at the top of the grid matches your request. By default, the grid displays
with rows of red cells. A portion of the image that is displayed in the grid window can be selected as a
way of narrowing the focus of the search.
Brush Size
The options below define a method of selecting a portion of the grid that will be the focus of the search
criteria. Left-click your mouse pointer within a cell; do not click between cells to select. The grid consists
of red cells that turn green when selected, or toggle from green to red, switching a mode on or off:
• Single Cell: Select Single Cell, then move your mouse pointer over the grid and left-click a
cell. The single cell turns from red to green and the area within the selected cell is the focus of
the search criteria.
• Row: Select Row, then move your mouse over the grid and left-click a cell. The entire row of
cells turns from red to green and the area within the selected cells is the focus of the search
• Column: Select Column, then move your mouse pointer over the grid and left-click a cell. The
column of cells turns from red to green and the area within the selected cells is the focus of
the search criteria.
• 3 x 3: Select 3 x 3, then move your mouse pointer over the grid and left-click a cell. The cell,
as well as all cells surrounding the cell, turns from red to green. The selected area is a total of
nine cells that turn from red to green and the area within the selected cells is the focus of the
search criteria.
The selections are toggle selections. That is, one click selects and the second click clears the
selection. If a row of cells is selected followed by a column selection on the same window that
intersects the selected row, the cell at the point of intersection will clear.
: Click to select all cells in the grid. All selected cells display in green.
: Click to clear all selected cells in the grid. All cleared cells display in red.
• Click Search to begin the recall of video based on the date and time search criteria.
The Search Results windowpane returns a list of recorded video based on the parameters
and criteria specified. The Search Results windowpane is divided into columns labeled :
Sequence, Start Date/Time, End Date/Time, Camera, Type, and Text. Select the desired
Sequence and right-click to play the recorded video event. Playback of individual recorded
video is limited to one recall instance per DVR. If you are unable to access a recorded video
event, a cautionary message will display. It may be that the recorded video on the same DVR
is presently being accessed or the recorded video event has been overwritten and is no
longer present in the DVR.
• Click Clear to clear the selected search criteria and search results windowpanes.
• Click Help to activate the Digital Video Search Help system.
DVR Search - Play Button
Click Play Event to begin playing the associated recorded video for a selected entry on the search
results windowpane.
DVR Search - Readers Button
Click Readers to display an Edit Readers List form. This form displays a list of available readers that can
be selected and assigned as search criteria for recorded video event tags.
Select and then close the Edit Readers List form. The assigned readers will display in the Event Sources,
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 157

Readers list window.
DVR Search - Search Button
Click Search to begin the search and recall of video on the DVR hard drive for the recorded video tags
that meet the selected and assigned search criteria. The results are displayed in the search results
DVR Search - SP Events
Related Topic:
Video Windows - An Overview
SP Events Tab
DVR Search opens with the SP Events tab displayed.
Select the check box on the left to make available the Search button. In order to search the database
for existing records, enter an applicable date/time range and/or event source parameters.
Search Range Calendar Entries
The calendar displays with the current date and time as defaults. Establish the parameters of a video
• Click a calendar day to start the search and a day to end the search.
• Enter a time in the start time and end time list box or accept the defaults.
This instruction begins the recall of video recording from the closest point to the time and date selected.
Click Search to display the results of parameters in the search results windowpane or continue to set
additional parameters.
Event Sources and Search Results
Narrow your search further by assigning additional parameters. This window displays options to search
for a recorded video sequence OR tagged event.
• Click Readers or Alarms and Intrusion DIs to display a selection of devices and Intrusion type
digital inputs from which to search and display recorded data. If the reader or alarm
description has changed, request a search based on the old description.
• You can also enter identifying text in the Event Tag dialog box to contribute to the search. A
search by Event Tag does not require a selection of Readers or Alarms.
Click Search. Only readers and alarms associated with facilities available for assignment by this operator,
and assigned to event triggers using the Event Trigger Form, will be displayed.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 158

The Search Results windowpane returns a list of recorded video event tags based on the parameter
criteria specified. The Search Results windowpane is divided into columns labeled : Sequence, Event
Tag, Camera Number, DVR, Date/Time, and Event Tag. Select the desired event tag and right-click to
display a shortcut menu.
• Select Play Event for playback of individual recorded video events, limited to one recall
instance per DVR.
• Select Play Single Recorded Frame to display the first frame of the event recording as a still
If you are unable to access a recorded video event, a cautionary message will display. It may be
that the recorded video on the same DVR is presently being accessed or the recorded video event
has been overwritten and is no longer present in the DVR.
Click Clear to clear the selected search criteria and search results windowpanes.
Click Help to activate the Digital Video Search Help system.
DVR Search - Stop Search
Click Stop Search to discontinue the search in progress. If you do not discontinue, the search will
progress until all records matching the search criteria have been found.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 159

Edit Alarm Group
This dialog box allows you to add or edit the link between an event and an alarm group. The event
determines when the alarm changes to the selected alarm group.
Event: Click the drop-down list to display available events from which to select.
New Group: Click the drop-down list to display available alarm groups from which to select.
Edit Icon
Click this graphic to open the Micro Form and edit the settings for the selected micro:
Edit Sense Time
Event: Select an event from the drop-down list. If there are no events listed, you will need to configure
events using the Event Schedule Form.
New time: Select or enter a sense time. The value is in seconds and indicates the delay before triggering
an associated digital output or sending in a Secure Perfect alarm if the DI type is Alarm. This number tells
the system how many seconds to wait after sensing the input has changed to Active State. Enter 00 to
immediately send the transaction to the host, notifying the host of a state change. Increase the Sense
Time entry if using noisy or chattering contacts.
Example: This value could indicate the delay time, in seconds, that elapses between the time a door
contact is broken and the time the output and alarm are triggered. If door contact is closed before the
sense time elapses, the alarm would not come in to Secure Perfect and the output would not activate.
Device Menu
The Elevator option opens the Elevator Form that allows you to configure elevator control records.
Elevator Assignment
This window displays when you click Assign Elevators, enabling you to select and assign an elevator
association for this form. Only elevators in the operators’ facilities are available for assignment by this
• Select, and then click the right arrow to assign an available elevator.
• Select, and then click the left arrow to unassign an elevator.
The elevators that display in this list are those that are configured on the Elevator Form.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 160

Elevator Tab
Elevator Form
Select this tab to create or edit elevator information.
To tag a reader as an elevator reader, select a reader from the drop-down list of available readers. If no
readers are listed, check that the readers have been marked active on the Reader tab of the Reader
Floor Tracking
Select one of three options:
• No Floor Tracking: Floor(s) selected are not sent to Badge History (not tracked).
• Floor Tracking by Input: The floor(s) selected are sent to Badge History.
• Floor Tracking by Keypad: Floor selection is made by using the keypad of the reader and
the floor(s) selected are sent to Badge History.
Do not switch between floor tracking and no floor tracking in the same elevator record. If you want to
change an existing record, delete that record and create a new one with the desired floor tracking
Select one of two options:
• Trigger All DOs prior to floor selection: All the appropriate floor selection buttons activate.
The user can select one or more floors.
• Trigger One DO upon floor selection: All the appropriate floor selection buttons activate.
The user can select only one floor.
Event Schedule
Administration Menu
The Event Schedule option opens the Event Schedule Form that allows you to define the time and day
of the week on which a device state will change, such as resetting an anti-passback status for entering
and leaving a building.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 161

Event Schedules Tab
Reference Topics:
Events Tab
Reader Type Events Tab
Event Schedule Form
Use this tab to create an event. Events are not partitioned by facilities. If you need to use facilities in your
system, create an event for each facility. Use the facility description as a prefix on the Event Schedule
Form, Description to indicate to which facility this event will apply.
Example: BocaHQ Weekend Begins would indicate a facility-specific event schedule, where BocaHQ
refers to a geographic location. For example, you could create an event beginning each Friday at 6:00
P.M. that resets the APB status and the T&A status, and sets a reader to Badge and Keypad. Employees
coming into the building after 6 P.M. on Friday will be required to present their badge and then key in a
PIN number to enter the building. Remember that an event will stay in effect until another event occurs to
change it. Therefore, in our example, a second event will need to be scheduled to change that reader
back to Normal on Monday morning.
The time 24:00 is the same as 00:00 of the next day. For example, Friday at 24:00 is the same as
Saturday at 00:00.
• Time chart: Click your mouse pointer on the time and day of the week/mode. This creates a
diamond that indicates that the event will occur at that time and that day of the week/mode.
Note that the current event’s diamond is selected. Time is displayed in half-hour increments
by default. To change the display increment, click and hold the left mouse button on the right
end of the bottom time bar then move the cursor to the left until you are at the desired time
increment. Then, click the desired time. If the point is incorrectly located, you can drag and
drop the point to the exact location you want.
• Event: Displays the number of the event. The numbers start with one for the first event and
increment consecutively for each event thereafter.
• New: Click to create a new event. The Secure Perfect application does not use these
additional points at this time.
• Delete: Click to delete an event. You can delete a schedule that is currently in effect. The
Delete button will remove the most recent point you have created. If you continue to click
Delete, additional calendar points will disappear in the order they were created. Deleting a
schedule does not affect the current state of any devices to which this schedule is
associated. Any devices currently under the effect of the deleted schedule will remain in that
state until changed manually or by another event schedule.
Event details
The controls in this section are not needed in most circumstances. Use details to verify that your
selections match the calendar display.
• Event time: Displays the time at which the event will occur.
• Mode/day: Displays the mode or day on which the event will occur.
You will need to assign this event schedule to a device such as a micro (see Micro Form, Events tab)
or a reader (see the Reader Form, Reader Type Events tab).
Event Trigger
Administration Menu
Select Event Trigger to open the Event Trigger Form that allows you to associate cameras, presets,
reader transactions, and alarm transactions for creating event-driven video response. An event consists
of a camera and either readers or alarms.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 162

Events Tab
Alarm Form
Use this tab to assign events for alarm groups and alarm sense times. Events define start time(s) and
day(s) only. There is no end associated with an event. Therefore, that event will stay in effect until
another event changes it or you change it manually.
• Alarm group: This windowpane displays assigned events and their associated alarm groups.
• Edit: This button will be available only if you currently have a list of assigned events and
alarm groups. An Edit Alarm Group dialog box displays and allows you to modify the
selection of events and associated alarm groups.
• Add: Click ADD to assign events to the specified alarm group. An Edit Alarm Group dialog
box displays enabling you to build a list of events and associated alarm groups.
• Remove: Select an entry in the list of displayed events, then click Remove to remove from
the list.
Events Tab
Alarm Group Form
Use this tab to schedule changes to the sense time on all alarms in the group by assigning previously
defined events to alarm groups.
Alarm sense time events
This windowpane displays the currently assigned events and their associated sense time.
• Edit: Will be available only if there are currently assigned alarm sense time events. This
button is used to modify existing alarm sense time events. The Alarm Sense Time form
• Add: Click Add to assign events to the specified sense time. The Alarm Sense Time form
• Remove: Select an alarm sense time event to remove and click.
Events Tab
Digital Input Form
This tab is unavailable for input if the Type of Digital Input is Intrusion.
Use this tab to assign events and an associated sense time to this digital input. Events define start
time(s) and day(s) only. There is no end associated with an event. Therefore, that event will stay in effect
until another event changes it or you change it manually. Click Search to display a list of existing event
records associated with this digital input.
Sense Time
This windowpane displays which events change the sense time. You can also assign events and sense
times to this digital input.
• Edit: This button will be available only if there are currently assigned sense time events.
Click this button to display the Edit Sense Time dialog box. From here, you can assign an
event and sense time or modify the existing sense time assignment.
• Add: To add events to the list, select an event and click. The Edit Sense Time dialog box
displays. Assign an event and sense time.
• Remove: To remove events from the list, select an event and click.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 163

Events Tab - Micro Form
Micro Form
Use this tab to assign events to this micro.
Reset APB Event
Select an event from the drop-down list of available event records that will reset the anti-passback status
for all badges in the micro.
Reset T & A Event
Select an event from the drop-down list of available event records that will reset the T&A status for all
badges in the micro.
Exchange Key Encryption
Exchange encryption protects the Host-to-micro exchange of information. Assigning an exchange key
grants you a privilege of accessing the next level of encryption, the Data Encryption. You have two
• System: This method of encryption is more convenient but more vulnerable. The key is set at
the factory, system-generated, and exists in the Host software.
• Custom: Setting up a Custom exchange key is the most secure method of encryption. The
Custom key is user-supplied. The installer can go to each micro and assign the exchange
key. When assigning a Custom exchange key, you must assign a total of 48 unique hex
characters, in three 16-character strings. Do not repeat any characters. This method of
encryption uses a three-pass authentication process. Starting at the left, the first pass
authenticates 16 hex characters. The second pass authenticates 16 hex characters. The
third pass authenticates all 48 hex characters.
Refer to Log On/Log Off or Shut Down.
Expiration Date Filter Tab
Badge Report
Use this tab to generate a report based on the expiration date of the badges.
• Do not filter badges by expiration date: Select this field if you do not want to use the
expiration date as a method of filtering the report information. This is equivalent to running a
report on badges for all expiration dates.
• Filter badges using this expiration date range: Select this field if you do want to use the
expiration date as a method of filtering the report information. If this is selected, you must
select a starting and ending date.
• Starting date: Click the start date you want for the starting range of expiration dates.
• Ending date: Click the ending date you want for the ending range of expiration dates.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 164

File Menu
This option is available only when a Report Form is displaying. The Export option allows you to select an
export format for your report. There are a variety of formats available including text, Word for Windows,
Lotus, HTML, and Excel. Select an export destination for the report to a disk file, exchange folder, Lotus
Domino, Lotus Domino Mail, or Microsoft Mail (MAPI).
Click the Show me icon to view a step-by-step animated demo.
External Reports
Reports Menu
The External Reports option opens a Launch External Reports dialog that allows you to select an
executable program or report that was not created within SP. For example, you can access reports you
created using a third party report generator such as Crystal Reports or Microsoft Access 2002.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 165

Facilities Tab
Operator Form
Use this tab to assign facilities to an operator.
• Assigned Facilities: This list displays the facilities assigned to the current operator.
• Assign Facilities : Click to display the Facility Assignment dialog box that allows you to assign
facilities to this operator.
Administration Menu
The Facility option opens the Facility Form that allows you to label your facilities, related records, or
groupings of records. If Facilities are going to be used, the Facilities must first be defined in SP, on the
Facility Form.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 166

Reference Topics:
Facility Form
Operator Form
Permissions Form
The Secure Perfect database can be partitioned and grouped. These groupings are identified as
Facilities. If Facilities are not defined, all operators will be able to access all the Secure Perfect records,
based on the permissions associated with the form.
• Facility partitioning does not involve access rights or who goes where.
• The same facility is assigned for all devices associated with the micro when a micro is
• Reports can be generated based on the currently active facility or all facilities assigned to the
current operator.
• GLOBAL EDITION SYSTEMS: To view transactions outside of your region, you must have in
your active facility, the client’s facility where the transactions are occurring.
Sequence Guide:
1. If Facilities are going to be used, the Facilities must first be defined in SP, on the Facility Form.
When creating a Facility record, enter a description that uniquely identifies the location or function
of the facility.
2. Permissions are created and defined to determine what form and what fields will be available within
Secure Perfect.
The forms in Secure Perfect will display an icon in the left corner indicating the permissions
assigned to the current operator. The form icons correspond to the icons and permissions assigned
on the Permission Form.
3. Once defined, facilities and permissions are available for assignment to an operator on the
Operator Form.
a) At any given time, the current operator has the ability to select the active facility for that session,
from the list of all facilities that the current operator is allowed to see.
b) When a facility is assigned to an operator, it will display in the Facility drop-down list of Secure
Perfect forms after a successful login by that operator. Depending on assigned permissions, that
operator can now create records and assign facilities from the list that displays in the Facility drop-
down list.
Facility Assignment Dialog Box
This dialog box lists the facilities available for assignment to this particular operator.
• Facilities can be moved to the Assigned list by selecting and clicking the appropriate arrow.
• Facilities can be removed from the Assigned list by selecting and clicking the appropriate
Facility Tab
Facility Form
Use the field on this tab to create facility records.
Enter a description that uniquely identifies location or function of the facility. Click Save, and then click
Add Record to create additional facility records.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 167

File Menu Selections
The following selections display in the File drop-down menu:
Save Record
New Record
Delete Record
Print Setup
Print Preview Report
Print Report
Save Template As
Set As Default Template
Create Default Template
Delete Template
Check for Update
Filters Tab - Alarm History Report Form
Use this tab to select the criteria by which this report will be generated.
• Micro: Select the micro you want to use to generate report information. If you want to use all
micros, select <ALL>.
• Alarm: Select the alarm you want to use to generate report information. If you want to use all
alarms, select <ALL>.
• Priority: Select the alarm priority you want to use to generate report information. If you want
to use all alarm priorities, select <ALL>.
Filters Tab - Badge History Report Form
Use this tab to select the criteria by which this report will be generated.
• Badge Number: Select the range of badge numbers you want to display on the report. If you
want to list all badges, leave these fields blank.
• Employee Name: Select the range of person last names you want to display on the report. If
you want to list all persons, leave these fields blank.
• Employee Number: Select the range of employee numbers you want to display on the report.
If you want to list all numbers, leave these fields blank.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 168

Filters Tab - Badge Report Form
This tab is used only when generating a Badge Report. Use this tab to select the criteria by which this
report will be generated.
• Badge Number: Select the range of badge numbers you want to display on the report. If you
want to list all badges, leave these fields blank.
• Badge status: To provide additional filtering, you can also select to list only those badges
assigned a selected status.
Filters Tab - Device Report Form
This tab is used only when generating a Device Report. Filter or select specific information you want to
display on the report.
Device: From the drop-down list, select a device that you want to use to generate report information. If
you want to use all, select <ALL>.
The following exceptions apply:
• If a Camera or Digital Video Recorder was selected as Report Type on the General tab, the
Device drop-down list fills with DVRs only.
• If Alarm – API Connections is selected as Report Type on the General tab, the drop-down list
contains only <ALL>.
For all other Report Types, the list fills with micros.
Filters Tab - DI History Report Form
Use this tab to select or limit the criteria by which this report will be generated.
• DI State: Select the state of this DI as Set, Reset, Open, or Short. If you want to use all DI
states, select <ALL>.
• Micro: Select the micro you want to use to generate report information. If you want to use all
micros, select <ALL>.
• DI Type: Select the DI type as Alarm, Elevator, or Inactive. If you want to use all DI types,
select <ALL>.
• DI Description: Enter the range of device descriptions on which you want to report. Leave
blank for all descriptions.
• Micro Description: Enter the range of micro descriptions on which you want to report. Leave
blank for all descriptions.
Filters Tab - Operator History Report Form
Use this tab to select the criteria by which this report will be generated.
• Activity Type: Enable the activity types on which you want to run the report.
• Login Name: Select the operator you want to use to generate report information. If you want
to use all operators, select <ALL>.
• Form Name: Select the forms you want to use to generate report information. If you want to
use all forms, select <ALL
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 169

Filters Tab - Person Report Form
This tab is used only when generating a Person Report. Use this tab to select the criteria by which this
report will be generated, allowing you to narrow the selection of information displayed on your report.
• Employee Last Name: Select the range of person last names you want to display on the
report. If you want to list all persons, leave these fields blank.
• Department: To provide additional filtering, you can select to run a report on only those
persons in a selected department.
• Personnel Type: To provide additional filtering, you can also select to list only those persons
assigned a selected personnel type.
Filters Tab - Schedule Report Form
This tab is used only when generating a Schedule Report. Filter or select specific informaiton you want
to display on the report.
Micro: From the drop-down list, select the micro you want to use to generate report information. If you
want to use all micros, select <ALL>.
Filters Tab - Time and Attendance History Report Form
Use this tab to select the criteria by which this report will be generated.
• Employee Last Name: Select the range of person last names you want to display on the
report. If you want to list all persons, leave these fields blank.
• Department: To provide additional filtering, you can select to run a report on only those
persons in a selected department.
• Personnel Type: To provide additional filtering, you can also select to list only those persons
assigned a selected personnel type.
• Round By: Select the criteria by which you want the time of the time and attendance
transaction rounded by: Hour, Half Hour (30-minute increments), Quarter Hour (15-minute
increments) or Minute.
Filters Tab - Zone History Report Form
This tab allows you to limit the person or badgeholder records printed on this report.
• Badge Number: Enter the range of badge numbers you want listed on this report. Leave
blank for all badges.
• Employee Name: Enter the range of employee last names on which you want to generate a
report. Leave blank for all names.
• Employee Number: Enter the range of employee numbers on which you want to report.
Leave blank for all numbers.
Find Badge
Select a reader from the drop-down list of this dialog box, present a badge at that reader, and this form
displays the record that is associated with the badge presented. If a record is not currently in SP, you can
add it. This is a convenient way of finding the badge record for a card without searching all records.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 170

Flash Micro Icon
Click this graphic to download the latest firmware to the selected micro:
When the Micro Flash & Micro Parameter Configuration dialog box displays, click Start Flashing
Upgrades: Secure Perfect 6.0 software will communicate with micros flashed with 4.X and later firmware.
All offline badge and alarm transactions will be uploaded to the Server computer after the conversion
process and stored in the appropriate history table. Allow all the offline transactions to be processed
before flashing micros to the 6.0 firmware to minimize data loss. The duration of time to upload is
dependent on the number of transactions stored and the length of time that the Server computer will not
communicate with the micros. This might be a few minutes or serveral hours.
Administration Menu
The Floor option opens the Floor Form that allows you to create a description for a floor as well as
assign the floor number. This floor record will be used when configuring an elevator.
Floor Access
Reports Menu
The Floor Access option opens the Floor Access Report form that allows you to create a report based
on the floors defined in the system and the access granted to each floor
Floor Assignment
This window displays when you click Assign Floors, enabling you to select and assign a floor
association for this form. Only floors assigned to the selected elevators will be available for assignment.
Only floors in the operators’ facilities are available for assignment by this operator.
• Select, and then click the right arrow to assign an available floor.
• Select, and then click the left arrow to unassign a floor.
The floors that display in this list are those that are configured on the Floor Form.
Floor/Digital Output/Digital Input Selection Dialog
Use this dialog box to create or edit a floor-to-digital-output-to-digital-input link.
• Floor: Select a floor from the drop-down list of available floors.
• Digital Output: Select a digital output from the drop-down list of available DOs.
• Digital Input: Select a digital input from the drop-down list of available DIs.
Click OK to accept your selections and close this form.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 171

Floor/Digital Output/Digital Input Tab
Elevator Form
This tab displays ONLY if you select Floor Tracking By Input from the Floor Tracking field on the
Elevator tab.
Select this tab to link a digital output and a digital input to a floor.
Elevator control does not span micros. This means the reader, digital outputs, and digital inputs (if
applicable) MUST be on the same micro.
Assigned Floor/Digital Output/Digital Input
This windowpane lists the currently assigned floors, digital outputs, and digital inputs.
• Edit: To edit a floor/digital output/digital input link, select an entry from list and click this
button. The Floor/Digital Output/Digital Input Selection dialog displays.
• Add: To add a floor/digital output/digital input link, click this button. The Floor/Digital
Output/Digital Input Selection dialog displays.
• Remove: To remove a floor/digital output/digital input, select an entry from the list and click
this button.
Floor/Digital Output Selection Dialog
Use this dialog box to create or edit a floor-to-digital-output link.
• Floor: Select a floor from the drop-down list of available floors.
• Digital Output: Select a digital output from the drop-down list of available DOs.
Click OK to accept your selections and close this form.
Floor/Digital Output Tab
Elevator Form
This tab displays ONLY if you select No Floor Tracking or Floor Tracking By Keypad from the Floor
Tracking field on the Elevator tab.
Select this tab to link a digital output to a floor.
Elevator control does not span micros. This means the reader, digital outputs, and digital inputs (if
applicable) must be on the same micro.
Assigned Floor/Digital Output
This box lists the currently assigned floors and digital outputs.
• Edit: To edit a floor/digital output link, select and then click this button. The Floor/Digital
Output Selection dialog displays.
• Add: To add a floor/digital output link, click this button. The Floor/Digital Output Selection
dialog displays.
• Remove: To remove a floor/digital output, select and then click this button.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 172

Floor Tab
Access Right Form
This tab allows you to configure controls for elevators and floors by assigning them to access rights.
• Assigned elevators: This windowpane displays a list of the elevators assigned to the current
access right.
• Assign Elevators: Click this button to display the Elevator Assignment dialog box and select
from a list of elevators available for assignment by this operator. If no elevators are listed,
check that the elevators have been configured on the Elevator Form.
• Assigned floors: This windowpane displays the floors assigned to the current access right.
• Assign Floors: Click this button to display the Floor Assignment dialog box and select from a
list of floors available for assignment by this operator. Only floors assigned to the selected
elevators will be available for assignment. If no floors are listed, verify that the floors have
been configured on the Floor Form.
Floor Tab
Floor Form
Use this tab to create a description for a floor
• Description: Enter a description for the floor.
• Floor Selection: Click the drop-down list of number to select a floor number.
Floor Tracking By Input
Define the floors available. Define a digital input (DI) and digital output (DO) for each floor. The DIs are
used for floor selection. Only DIs provided by the 20 DI board may be used for floor selection and each DI
may be used in only one elevator and mapped to only one floor. The DOs are used to control where the
elevator moves. Only DOs provided by the 16 DO board may be used and each digital output may only
be used in one elevator and mapped to one floor. A maximum of 32 floors can be supported.
Floor Tracking By Keypad
Define the floors available and define a digital output (DO) for each floor. The reader's keypad is used to
select the desired floor. Only DOs provided by the 16 DO board can be used. In addition, each DO may
be used in only one elevator and mapped to only one floor. The number of floors is limited by the number
of 16 DO boards that can be placed in the Micro/5-PX; the maximum is 4. Therefore, the maximum
number of floors available is 64 (4 boards x 16 DOs = 64 DOs).
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 173

Fonts Tab
This tab is used to change the fonts on selected text in the report, when generating any report.
Be careful when selecting font styles and sizes. Some styles may not appear as desired when printed
and some sizes may be too large for the page. Use the Print Preview option to check how the font style
and size will print on a page.
• Title: To change the current font of the report title, click Change to display a list of available
fonts, font styles, and font sizes.
• Header Fields: To change the current font of the report headings and/or field descriptions
within the report, click Change to display a list of available fonts, font styles, and font sizes.
• Group Fields: To change the current font of the group headings, click Change to display a list
of available fonts, font styles, and font sizes.
• Data Fields: To change the current font of the report information, click Change to display a
list of available fonts, font styles, and font sizes.
• Page Footer: To change the current font of the report footer, click Change to display a list of
available fonts, font styles, and font sizes. The report footer contains the report title, current
system date, and the page number.
Functions Schedule Tab
Reader Form
Use this tab to select the schedules that will be used to set a reader offline/online or lock/unlock a door.
Time schedules define intervals which include a start AND an end time for different days of the week and
modes. At the start of the schedule, the state of the reader changes to the scheduled value. At the end of
the schedule, the state of the reader returns to the nonscheduled value. For example, if a reader is
scheduled online, it will return to offline at the end of the schedule.
Reader schedule
• Time schedule: Select a time schedule from the drop-down list.
• Online/Offline: Select whether the schedule chosen above will set the reader online or offline.
Door schedule
• Time schedule: Select a time schedule from the drop-down list.
• Unlock/Lock: Select whether the schedule chosen above will lock or unlock the door
controller by this reader.
• Disable Auto Unlock: Select this check box to temporarily disable the schedule that would
automatically unlock a door at the start of a new time schedule. When a valid badge is
presented to the reader for the first time and during the current time schedule in effect, the
door unlocks for the first time and the schedule is now in place, as configured. If no valid
access has been detected from start of schedule to current time, the micro will continue to
wait for valid badge access before implementing the schedule. If a Lock schedule is selected,
this feature is grayed out and not available for selection.
Example: This is particularly helpful if a snowday or hurricane prevents employees from
entering the building at the normal time. Although the current schedule would normally unlock
the door, the door remains locked until the first employee arrives at the reader and presents
a valid badge.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 174

General Tab
Badge, Schedule, Floor Access, Reader Access, Roll Call, Alarm History, Badge History, Zone
History, DI History, Operator History Reports
Use this tab to set the general parameters for grouping and presenting the information of the form.
• Report Title: Enter a name for this report, up to 64 characters.
• Group Records: Select the field by which you want to group the records. Field titles vary with
type of report.
• Sort Groups: Select the fields by which you want the groups sorted and position the fields in
order of precedence. If this box is empty, click Add to select fields.
Add: Click to select the fields by which you want to sort the groups. This displays the Sort
Fields dialog.
Delete: Select a field and click to remove a field from the Sort Groups list.
Up: Select a field and click to increase the priority of this field, which determines how the
groups will be sorted.
Down: Select a field and click to lower the priority of this field, which determines how the
groups will be sorted.
Example: To display and review a report of personal by Department, select the Group Records field as
Department. Select a Sort Group of Last Name, then First Name. Click Save. Select Print Preview from
the File menu. The report displays, sorted alphabetically by Department, then last name, then first name.
General Tab
Person, Administration, Device, and Time and Attendance History Reports
This form sets the parameters of the report.
Report Title: Enter a title for this report, of up to 64 characters.
Report Type: Select the type of report you want to run.
If this is a Person Report, the following options are available:
• Access Rights Data provides a description of all access this person has, and if access is
granted all times in all modes.
• Badge Data provides the badge number, PIN, status, issue, and expiration dates for each
badge the person has been assigned.
• Location Data provides the address and telephone number for each person.
• Standard Data provides the last name, first name, initials, personnel description, department,
employee number, and extended unlock time. This information is also provided on the other
report types for person reports.
• User Data provides up to 90 user fields on each person. You can select which ones to
include in the report.
If this is an Administration Report, the following options are available:
• Alarm Instruction provides a listing of alarm messages defined in the system.
• Alarm Notifier provides a listing of e-mail alarm notification information defined in the system.
• Alarm Routing and Bumping provides a listing of schedule descriptions, routing clients, time
to bump, bumping clients, routing clients, assigned alarms, and comments.
• Archive provides a listing of all the archive files currently in the Database directory.
• Badge Format (UBF) provides a listing of custom badge format types, data and parity
layouts, number of facility and badge characters, and comments.
• Client provides a listing of the clients defined on the system, their Region, autoshutdown
selection, and whether they have an Imaging license.
• Event Trigger provides a listing of defined event triggers defined in the system, including
Intrusion Zone events.
• Events provides a listing of events defined on the system.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 175

• Facility provides a listing of all facilities defined on the system.
• Floor provides a listing of floor descriptions and their associated floor selection numbers.
• Guard Tour provides information associated with each Guard Tour configured in the Secure
Perfect system, including Groups, Tour Points, and badges assigned.
• Host Parameter provides a listing of information from the Parameter Form, including
database connection timeout, database retry count, e-mail addresses, e-mails sent, and
• Intrusion Zone provides a list of intrusion zones and the micros that own them.
• Operators provides a listing of operators and their permissions defined on the system.
• Permission provides a listing of permissions defined on the system.
• Response provides a listing of responses defined on the system.
• Schedules provides a listing of time and mode schedules defined on the system.
If this is a Device Report, the following options are available:
• Alarm provides a listing of alarms defined on the system and alarm specific information.
• Alarm – API Connections provides a list of alarm details defined in the system, received
through an external interface.
• Alarm – Camera provides a list of Kalatel camera alarm details defined in the system as well
as the DVMRs that own them.
• Alarm – DVMR provides a list of Kalatel DVMR alarms defined in the system.
• Alarm Group provides a listing of alarm groups defined on the system and the micro that
owns the groups.
• Cameras provides a list of cameras and camera details such as camera presets on the
system and the DVR(s) that own them.
• Digital Input provides a listing of digital inputs (DI) defined on the system and DI-specific
• Digital Output provides a listing of digital outputs (DO) defined on the system and DO-specific
• Digital Output Group provides a listing of digital output groups defined on the system and the
micro that owns them.
• Digital Video Recorder provides a list of DVRs defined on the system and DVR-specific
• Elevator provides a listing of elevators defined on the system and elevator-specific
• Micro provides a listing of micros defined on the system and micro-specific information.
• Reader provides a listing of readers defined on the system and reader-specific information.
If this is a Time and Attendance Report, the following options are available:
• First In Last Out calculates the difference between the first In transaction and last Out
transaction within the time period you specify on the Date Range tab. All other transactions
are ignored.
• Paired In Out calculates the difference between all In and Out transactions within the time
period you specify on the Date Range tab. The earliest In is paired with the first Out following
it and both times are displayed together followed by the difference between them in hours.
The next In along with its paired Out are displayed together on the next line. This continues
until all Ins and Outs have been paired together and displayed.
An error message will display if:
• There is not a matching number of In transactions and Out transactions within a specified
time period.
• There are two In transactions without an Out between them.
• There are two Out transactions without an In between them.
Group Records: Select the field by which you want to group the records. This provides the organization
of the report. The choices in the drop-down list correspond with the selection of Report Type. This option
may not be available on all report types.
Sort Groups: Displays the fields in order of precedence by which the groups will be sorted. If this box is
empty, click Add to display a list of available fields. This option may not be available on all report types.
• Add: Click to select the fields by which you want to sort the groups. This displays the Sort
Fields dialog.
• Delete: Select a field and click to remove a field from the Sort Groups list.
• Up: Select a field and click to increase the priority of this field, which determines how the
groups will be sorted.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 176

• Down: Select a field and click to lower the priority of this field, which determines how the
groups will be sorted.
Global Edition Regional Configuration Rules
This topic addresses administration and behavior of a successful Secure Perfect Global Edition system.
Particular functions in the Global Edition must be handled locally, at the Regional level. The following
table is an overview of administrative functions and links to forms where configuration and behavior must
be considered.
Secure Perfect
Updates Allowed
in Remote
Allowed in
Access Rights Form
Yes Yes
Adding or deleting readers from an access
– Readers Only
right for a local Region or remote Region:
The micros get updated with the correct
reader information in both cases
Digital Output Groups, Elevators, and
Zone assignment for access right must
wait until replication interval to update the
remote database and then perform a
database download to micros in the
remote Region.
Alarm Form No (See
Updating in a Remote Region: Updates to
nonmicro alarms (such as CCTV, Camera,
and DVR alarms) are allowed. Updates to
devices directly controlled by I/O boards in
the micro (such as digital inputs and
readers) are not allowed. They must be
updated at a local Regional level.
Alarm Group Form No N/A
Badge Alias Form Yes Yes No action required.
CCTV Alarm Form Yes Yes No action required.
Client Form Yes Yes Backup Clients tab, Assign micro phone
No action required.
Digital Input Form No N/A
Digital Output Form No N/A
Digital Output
No No
Group Form
Digital Video
Yes Yes
Editing a DVR in a remote Region: Wait for
replication to occur before changes take
effect. If user changes the host name to a
remote client, wait for replication to occur
and then restart the hosting client’s
Adding a DVR in a remote Region: Wait for
replication to occur and then restart
services on the remote client.
Elevator Form Yes Yes
Editing an elevator in a remote Region:
Edits will not be applied until replication
occurs on the remote database. After
replication, the operator must manually
initiate a database download from the
Micro Utility Form in order for changes to
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 177

take effect.
Event Schedule
Yes Yes
Updating remote Regions: Wait for
replication interval and then perform a
database download. Applies to adds and
Floor Yes Yes No action required.
Intrusion Zone
No No
Manual Control
Yes Yes No action required.
Micro Form Yes Yes
Editing a micro in a remote Region: Wait
for replication to occur and then perform a
database download to that micro. If the
user changes the host name to a remote
client, wait for replication to occur and then
restart the hosting client’s services.
Adding a micro in a remote Region: Wait
for replication to occur and then restart
services on the remote client.
Mode Schedule
Yes Yes
Updating remote Regions: Wait for
replication interval and then perform a
database download. Applies to adds and
Override Form Yes Yes No action required.
Reader Form No N/A
Time Schedule
Yes Yes
Updating remote Regions: Wait for
replication interval and then perform a
database download. Applies to adds and
Tour Point Form No N/A All tour points must be associated with
micros within the same Region.
Group Tab
Alarm Group Form
Use this tab to schedule when the alarms in the group are monitored or when to print alarm transactions
by assigning previously defined time schedules to alarm groups.
Number: This is a read-only field. Displays the number of the alarm group.
Micro: This is a read-only field. Displays the description of the micro on which this alarm group is located.
• Time schedule: Select a time schedule from the drop-down list.
• On/Off: Select On if the above schedule is when you want to monitor the alarm group or Off if
the above schedule is when you do not want to monitor alarms belonging to this alarm group.
Print Alarm
• Time schedule: Select a time schedule from the drop-down list.
• Yes/No: Select Yes if the above schedule is when you want to print alarms belonging to this
alarm group or No if the above schedule is when you do not want to print alarms belonging to
this alarm group.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 178

Guard Tour Assignment Dialog Box
This window displays when you click Guard Tour Assignment, enabling you to select and assign Guard
Tours that you want to trigger an event.
• Select, and then click the right arrow to assign a Guard Tour.
• Select, and then click the left arrow to unassign a Guard Tour.
Click OK to display the results in the Assigned Guard Tours windowpane.
Group Tab
Digital Output Group Form
Use this tab to assign digital outputs to a selected digital output group on a specified micro.
This is a read-only field displaying the number assigned to the digital output group.
This is a read-only field displaying the description of the micro on which this digital output group is
Digital Outputs
This windowpane displays the digital outputs assigned to this group.
Assign Digital Outputs
Click this button to display the Digital Output Assignment dialog box. This dialog lists all digital outputs
Guard Tour
Administration Menu
The Guard Tour option opens the Guard Tour form that allows you to enter a description for your Guard
Tour inspection and configure the Tour Manager PC, Start Point, tour time, and points.
This option is unavailable if you are not licensed for Guard Tour.
Guard Tour History
Reports Menu
The Guard Tour History option opens the Guard Tour History Report Form that allows you to generate a
report of completed tours displaying tour activities such as start points, hits, invalid points, pauses,
resumes, tour end points, tour time exceeded, manual start and manual stop.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 179

Guard Tour Tab - Guard Tour Form
Reference Topic:
Point Assignment Dialog Box
Badge Assignment Dialog Box
Configure the specifics of this tour by completing the elements displayed on this tab.
Requirements are indicated by an asterisk.
Element Description
Tour Host Computer*
From the drop-down list, select the computer that will host this tour. Guard
tours must be owned by a specific client host.
Start Tour Point*
From the drop-down list, select a tour point as the start point of this tour.
• Only direct and network micro devices display in this drop-down list.
• When you select a start point, becomes available.
• Enter the maximum number of minutes that this tour is allowed to last.
Max tour time (min)*
When the maximum time is reached, a tour is ended automatically.
• The default and maximum number of minutes in this field is 480.
Route Activity to
Select this check box to route badge activities to a selected and enabled
system printer at the client computer that is hosting the Guard Tour. You must
have two separate printers configured if you are using a printer for tour
activitiess and a printer for badges.
• Displays a list of assigned tour points. All tours are random. A random tour
Tour Points*
is a tour where all of its points do not need to be hit in a particular order,
except the assigned start point.
• Every time this tour is executed, the order of ‘hit’ points can vary. A random
tour ends automatically when all of its tour points have been hit.
• Click to display a Point Assignment dialog box, allowing you to assign Tour
Assign Tour Points*
Points to this tour.
• Selection results display in the Tour Points windowpane.
Move Up
Select and click to move this Tour Point up the list. This tour point order
displays on the Manual Control form, Guard Tour tab.
Move Down
Select and click to move this Tour Point down the list. This tour point order
displays on the Manual Control form, Guard Tour tab.
Tour Badges*
Displays a list of assigned tour badges. At least one badge must be assigned
to a tour.
• Click to display a Badge Assignment dialog box, allowing you to assign
Assign Tour Badges
badges to this tour.
• If a reader is assigned as a tour point, a badge must be assigned before
this Guard Tour record can be saved.
• Click to save this tour record and simultaneously create a new alarm,
Guard Tour Max Time Exceeded.
• If you have not completed the required elements, you cannot save.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 180

Guard Tour Tab - Manual Control Form
Reference Topics:
Guard Tours Form
Tour Point Form
This tab does not display if you are not licensed for Guard Tour.
The purpose of using this form is to manually start, pause, resume, or stop a Guard Tour that is currently
in progress. The upper windowpane displays all Guard Tours configured in your Secure Perfect system to
which this operator has access.
Element Description
Upper Windowpane:
• Guard Tour
A list of configured tours descriptions in the Secure Perfect system.
• Tour State
This column displays the current state of all Guard Tours in your Secure
Perfect system. Typical states are: 1) Tour Started; 2) Tour Not Started; 3)
Tour Paused.
• Time to Complete
This column displays the estimated time assigned for completion of a tour,
based on the clock time that this tour started and maximum tour time
allowed. If a tour is paused and later resumed before expiration of
estimated completion time, the remaining unused tour time is reflected in
the Time to Complete column.
• Client Description
This column displays the client that is hosting the selected tour. A color
indicator displays the current connection status of the client that is hosting
the selected tour.
• Green indicates online.
• Red indicates offline.
Lower Windowpane:
• Tour Point
This column displays a list of points associated with the selected Guard
• Point Status
This column displays a ‘hit’ or ‘not hit’ real-time status. You do not have to
refresh your window to see the current state of the tour points for the
selected tour.
• Last Hit Time
This column has an entry following a valid ‘hit’ to this point.
Set Tour to:
• Start
Verify that the appropriate tour is selected in the upper windowpane. Click
to manually begin a Guard Tour. The Tour State column indicates ‘Tour
• Stop
Verify that the appropriate tour is selected in the upper windowpane. Click
to prematurely stop a tour in progress. The Tour State column indicates
‘Tour Not Started.’ This button is not available if a tour is not in progress.
• Resume
Verify that the appropriate tour is selected in the upper windowpane. Click
to resume a tour that was previously paused. The Tour State column
indicates ‘Tour Started.’ This button is unavailable if a tour is not in
progress. This button is not available if the time assigned for the selected
tour has expired.
• Pause
Verify that the appropriate tour is selected in the upper windowpane. Click
to pause a tour that is currently in progress. The Tour State column
indicates ‘Tour Paused.’ This button is unavailable if a tour is not in
• Purpose
Specify a reason for stopping or starting this tour. Enter a brief statement
about the operator’s actions.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 181

Guard Tours Tab - Guard Tour History Report
Click Edit to display the Guard Tour Assignment Dialog Box, enabling you to assign Guard Tours for
which this report will generate.
The assigned Guard Tours display in the open window pane of this tab.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 182

Help Doesn't Display in My Assigned Language
This occurs when you are using either a non-English operating system or a non-English Secure Perfect
and you did not correctly shut down SP. To eliminate this problem, you MUST select the File menu and
then Exit to correctly shut down SP.
Help Topics
Help Menu
Selection of this option starts the Secure Perfect Help system.
You can also click the Help icon to access Help , then move the ? over any area of your display and
click again. A window will open with information pertaining to the selected section.
Click the Show me icon to view a step-by-step animated demo.
Using Help Contents
Using Help Index
Using Help Search
Hex Characters
Valid and allowable hex characters include the base 16 numbering system (0 through 9 and A through F).
How Do I Perform a Search on a Specific Form
The Secure Perfect Search button can be found on any form that provides search capabilities. If you click
this button when the current form is blank, all records will be returned. To specify criteria, fill in the
Example: If you want to find all badgeholders with the last name Smith, type Smith in the Last name
field and click Search.
You can also use the * character that allows you to search for patterns.
Example: A search for badgeholders with the last name starting with Sm* would yield such names as
Smith and Smythers.
How Do I Put a Reader Online
From the Secure Perfect main menu, go to Device, then Reader. Click Search to display existing reader
records. From the right windowpane, select the reader you want to set online, then select Online and
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 183

How Do I Remove an Alarm from the Alarm Monitor Form
When an alarm displays on the Alarm Monitor Form, appropriate action should be taken. For example,
you may want to send a guard out to check that a door is secure. Once the alarm has been investigated
and reset, if necessary, it should be removed from the Alarm Monitor Form.
1. Some alarms may require an acknowledgment before they can be removed. This feature is set on
the Alarm Form. To acknowledge the alarm:
Without a response, click Acknowledge and the Process state for that alarm will change to
With a response, click Responses to select a predefined response or enter your own in the
Response field. Then, click Acknowledge and the Process state for that alarm will change to
2. To remove an individual alarm without waiting for it to reset, highlight the alarm and click Remove
3. If you have permission, you can remove all alarms in one action by clicking the Remove All icon:
How Do I Troubleshoot My Global Edition System?
Reference Topic:
Replication and Synchronization Conflicts
Review the Secure Perfect 6.0 Installation Guide chapter covering "Installing Secure Perfect 6.0 Global
Edition." Confirm and review your configuration options, then review the Troubleshooting section.
Additionally, refer to Microsoft Replication software documentation in printed and electronic format.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 184

Installing the Printer Driver
To install the print driver for your badge printer:
1. Follow the instructions shipped with your printer.
2. Select the appropriate printer port.
3. Select a name for the printer and indicate if it is the default printer.
4. Do not print a test page; click Finish.
5. After the installation is complete, move the mouse pointer over the printer icon, click the right
mouse button, and select and set Properties.
6. Complete the printer setup and then click Exit.
• The printer may NOT support transparent bitmaps.
• If the printer run out of cards or the ribbon need to be replaced while in the process of producing
badges, an error message will display. Correct the condition at the printer and then put the printer back
online before continuing with your print job.
Administration Menu
The Instruction option opens the Alarm Instruction Form that allows you to create instructions on how to
react to alarms and link with alarm records. The instruction(s) will then display on the Alarm Monitor Form
when the alarm occurs.
Intrusion Zone
Administration Menu
The Intrusion Zone option opens the Intrusion Zone Form that allows you to create zones, assign
intrusion DI, intrusion DO, alarms, and readers. The Status Tab displays current state of the zone and
status of all assigned devices.
Intrusion Zone Assignment Dialog Box
This window displays when Assign Intrusion Zone is clicked on the Intrusion Zones tab of the Access
Right form or Event Trigger form. The window displays a list of all intrusion zones for the micros in the
facilities available for assignment by this operator. You can assign an unlimited number of intrusion zones
to an access right.
• Select, then click the right arrow to assign an available intrusion zone.
• Select, then click the left arrow to unassign an intrusion zone.
Click OK to accept the selections and display the Intrusion Zones in the Assigned Intrusion Zones list
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 185

Intrusion Overview
Reference Topics:
Arm/Disarm an Intrusion Zone
Intrusion Zone Form
Activity Monitor Form
About Intrusion Options
Intrusion functionality provides the ability to define local intrusion zones per micro that consist of:
• Readers
• Alarms
• Arm/disarm input point Intrusion DI
• Arm/disarm output point DO
The defined intrusion zones have the ability to be armed and disarmed through access control by using a
card and keypad reader, DI, or manual control.
The intended application is suited for arming and disarming intrusion zones from outside of the monitored
and secured areas. Based on Secure Perfect system architecture, it is not our intent to fully emulate
traditional Burg/Intrusion panel functions but to provide similar functionality for less stringent
Burg/intrusion requirements that can be taken on natively within the access control system. Additionally,
the system provides increased value by allowing cross-system functionality between the Secure Perfect
micro and vendor-independent Burg/Intrusion panels.
Arm/Disarm Intrusion Point - Digital Input Form
• An Intrusion DI Type has been added to the drop-down list on the Digital Input Form, Digital
Input tab.
• When the Arm/Disarm Intrusion point is set/active (Armed), the associated zone is armed by
placing all readers offline, all alarm points monitored on, and the arm/disarm DO goes active.
• When the Arm/Disarm Intrusion DI is reset/not active (Disarmed), the associated zone is
disarmed by placing all readers online, all alarm points monitored off (unless on a schedule),
and the arm/disarm DO goes inactive.
Intrusion Zone – Intrusion Zone Form
The Intrusion Zone Form is required for creating a relation between readers, alarm inputs, the
Arm/Disarm Intrusion point, and the arm/disarm DO.
1. An Intrusion Zone is defined with a description and facility assignment.
2. A micro selection is required to establish the zone source and its intrusion points.
3. The Intrusion Zone tab provides for the assignment of the following intrusion zone components:
arm/disarm DO, arm/disarm Intrusion DI, readers, and alarms.
Arm/Disarm Intrusion DI: This is a single record selection from a drop-down list filtered by
active facility that consists of all available Arm/Disarm Intrusion points for the micro. Only the
Dis that have not been assigned will be available.
Alarm Points: This is a multi-record selection from an assignment dialog filtered by active
facility that consists of available micro alarm points not already assigned to a zone. (24/7 4-
State Supervision rules apply regardless of the Armed/Disarmed state of the zone.)
Readers: This is a multi-record selection from an assignment dialog filtered by active facility
that consists of available readers not already assigned to a zone. (Readers must be active
and nonelevator type.)
A zone can be configured to contain the following:
An Arm/Disarm Intrusion Point with Alarm Points only and no Readers.
An Arm/Disarm Intrusion Point with Readers only and no Alarm Points
Alarm Points and Readers only with no Arm/Disarm Intrusion Point.
Readers only.
An arm/disarm DO can be assigned for any of these.
4. A Status tab provides the ability to request status of the zone and each of its associated points, as
Zone: Armed or Disarmed
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 186

Arm/Disarm Intrusion DI: Active/Inactive/Trouble
Readers: Online or Off-Line
Alarm Points: Monitored Off/Monitored On
Arm/Disarm By Access Right
The Intrusion Zones tab of the Access Right Form allows you to assign multiple intrusion zones using an
assignment dialog.
• Only badge holders with an Intrusion Zone assigned on the Access Right Form will be able to
arm and disarm zones using any of the card/keypad readers within a zone.
• When a zone is armed, all readers within the zone will go offline, and normal access rights
will not gain access into the area.
• When a zone is disarmed, all readers within the zone will go on-line and normal access rights
will gain access into the area. If schedules were assigned, then the reader will follow the
If you expect to arm/disarm by using any one of the readers within a zone:
• That reader must be assigned on the Access Right tab of the Access Right Form and be an
assigned reader in the Intrusion Zone listed on the Intrusion Zone tab.
• Individually created access rights must be assigned to the person that will arm/disarm the
Instrusion Zone. (One right will allow access to the readers and another right will allow
access to the Intrusion Zone.)
Arm/Disarm by Manual Control
Manual zone control for arming and disarming is accomplished using the Intrusion Zone tab on the
Manual Control Form. This follows the standard Manual Control Form conventions including a Purpose
entry by the operator.
Intrusion Zone Tab
Reference Topic:
Intrusion Zone Form
Intrusion Zone Assignment Dialog Box
Access Right Form
This tab allows you to assign intrusion zone control to previously created access rights. Access to a
reader and access to an intrusion zone are two separate access rights. Only badge holders with an
Arm/Disarm Intrusion Zone access right will be able to arm and disarm zones by accessing a
card/keypad reader within a zone. When a zone is armed, all readers within that zone go off-line;
therefore, normal access rights will not gain access into the area.
Assigned Intrusion Zones: This windowpane displays a list of previously assigned intrusion zones for
the currently selected access right record.
Assign Intrusion Zone: Click this button to display the Intrusion Zone Assignment dialog box, allowing
you to assign and unassign intrusion zones to the selected access right. If no intrusion zones display,
verify that intrusion zones were configured on the Intrusion Zone Form.
If you do not have valid access to a reader that belongs to an Intrusion Zone due to a schedule in that
access right, you will not be able to arm/disarm a zone.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 187

Intrusion Zone Tab - Event Trigger Form
Reference Topic:
Intrusion Zone Assignment
This tab allows you to assign Intrusion Zones and Intrusion Zone transaction type(s) that will become the
source for this Event Trigger.
Element Description
Select any one or all of the types of Intrusion Zone
transactions that will trigger an event.
• Arm
Intrusion Zone arm transaction in progress.
• Disarm
Intrusion Zone disarm transaction in progress.
• Invalid
Intrusion Zone arm/disarm transaction failed for one of the
following reasons:
• Device or badging failed. The zones are not secure.
• The arm/disarm device is not a part of the selected
• The 10-second time period allowed for completion of
the arm/disarm process at keypad and reader, has
• The presented badge does not have access rights for
transactions in the selected Intrusion Zones.
Tag Selection:
Select one of the options.
• None
No tag is sent for marking a recorded video or
manipulating the record rate.
• Tag only
A tag is sent for marking recorded video at the camera(s)
current record rate.
• Tag as event
A tag is sent to the DVR for marking recorded video and
for changing the camera(s) record rate to its event record
rate settings.
This list box displays those Intrusion Zones that you have
Intrusion Zones
assigned to this Event Trigger.
Assign Intrusion
Click to display an Intrusion Zone Assignment dialog box,
listing available Intrusion Zones in your Secure Perfect
system. Those zones selected and assigned when you
close the dialog box, will display in this list box.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 188

Intrusion Zone Tab
Reference Topic:
Arm/Disarm an Intrusion Zone
Intrusion Zone Form
This tab allows you to edit or create an intrusion zone record and associate DI, DO, and devices such as
readers and alarms in the operators’ selected facilities.
Number: Assign and enter a number for the intrusion zone, between 1 and 96. Duplicate numbers are
allowed but not on the same micro.
Select a micro from the drop-down list of available micros that will control this intrusion zone. This is a
one-to-one relationship and establishes the zone source and intrusion/access points. The micro must be
connected and online.
A Reader or Digital Input and Alarm must be selected in order to save this record.
Arm/Disarm DO: Select one DO from the drop-down list of DOs that will trigger when an Intrusion Zone
is armed/disarmed. This is an optional assignment. This DO can be assigned to another Intrusion Zone.
Arm/Disarm DI: Select one DI for the drop-down list of available DIs of the Type Intrusion, as
assigned on the Digital Input Form. This DI can arm/disarm an Intrusion Zone and is an optional
assignment. This DI cannot be assigned to another Intrusion Zone.
When you unassign a DI, save this record. It is now available to re-assign this DI to another Intrusion
Last Status:
• Date: Date of last zone history transaction on record.
• Time: Time of last zone history transaction on record.
• Status: Status as of last zone history transaction on record.
In order to refresh this status section, click off of this record then back or close then reopen the form
Assigned Readers: This list box displays a list of available, active readers in the same zone, belonging
to the selected micro. You must assign at least one reader OR a digital input and alarm to an Intrusion
Zone. The reader cannot be assigned to an elevator. Click Assign Readers to display a dialog box that
enables you to assign active readers.
Assigned Alarms: This list box displays a list of intrusion alarms in the same zone, not already
assigned, on the selected micro. This cannot be an external, DVMR, or a logical such as Host Comm or
Lost Badge alarm. Click Assign Alarms to display a dialog box that enables you to assign alarms. This is
an optional assignment.
Arm Delay (sec)
Arm Delay: Enter the number of seconds to delay the arming of this intrusion zone. This field accepts up
to 255 seconds. This time limit should allow a person to pass into or out of a monitored area before the
zone is armed.
If your system is UL-listed, the delay cannot exceed 60 seconds. Refer to the UL Certification
Requirements in your Secure Perfect Installation Manual.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 189

Intrusion Zone Tab
Reference Topic:
Intrusion Overview
Manual Control Form
This form allows you to manually control the Intrusion Zone, and takes the Intrusion Zone from one
condition (armed) to another condition (disarmed), depending on the current operator’s permissions.
• When the Zone is Armed, readers will not allow access to anyone, alarm points are
monitored, and schedules are ignored.
• When the Zone is Disarmed, personnel require only access rights for readers.
Select micro
Immediately following selection of a micro, the system searches and displays Intrusion Zone records in
the list box windowpane, associated with the selected micro.
• All displays all micros in the operator’s facilities.
• By Micro displays records for a specific micro. Click the down arrow to display the list of
Columns in Windowpane
• Description: Description of the Intrusion Zone in the database.
• Micro: Micro on which the Intrusion Zone Control is located.
Set State To:
• Arm: Immediately arms the selected Intrusion Zone.
• Disarm: Immediately disarms the manual Intrusion Zone.
When you select an Intrusion record, this box is enabled. Enter an explanation for arming/disarming the
Intrusion Zone. This field accepts 255 alphanumeric characters. These comments are written to the
operator history file and display in the Purpose Field, on the Operator History Report.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 190

Keypad Alarm Shunting
Reference Topics:
Both Read/Keypad Type Reader
Keypad Only Type Reader
Normal Type Reader
The keypad alarm shunting feature allows you to turn the monitoring of a group of alarms off or on using
the keypad. This can also be accomplished by setting up a schedule for an alarm group using a time
Only reader board door inputs and 20DI board input points can be shunted from a keypad.
• To identify a reader board door input, look for a default description that follows this format: 0001-1-01
• To identify a 20DI board input point, look for a default description that follows this format: 0001-1-01
Keypad Only Type Reader
Only reader board door inputs and 20DI board input points can be shunted from a keypad. (To
identify a reader board door input, look for a default description that follows this format: 01-1-01 Reader.
To identify a 20DI board input point, look for a default description that follows this format: 01-1-01 DI.)
Follow the steps below to shunt alarm groups within a micro connected to a keypad reader.
1. Click the start key on the keypad. The start key is labeled with either an asterisk <*> or a plus <+>
depending on the reader model.
2. Type one of the following:
0 - to turn monitoring off
1 - to turn monitoring on
3. Type the alarm group number (00 to 15) you want shunted.
4. Click the end key that is labeled with either a pound sign (#) or an <x>.
5. Click the start key on the keypad again.
6. Type your badge number on the keypad.
7. Click the end key (<#> or <x>).
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 191

Launch Client
Select this icon from the Client Monitor toolbar, to enable a CCTV interface (other than integrated CCTV).
This option also displays on the shortcut menu for this form. The shortcut menu displays when you click
the right mouse button.
Reference Topic:
About Secure Perfect
Your Secure Perfect software is licensed during the installation process. The license sequence is also
an item on the Start, Programs, Secure Perfect menu. Refer to the SP License Help system for
additional details of the licensing procedure.
Your license included Imaging software for Secure Perfect that controls the number of clients that can
launch Imaging. Imaging installs with every Secure Perfect installation; however, you cannot enable
Imaging on more computers than you have Imaging licenses. (Only clients that have an Imaging license
enabled can capture images and signatures, create badge designs, and print badges. If not all computers
require the license at the same time, you can enable and disable the license for the appropriate
Thin client licenses are limited to Enterprise Server computers running Windows 2000/2003 operating
system. Licensing controls the number of computers that can host remote Secure Perfect sessions. You
cannot enable thin client on more computers than you have licenses. (If not all computers require the
license at the same time, you can enable and disable the option for the appropriate computers.)
To run the License program, click in this sequence: Start, Run, Programs, Secure Perfect, SP
License. The LicenseSetup window opens. Follow instructions as displayed. SP License has a separate
Online Help system.
Location Tab
Reference Topic:
Alarm Notifier
Person Form
Use this tab to enter location information for this person. The fields accept 64 alphanumeric characters,
making possible exceptionally lengthy street addresses or E-mail addresses.
Address1/Address2/ Address3/Address4/Address5
The labels of these five fields are defined on the Parameters Form.
Any fields can be used as an E-mail Address, but must first be designated as the E-mail address on
the Parameter Form, as a User Field or Address Field entry.
Enter the telephone number of this person. You may use up to 14 alphanumeric characters. There are no
restrictions in format (whether you use hyphens, parentheses, or spaces). Enter in a format meaningful
and understandable to your organization or application.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 192

Administration Menu
The LogFile option opens the LogFile Form that allows you to select the computer, name your log file,
and navigate to, or enter the path and directory to your LogFile.
LogFile Tab
Reference Topic:
Diagnostic Settings Form
LogFile Form
Click Add to create a new logfile record or Search to display a list box of previously created LogFiles.
This field will be unavailable when creating a new
record. The name of your computer will display in this
Name or identify your file.
You must enter an .spl extension. Example:
Designate the path and directory in which to place
your LogFile.
Click to display a Browse for Folder window, allowing
you to navigate to the directory in which to place your
Save. Now, open the Diagnostic Settings Form from the Administration menu. You will want to select this
LogFile name from the list of files displayed, and assign components for monitoring.
File Menu Item
Refer to Log On/Log Off or Shut Down.
Low-Battery Alarm
Micro/PX-2000 ONLY: When you create and save a Micro/PX-2000 record, Secure Perfect creates and
supports 11 DI points; however, the 11
DI is a low-battery alarm. To configure the 11
DI to function as
a low-battery alarm, refer to DI Board Records Creation. If power is off and the backup battery is running
low, the micro sends an alarm transaction to the Alarm Monitor form. The alarm displays until the battery
is reset by recharging or the micro is powered back on.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 193

Manual Control
Operations Menu
The Manual Control option opens the Manual Control Form that allows you to control:
• DO (digital output) states for Door DOs and other DOs.
• DI (digital input) states for Alarm DIs and other DIs.
• Intrusion Zone states.
The shortcut key combination for Manual Control Form is CTRL+O.
Clicking this icon from the Secure Perfect toolbar can also access this option:
Manual Control Tab
Digital Output Form
Use this tab to manually set the state of a specified digital output.
Enter the reason for manually changing the state of the specified digital output. The text entered here is
recorded in Operator History.
Set state to:
• On for Duration: Click to set the selected digital output to its Active state for the On time
specified on the Digital Output tab.
• On Indefinite: Click to set the selected digital output to its Active state until it is manually set
to its inactive state. The only way to turn it off is by selecting Off on this tab or Off on the
Manual Door/DO Control Form.
• Off: Click to set the selected digital output to its inactive state.
• Sched. Override: Use this option to change the state of the DO if you want the schedule to
override its setting. For example, use Sched. Override to unlock a door if you want a
schedule at a later time to lock this door. If you don’t want the scheduler to lock your door,
use the On Indefinite selection.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 194

Mass Update
Reference Topic:
Conditions of Mass Update
This option is not available until at least one record exists in the list box to the right of the form. The Mass
Update mode allows you to simultaneously update properties on a group of records within Secure
Perfect. This is very helpful when a number of records for a single form require the identical property or
value change. Forms where Mass Update is applicable include the Person Form and Badge Form.
Click the Show me icon to view a step-by-step animated demo.
Mass Update mode of processing is enabled as follows:
1. Open a blank form.
2. Click Search to display a list of existing records. We recommend entering search criteria to
narrow your search results to only records that are to be updated. Records that match your
search criteria display in the list box to the right of the form.
If there are no records, Mass Update is not available.
3. Move the mouse pointer below any of the tabs and right-click to display a shortcut menu to
related forms. To enable the Mass Update mode, select Mass Update from the shortcut menu.
4. Note the change in the appearance of the form. ONLY those fields or dialog boxes that are
available for mass update changes are now enabled and blank. Certain conditions apply.
5. Select the records you want to adjust from the list box on the right. Typical Microsoft Windows
selection/deselection process is used in this application
6. Make the required adjustment to the form.
7. Click Save. The update of records begins immediately. A window displays with a progress bar,
indicating the update progress. Click Abort if you want to stop the update in progress.
You cannot close a form during the Mass Update process.
Right-click shortcut menu navigation is unavailable when you are in Mass Update
If you have changed any parameter but did not Save, a message reminds you to discard or
save your changes.
Smaller batch updates are recommended to prevent performance issues during a mass
A Mass Update Complete dialog box displays, indicating completion or failure.
When mass updates are processed to an access right, a log file is generated and a
View Results key displays in the dialog box. Click to view the completion log. We
recommend that you rename and save this file to another location for reference purposes.
Renaming the log prevents an overwrite. The questionable log will be available for
Customer Support to review and locate discrepancies. Be aware that this log file is
automatically overwritten every 7 days, in order to prevent unnecessary data that would
accumulate on your hard drive.
8. When the process is complete, a Mass Update Complete dialog message displays.
9. Right-click and select Mass Update from the shortcut menu to disable and exit Mass Update
mode. The records refresh at this point.
10. Updates display in the list box to the right.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 195

Menu Buttons
View Menu
The Menu Buttons option determines whether or not the Secure Perfect graphics display beside options
in the drop-down menus.
Clear the check box to hide the graphics from view.
Message Format Tab
Alarm Notifier Form
This tab allows you to format the appearance of the e-mail alarm notification, based on your Windows
regional font settings.
Date/Time Format
Select a date/time format from the drop-down list.
Select this check box to display a header greeting. In the Header field, enter text up to 256 alphanumeric
characters. This could be additional details explaining the alarm condition.
• If you do not select the check box, any header message you create will NOT be included in
your e-mail.
• If you do not enter a header greeting, an equivalent white space will display at the beginning
of the e-mail notification.
Select this check box to display a footer closing. In the Footer field, enter text up to 256 alphanumeric
characters. This space could provide a name and number to contact if the receiver has a question.
• If you do not select the check box, any footer message you create will NOT be included in
your e-mail.
• If you do not enter a foot or closing, an equivalent white space will display at the end of the e-
mail notification.
Alarm Information: The information displayed on the e-mail message may look similar to:
0151-1-01 DI|Alarm|10/16/02 15:20:59
0151-1-01 DI = The micro, board and reader.
Alarm = The alarm state.
10/16/01 15:20:59 = The micro date and time.
Add Alarm Instruction
Select this check box to include the alarm instruction associated with this alarm, in this e-mail notification.
• If this check box is not selected, any associated alarm instruction will not be included in the
• If this check box is selected and there are no alarm instructions, no instructions will be
included in the message.
Alarm/Reset Text
This text is how you want the alarm State to display to the receiver. You can do one of the following:
• Accept the default alarm state entry, as displayed in the language of the current operator.
• Select and replace the existing text with alarm state text in another language, such as the
language of the receiver. You can also add to the text with additional text (no more than 32
alphanumeric characters total) describing the state.
Alarm Text: Default alarm state text is Alarm, displayed in the language of the current operator.
Reset Text: Default alarm reset state text is Reset, displayed in the language of the current operator.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 196

Device Menu
The Micro option opens the Micro Form that allows you to identify and configure micros.
Micro/5-PX or Micro/PX-2000 Records Generation
When you select a micro type on the Micro Definition tab of the Micro Form, a Power/Comm board is
automatically added to the Configuration column on the Micro Configuration tab of the Micro Form. As a
result, certain additional records are created:
Alarm Records:
• Tamper
• Power
• Lost Badge Alarm
• Invalid Badge
• Host Comm Alarm
• 8RP Reminder: The Micro/PX-2000 supports 4 readers.
• 16DO Reminder: The Micro/PX-2000 supports 8 DO points.
• 20DI Reminder: The Micro/PX-2000 supports 11 DI points.
Micro/PX-2000 boards shipped after November 1, 2003, support the 11th DI as a low-battery
alarm for the micro.
None of these alarms are monitored. If you want them to display on the Alarm Monitor when the alarm is
triggered, you will need to go to the Alarm Form, Alarm Tab and enable Monitor in the Settings section.
In addition, all alarms are automatically assigned to Alarm Group 0. You can change the Alarm Group on
the Alarm Group Form.
Digital Input Records:
• Tamper
• Power
Sixteen (16) Alarm Group Records:
As mentioned above, all alarms are automatically assigned to Alarm Group 0. You can change this on the
Alarm Group Form.
Micro Assignment Dialog Box
This window displays when you click Edit, allowing you to select and assign micro association for this
form. Only micros in the operators’ facilities are available for assignment by this operator.
• Select, and then click the right arrow to assign an available micro.
• Select, and then click the left arrow to unassign a micro.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 197

Micro Configuration Tab
Reference Topics:
Micro/5-PX or Micro/PX-2000 Records Generation
Reader Board Records Generation
DO Board Records Generation
DI Board Records Generation
Micro Form
Use this tab to assign the appropriate boards to this micro.
Before continuing, verify that the micro type (Micro/5-PX, Micro/5-PXN, Micro/PX-2000, or Micro/PXN-
2000) is correct. The boards listed in the Boards column depend on the type of micro you have selected.
Lists all boards supported by Secure Perfect and the micro type you have selected. To add a board to the
current micro record, click and drag to the Configuration column. If the addition of the board violates a
micro configuration rule, you will get an error and the board will not be added.
Lists the current configuration of the micro. A Power/Comm board is automatically added when you
create the micro record. The reader, digital input, and digital output boards will need to be added to
match the physical setup of the micro.
Following the addition or deletion of a board, you MUST click Save for the appropriate records to be
generated or deleted.
Once you add a board, you are restricted to that type of board only. For example, if you add one 2RP
board, any additional boards MUST be 2RP boards. Likewise, you cannot violate any micro configuration
rule. These are based on the capacities for each micro. For example, for the Micro/5-PX, you can only
add up to four 2RP boards, four 2SRP boards, two 4CRP boards, two 8RP boards, or two CK8RP
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 198

Micro Definition Tab
Micro Form
Configure your system with forethought. You will need to designate a physical address for your micro
before you create a definition.
This tab contains the basic information on the micro, such as its address and connection type. When
configuring a micro, COMPLETE THIS TAB FIRST. Other tabs display, depending on the selections you
make on this form.
Upon creation, the micro is offline. Before the host will communicate with the micro, you must change it to
online using the Micro Utility Form. You will not see any badge or alarm transactions until this is done.
Element Description
Enter a number from 1 to 9999 maximum.
When micro records are created, the default value is in the format:
mmmm-b-pp Board Type where mmmm represents the micro number to
which a reader is associated, b represents the board number, pp
represents the point or device number, and Board Type is the type of
reader board.
0001-1-01 Reader
Micro Type
Select the micro you are configuring from the drop-down list. Secure
Perfect operates with the following micro types:
• Micro/5-PX (supports 16 readers) for direct serial and remote dial-
up modem communications links.
• Micro/5-PXN (supports 16 readers) for 10/100Mb Ethernet
communications links. May also be used for direct serial and remote
dialup modem communication links.
• Micro/PX-2000 (supports 4 readers) for direct serial and remote
dial-up modem communications links.
• Micro/PXN-2000 (supports 4 readers) for 10/100Mb Ethernet
communications links. May also be used for direct serial and remote
dialup modem communication links.
• MicroPXNPlus (supports 16 readers) for 10/100Mb Ethernet
communications links. May also be used for direct serial and remote
dialup modem communication links.
• MicroPXNPlus2000 (supports 4 readers) for 10/100Mb Ethernet
communications links. May also be used for direct serial and remote
dialup modem communication links.
When you make a selection, the appropriate fields become available for
the selected type.
Head of Line
Once you have connected the first micro to the host, this micro is the
Head-of-Line in a string of micros.
• Select Yes if you are configuring the first micro connected to the
• If you select No, you must also select a head-of-line micro from the
drop-down list.
A MicroPXNPlus or MicroPXNPlus2000 must be a head-of-line micro to
take advantage of the Web Integrated Configuration Tool for flashing the
If this is a new board, the network settings are set as the default. Open a
browser window such as IE, enter the micro IP address (such as
http\\ and click Go. Firmware download begins.
• If a MicroPXNPlus or MicroPXNPlus2000 is downstream, you must
use eFlash to download firmware to any micro.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 199

• If a MicroPXNPlus or MicroPXNPlus2000 is downstream, consider
obtaining a network connection and using the Web Integrated
Configuration Tool to individually download firmware for ALL
You must select a micro type before this field becomes available. An
error message displays if the selected connection type is not valid with
the micro type.
• Select Dial-up if this micro is connected by a modem.
• Select Direct if a cable connects this micro.
• Select Network if this is a network micro connected by a network.
• Select Network + Dial-up if this is a network micro and has a
backup dial-up option. When the network connection is not
available, the host attempts to reach the micro via a dial-up modem.
• Select Network + Direct if this is a network micro. When the network
connection is not available, communication fails over to the
secondary direct connection and communication continues.
• Select Network + Network if this is a network micro. When the
network connection is not available, communication fails over to a
secondary network communication through another IP address,
assigned on the Port Settings tab.
Dial-Up and Network + Dial-Up Micros: If the host computer of this
micro is licensed for Client Redundancy and has assigned a backup
client, a dialog box displays, reminding you to complete the Client Form
by configuring telephone numbers for backup clients to reach this micro.
Host Keep
Type (or use the up and down arrows) the number of seconds that the
host will wait before sending the next message to a micro. Enter a
number between 10 and 3600. In general, you want a large number
when you have many micros on the same line or have a slow baud rate.
The default is 30 seconds and in most cases, it does not need to be
Select the PC Name from the drop-down list. This is the host machine
that will communicate with the newly defined micro in the future and acts
as the micro communication server.
If the Default Hostname computer is in a failover condition, you cannot
re-assign this micro to any other Host computer except the Active Client
that is presently hosting this device.
Note that any time a badge that is not in a micro is presented to a
reader, it is reported as unknown and the host sends the badge to the
micro. This happens regardless of the Badge Loading option. The
micros can store only a limited number of badges. Refer to the
"Licensing Secure Perfect" chapter of the Secure Perfect Installation
Guide for capacities. When a previously unknown badge is sent to a
micro whose badge capacity is exceeded, the micro randomly chooses
a badge to delete to make room for the new badge. The badge is
deleted from the micro but not from the Secure Perfect system.
Select Force to force a download of all badges that can possibly gain
access to a reader on the micro.
Select Learn to allow the micro to "learn" the badges as they are
presented. For example, when a badge is presented to a reader and the
micro does not recognize the badge as valid, the micro communicates
with the host to confirm badge validity. If the badge is valid, the
information for that badge is downloaded to the micro; therefore, the
micro will acknowledge this badge as valid the next time the badge is
presented to the reader.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 200

Exit Request
Enable this field to increase the sense time on all the Exit DIs (exit
requests). This field is useful if using noisy or chattering contact
interference in which you receive false exit requests.
Send Real
When this checkbox is selected, any digital output change-of-state is
Time Digital
reflected on the Alarm Graphics Viewer, in real-time status. This activity
is also recorded in Digital Ouput History.
Micro Flash and Micro Parameter Configuration
This dialog box displays only if the micro is online. There are three options:
• View/Edit Parameter Info
Micro Parameter – Direct/Dialup: This option is available for selection of a single micro. When
selected, the Micro Parameter Configuration screen displays and the configuration for the micro is
retrieved, allowing you to edit or change an existing setup such as micro address, IP address change,
or phone number changes. Once saved, the micro will reset and the new changes take effect.
If you change parameter block data through Secure Perfect, any Universal Badge Format (UBF)
data will be erased.
For example: If a M/5-PXN was originally configured as a direct serial micro during installation but
will now be a network micro, select the updated micro type and complete the network information.
Click OK. The micro will accept the changes, reset, then change the host information for this micro.
The Micro Parameter – Direct/Dialup tab allows you to change the connection type of the micro and
its Address, Idle Time, and DI res tolerance.
The Micro Parameter – Networking tab will display only if the system identified your micro as a
network micro and allows you to change the network parameters for the micro.
Micro Parameter – Badge Format: This tab opens to display the custom badge formats that are
currently in the micro. If there are no custom formats, the fields are empty. If a format in the database
does not match what is available in the micro, the window list displays a message ‘Unrecognized
Format.’ To change the badge format:
Magnetic stripe: Select the type of magnetic stripe format from the drop-down list.
Wiegand: Click Assign formats to display a list of available Wiegand badge formats from which
to choose and assign to this micro.
Clear formats in micro: Click to clear all custom badge formats from the micro. Badges
associated with those formats will no longer work.
If you change the badge format, any format that existed in the micro previously is replaced.
• Start Flashing Micro(s)
This option will start flashing the selected micro(s) with the latest firmware. A dialog box will display
asking you to verify your request. The flashing process takes approximately two to three minutes; it
varies with amount of data that needs to be transmitted to the micro.
• View/Edit Flash Files
Use this option ONLY when it is necessary to selectively flash an older version of firmware on a micro.
The Secure Perfect system automatically selects the latest version by default. The flashing process
takes approximately two to three minutes; it varies with amount of data that needs to be transmitted to
the micro. Click OK to begin the flash. When flashing is complete, the micro resets and requests a
Micro/5 – PX and Micro/PX – 2000: The form opens with the latest .efl firmware file
displayed. Click the drop-down list to display and select an older firmware file.
Micro/5 – PXN and Micro/PXN – 2000: The form opens with the latest .efl network firmware
file displayed. Click the drop-down list to display and select an older network firmware file.
MicroPXNPlus and MicroPXNPlus2000: The form opens with the latest .efl network
firmware file displayed. Click the drop-down list to display and select an older network firmware
Browse: Click to navigate to another media source or directory where firmware files reside.
Override Block Checking: Ignore this checkbox. This selection is for Customer Support use
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 201

Version 4.XX and later mico firmware is able to communicate with a Secure Perfect 6.x host and
continue to send alarm and badge transactions. Upgrading your system can be a seamless operation
without loss of data, time constraints during the micro migration process, or lockdowns during the
database upgrade process. However, in order to take advantage of the new features that are dependant
on the SP 6.x firmware, the ultimate goal is to bring all micros to current level as soon as possible
following the database upgrade.
Micro Utility
Operations Menu
The Micro Utility option opens the Micro Utility Form that allows you to monitor communications, control
the micro, and flash the micro. The shortcut key combination for the Micro Utility Form is CTRL+U.
Clicking this icon from the Secure Perfect toolbar can also access this option:
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 202

Micro Utility Form Shortcut Menu
Reference Topic:
Flash Micro Icon
These options also display on the Micro Utility Form Toolbar. Refer to individual icons for additional
details of each function.
Select To
Open the Micro Form and edit the settings for the selected micro.
Open the Micro Form and create a new micro.
Change the current state of the selected micro.
Reload the badge database records for the selected micro.
Download the micro’s database.
Reset Micro
Physically reset the micro.
Reset T&A
Set the time and attendance status to neutral for all badges in this
Reset APB
Set the anti-passback status to neutral for all badges in this micro.
Dial that micro immediately.
Flash Micro(s)
Click to open the Micro Flash & Micro Parameter Configuration
window that allows you to download the latest firmware to the
selected micro.
Version 4.XX and later firmware is able to communicate with a
Secure Perfect 6.0 host and continue to send alarm and badge
transactions. Upgrading your system can be a seamless operation
without loss of data, time constraints during the micro migration
process, or lockdowns during the database upgrade process.
However, in order to take advantage of the new features that are
dependant on the SP 6.0 firmware, the ultimate goal is to bring all
micros to current level as soon as possible following the database
upgrade. Also,
Remove Micro(s)
Remove the micro from the Micro Utility Form window.
Search Micros
Display the Search Criteria and Micro Selection dialog box.
Select Columns
Display the Select Columns dialog box.
Recall Micro
Refills the current form with the last search criteria. This is a toggle
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 203

Micro Utility Form Toolbar
For a shortcut menu to functions available within the Micro Utility Form, select a micro from the list
and right-click.
For icon functionality on the Micro Utility Form toolbar:
Click To
Download the latest firmware to the selected micro. When the Micro Flash & Micro
Parameter Configuration dialog box displays, click Start Flashing Micro(s).
Open the Micro Form and edit the settings for the selected micro.
Open the Micro Form and create a new micro.
Change the current state of the selected micro.
Download badge records for the selected micro.
Download database to the micro.
Physically reset the micro.
Set the time and attendance status to neutral for all badges in this micro.
Set the anti-passback status to neutral for all badges in this micro.
Dial/hang up that micro immediately.
Display the Select Columns dialog box.
Display the Search Criteria and Micro Selection dialog box, allowing you to search and
select micros that you want to display on the Micro Utility Form.
The first time the form is opened when there is more than 64 micros, a message will
display informing you of the number of micros about to display and ask if you want to
select search criteria.
Mode Labels Tab
Reference Topics:
Event Schedule Form
Time Schedule Form
Mode Schedule Form
Parameters Form
Use this tab to change the labels of modes. These labels are used in scheduling. Refer to the Event,
Time, and Mode Schedule Forms.
Mode 1/Mode 2/Mode 3
The default label displays. To change the label, select and enter over the existing text, up to 30
alphanumeric characters.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 204

Mode Schedule
Administration Menu
The Mode Schedule option opens the Mode Schedule Form that allows you to define a mode and assign
the date and time the mode goes into effect.
Mode Schedule Tab
Reference Topic:
Mode Labels Tab
Mode Schedule Form
Use this tab to create a mode schedule.
• Time: The time displays in the format 00:00 (hours:minutes). Select and retype over
existing time.
• Date: Click the arrows to navigate through the months and years until the appropriate month
displays. Click the day on the calendar that this mode will begin.
• Assigned micros: Displays the currently assigned micros for this operator.
• Edit: Click to display the Micro Assignment dialog that allows you to add or change the
micros currently assigned. You must select all micros that this mode change will effect.
• From: Select the mode the system must be in for this schedule to occur.
• To: Select the mode the system will change to when this schedule occurs.
Like events, there is no end time associated with a mode. The mode will remain active until changed
by another mode schedule.
Mode schedules created on the Mode Schedule Form will display as schedule options on the Event
Schedule Form and Time Schedule Form.
Also, you can change the label of your modes on the Parameters Form, Mode Labels tab. (You must
restart the Secure Perfect program for any changes to the Parameters Form to take effect.)
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 205

Mode Tab
Reference Topics:
Parameter Form
Mode Schedule Form
Overview – Micro Utility Form
Manual Control Form
Select all or individual micros or clients for immediate change of mode.
Example: The change of mode for micros is helpful for an immediate "lockdown" or to open all doors
immediately. The change of mode for clients applies to alarm routing and bumping.
When you select this tab, a windowpane displays a list of available online micros or client groups in your
system, based on facility permissions for the current operator.
Element Description
Select Display Type
• Micros: Select to display real time discription, current mode, and address of
online micros.
• Clients: Select to display real time current mode for configured Clients.
Set Mode to
From the drop-down list, select one of the available modes to which you want to
• The Current Mode status, as displayed in the list, refreshes automatically
following a change of mode (by schedule or manual control).
• Updates for micros display in the Mode column of the Micro Utility Form.
• Updates for clients display on the Client Monitor Form.
Apply Mode
Click Apply Mode to send the command to the micro or client. Available modes
include Normal, Mode 1, Mode 2, and Mode 3. (Modes are created and
labeled on the Mode Labels tab of the Parameter Form.)
Enter the reason for this change of mode. This box accepts 255 characters. This
comment is written to the operator history file and displays on the Operator
History Report.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 206

Multiple Language Support
Some items you should note about SP’s national language support:
• English is the default language and is always installed.
• The Windows operating system should be installed for the specific language chosen for SP. For
example, if running Secure Perfect Spanish, Windows Spanish should be installed.
• Secure Perfect will start in the language of the operating system. For example, if Windows Spanish is
installed, Secure Perfect will start in Spanish.
• Initially, there is only one operator provided with the system: an English language operator with the
login ID of secure and a password of master. The very first login to Secure Perfect MUST be done
under this operator. If the operating system is in a language other than English, there will be a slight
delay in bringing up the Secure Perfect main menu since the English help files must be copied into the
main directory.
• To set up a different language operator, you must go to the Operator Form, and add an operator with
the desired language. A combo box on the operator form lists the available languages for the system.
A language must be selected prior to saving the operator’s record.
• Multiple language logins are supported without having to restart the application. Log out of Secure
Perfect and log back in as the new operator. (There will be a slight delay in bringing up the Secure
Perfect main menu since the new language help files must be copied to the main directory.) Secure
Perfect along with the Help files will display in that operator’s language.
• Any data entry done after the operator’s login will be in the operator’s language. For example, when
adding a micro, all the attached device descriptions will be in the operator’s language.
• There are several areas in Secure Perfect that are not translated, such as certain Windows messages
and certain parts of the reporting functions.
• If a particular language is not provided by GE Security, the installation will take place in English and
the Secure Perfect application will run in English.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 207

Secure Perfect requires that you set up a network protocol to allow the server and clients to
communicate. Secure Perfect uses the TCP/IP network protocol.
You will need to validate visibility and connectivity to the client and servers by name resolution. (Secure
Perfect uses PC Names only.) The following describes two ways to validate operations:
• Envoking Ping: Select Start, then Run. At the Open field, type command. A DOS-like window opens.
At the prompt, type ping pcname where pcname is the name of the PC to which you are validating
visibility and connectivity. If you receive a response of an unknown host, you will need to re-examine
you TCP/IP configuration. If you receive a reply, the client/server is online and available for
• Start, Run, PC Name: Select Start, then Run. At the Open field, type //pcname where pcname is
the name of the PC to which you are validating connection. If the connection is valid, you will see the
shared folders on the remote PC.
If you are using Token Ring and/or TCP/IP, you are encouraged to contact your system administrator
for local requirements and restrictions.
New Icon
Micro Utility Form
Click this graphic to open the Micro Form and create a new micro:
New Record
File Menu Item
The New Record menu option creates a new record preloaded with default data. This is the best way to
start or add a new record as the default data often saves you from entering in the data. The New Record
option is available only when a form is open, contains records, and you have been given permission to
update records.
Clicking this icon on the Secure Perfect toolbar can also access this option:
New Template Dialog
Use this dialog box to create a new template. You are prompted to enter the name of the template you
want to create. Keep in mind that any information currently on the report form will be saved under this
Next Pane
View Menu
The Next Pane option moves the cursor between the main form, the tabs, and the search results window,
if there is one.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 208

No Alarms on Alarm Monitor
Go to the Alarm Form and click the Alarm tab. Make sure that the Monitor option is On. Also, check the
schedules. There may be one in effect that does not route certain alarms to the Alarm Monitor Form.
No Floor Tracking
With this method, you define the floors available and define a digital output for each floor. Only digital
outputs (DOs) provided by the 16 DO board can be used. In addition, each DO may be used in only one
elevator and mapped to only one floor. The number of floors is limited by the number of 16 DO boards
that can be placed in the Micro/5-PX; the maximum is 4. Therefore, the maximum number of floors
available is 64 (4 boards x 16 DOs = 64 DOs).
No Readers in List Box
Only readers assigned Active will be displayed in the list box. Go to the Reader Form and click the
Reader tab. Verify that the readers you are using are assigned Active.
Normal Type Reader
Follow the steps below to shunt alarm groups within a micro connected to a normal reader.
1. Click the start key on the keypad. The start key is labeled with either an asterisk <*> or a plus <+>
depending on the reader model.
2. Type one of the following:
0 - to turn monitoring off
1 - to turn monitoring on
3. Type the alarm group number (00 to 15) you want shunted.
4. Click the end key which is labeled with either a pound sign (#) or an <x>.
5. Present a valid badge to the reader.
File Menu Item
The Notes menu option opens a text file, notes.txt, into which you can enter site-specific information.
The program used to edit this file is the program that has been associated with .txt files in Windows
(usually Notepad). The notes.txt file is saved to your desktop by default.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 209

Operations Menu Selections
The following selections display in the Operations drop-down menu:
Micro Utility
Activity Monitor
Alarm Monitor
Client Monitor
Digital Input Status
Alarm Graphics Editor
Alarm Graphics Viewer
Manual Control
Digital Output Status
Digital Video Viewer
Change Password
Select Facilities
Enable Alarm Video Pop-up
Administration Menu
The Operator option opens the Operator Form that allows you to set up individuals as users for the
Secure Perfect system and assign the facilities to which they have access.
Operator History
Reports Menu
The Operator History option opens the Operator History Report Form that allows you to create a report
based on the history of operator activity.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 210

Operator Tab
Reference Topics:
Permission Form
Multiple Language Support
Change Password
Password Tab
Operator Form
Use this form to create operator records that allow individuals to access the Secure Perfect program.
• Login ID: Assign and enter a login ID for this operator.
• Name: Enter the name of the operator.
• Permission: From the drop-down list of previously created permissions, assign a permission to ths
• Language: Click the drop-down list to display a list of available languages installed on your system.
Select the language with which this operator accesses and operates the Secure Perfect system.
Secure Perfect Password Authentication
• Password: Enter the password this operator will use to log in to Secure Perfect. This field accepts a
minimum of 1 and maximum of 20 digits. Additional password parameters were set on the Password
tab of the Parameter Form.
• Confirm Password: Enter the password a second time exactly as entered in the Password field.
IMPORTANT: The assigned password cannot match any previous five passwords. Operator login
passwords are case sensitive. Because it is difficult to retrieve, it is important for operators to
remember their assigned password or write it down and store in a safe place.
• Permission to Change Password: If this check box is selected, the operator indicated in this record
has the option to change the login password. If this checkbox is clear, the option to change the login
password is unavailable to this operator.
• Password never expires: If selected, the password assigned to the current operator will never expire.
If this checkbox is not selected, the two remaining fields are available.
• Expires in (days): This field is not available if Password never expires is selected. From the drop-
down list of available time periods, select number of days that will pass before the password assigned
to the current operator expires. The selections are 30, 60, 90, 120, or 180 days.
• Warn prior to expiration (days): This field is not available if Password never expires is selected.
Enter or select the number of days before the expiration of the operator’s password that a warning
message displays, indicating that the assigned operator password is about to expire. The number of
days in this field must be less than the number of days selected in the Expires in (days) field.
When this option is selected, a message displays when logging in to Secure Perfect, informing the
operator of the number of days until the password expiration is valid.
- Select Yes to change the password immediately.
- Select No to continue using Secure Perfect and change the password at a later time.
- If the password has expired, the operator can no longer log on.
- If the operator does not have permission to change the password, the operator is instructed to
contact the SP Administrator to change the password. These warnings are logged as operator history
transactions and can be retrieved by running a report on operator actions, using the System Operator
filter for Login Name.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 211

Active Directory Password Authentication
If this option is available, Secure Perfect Password Authentication options will not be available. The
Active Directory domain controller authenticates this operator name and password. (The operator added
to Secure Perfect must be a valid operator in the domain computer.) The next time this operator logs in to
Secure Perfect, for this feature, the user must log in to the domain when logging into the computer, for
access to the Secure Perfect system. (The user cannot log in to the local computer; the user will log in to
the Domain.) Secure Perfect validates the user login ID and password against the specified Active
Directory, and not the Secure Perfect database. This authentication overrides any password parameters
entered through Secure Perfect.
• Browse: Click to display a list of Active Directory Domain Controller Servers. Select the Domain
Controller Server computer that will authenticathe the Secure Perfect operator, and controls the
users, passwords, and the Secure Perfect sytem to which you are assigning this operator. The
selected Server computer will authenticate this operator name and password. The selected Server
name now displays in this field.
Administration Menu
The Override option opens the Override Form that allows an operator to configure persons and particular
readers for override, and generate Anti-Passback and Time and Attendance transactions that can be
added to history or archive databases.
Override Tab
Use this tab to set up the badge transaction that you want to enter into history.
Person: Select a person from the drop-down list.
Badge: Select a badge from the drop-down list of badges currently in the database.
The current time and date are displayed by default.
• Time: Enter a time.
• Date: Use the Calendar button to enter a date.
• Calendar: Click to display the Calendar dialog.
Reader Type: Select a reader type.
Reader: Select a reader from the drop-down list of available readers for assignment by the current
Update Micro: Enable this field if you want to send this transaction to the micro.
Database Selection:
Generate: Click this button to enter the transaction into history. Select either Secure Perfect History
database or Secure Perfect Archive database.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 212

Administration Menu
The Parameters option opens the Parameters Form that allows you to establish settings for your entire
Secure Perfect system such as archive intervals and appropriate modems.
Password Tab - Parameter Form
Parameter Form
This tab allows you to select the parameters for passwords used on the Secure Perfect system.
• Minimum Length (characters): This field accepts 1 to 20 characters.
• Cannot begin with a numeric character
• Cannot end with a numeric character
• Must be mixed case (contain both upper and lower case characters)
• Must contain both alpha and numeric characters: If selected, this option enables the Minimum numeric
characters contol field.
• Minimum numeric characters: The range for this selection is 1 to 19 characters with at least 1 alpha
If the current operator has permission to change their password, the parameters selected here display in
the Change Password window as reminders.
Pause Button
This option pauses or suspends the scrolling of badge transactions on the Activity Monitor Form.
Clicking this icon from the Activity Monitor Form toolbar will access this option:
PDF Files and Adobe Acrobat Reader
Portable Document Files (PDFs) are read-only electronic versions of printed documents. The Secure
Perfect documents are in PDF format and included on a separate document CD.
Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view these documents. It is also included on the CD. If you do not
already have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed, follow the steps below:
1. Copy the file ar500enu.exe from CD-ROM onto your hard drive.
2. Navigate to Windows Explorer and double-click ar500enu.exe.
3. Follow the on-screen installation instructions.
To view the PDF file, double-click the file name or start Adobe Acrobat Reader and open the document
you want to view. For additional information, refer to Adobe Acrobat Reader online Help.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 213

People Assignment
This window displays a list of Person Records with an e-mail address in the Secure Perfect system. Only
person records in the operators’ facilities are available for assignment by this operator.
• Select, then click the right arrow to assign an available person.
• Select, then click the left arrow to unassign a person.
Administration Menu
The Permissions option opens the Permission Form that allows you to set access or right to use various
forms within your Secure Perfect system.
Permission Tab
Assigning a Level of Permission.
The forms in Secure Perfect will display an icon in the left corner indicating the permissions assigned
to this operator. The form icons correspond to the icons and permissions assigned here.
The information in Forms windowpane can be viewed one of two ways.
1. If a + displays to the left of the form name, then additional items are available. Click + to display
additional forms. You can also double-click the Forms: menu item to view the additional forms.
2. Right-click on the windowpane to display the shortcut menu with these options.
Show by Action lists the actions (None, Read, Update, All) followed by the forms assigned to
Operator displays the Operator Form, which shows permissions assigned to existing
Four types of actions can be assigned:
None means that no access is given to that form.
Read means that read only access is given. The form and the associated records can be viewed
but not modified.
Update means that the records on that form can be viewed and modified.
All means that the records on that form can be viewed, modified and deleted.
Mixed is not an action to be assigned. It is used only on this form to signal that any forms beneath
a general title have different actions assigned.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 214

If you want an operator to monitor alarm and badge activity, select the Operation Forms, then set the
following actions:
• Select Activity Monitor, then select Read.
• Select Alarm Monitor, then select the action Read.
• Select Manual Control, then select Update. (Selecting Update for Manual Control allows the
operator to manually change the DO state.)
• Select Digital Output Status, then select Read.
On the Personnel Forms, set up actions to allow the new permission to add persons and badges into the
• Select Person, then select Update
• Select Badge, then select Update.
For a shortcut menu to related forms, move the mouse pointer below the tab and click the right
mouse button.
Personnel Menu
The Person option displays the Person Form that allows you to enter a person record into the system.
You will enter information such as the name and address, assign access rights for access control, assign
a department or user fields, and capture a photo. The shortcut key combination for Person Form is
Clicking this icon from the Secure Perfect toolbar can also access this option:
Reports Menu
The Person option displays the Person Report Form that allows you to create a report on the people in
the database.
Person Selection Tab
Alarm Notifier Form
The Person Selection tab allows you to assign people available in this operators’ facility that will receive
an e-mail notification of the alarm/reset condition.
Assigned People:
Click Assign People to display the People Assignment window, allowing you to select specific people
that will receive an e-mail alarm notification.
Only those with an e-mail address in their Person Record will display in the People Assignment list for
assignment to an alarm notification.
Click OK and the selected people names will display in the Assigned People windowpane of the Person
Selection window.
Save the new or modified Alarm Notifier record before you exit the form.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 215

Personnel Menu Selections
The following selections display on the Personnel drop-down menu:
Personnel Type
Badge Design
Badge Alias
Access Right
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 216

Personnel Tab
Reference Topic:
Settings Tab, Parameter Form
Person Form
Create a record of an employee’s personal information.
Only Last Name, Personnel Type, and Employee Number are required fields.
Field Action
First name
Enter the first name of the person.
Middle name 1
Enter the middle name of the person
Middle name 2
Enter an additional name, such as another middle name, of the person.
Initials, as displayed in the list box on the right, are the result of the
first letter of the First name and the first letter of each Middle name
Employee number
Enter a number assigned to and identifying this employee such as the
employee’s social security number. This is a required field and the
record will not save if the Empoyee number is left blank or if the number
is not unique to Secure Perfect. The field accepts up to 12 alphanumeric
CONVERSIONS ONLY: During the process of converting a
database, the system checks for possible blank or duplicate employee
numbers in the database. Results of this check display on the
Administration menu, Parameter Form. Open the form to display the
Settings tab:
• If the Enable unique & required Employee Number check box is
selected and unavailable, all converted Person records have unique
employee numbers. All future Person records must have a unique
employee number before the record can be saved.
• If the Enable unique & required Employee Number check box is NOT
selected, this is an indication that duplicate or blank employee
number records exist in the database.
At this time, you have the option to choose one of two preferences:
Do nothing and continue to allow blank or duplicate employee
numbers in Person records (the Enable unique & required
Emplyee Number check box remains clear).
Set a control that requires all Person records to have an entry in
the Employee number field.
If you choose to require all Person records to have a unique
employee number, select Enable unique & required Employee
1. A message displays informing you: The Employee number
field on the Person Form will be required and unique. Once
this is enabled, it cannot be changed back. Do you want to
continue with this change? Click Yes.
2. A second message displays: Could not enable unique and
required Employee number. Duplicates already exist or field
is empty in the database. Refer to the Diagnostic Logfile.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 217

3. Navigate to the logfile. A message informs you that Secure
Perfect generated a text file and placed the file in the Logs folder
of the Secure Perfect Server. Navigate to
SecurePerfect\Logs\ DuplicateEmployeeNumbers.txt
file, consult the list of duplicate or blank employee numbers,
locate those Person records, and assign a unique employee
number to each.
4. When all records on the .txt file list have a unique employee
number, return to the Parameter Form, select the Enable unique
& required Employee Number check box, and Save. If you
cannot save and again receive additional messages, you must
repeat the steps above.
5. The selection to require all Person records to have a unique
employee number cannot be reversed and all newly added
Person records must have a unique employee number.
Personnel type
Select the appropriate personnel type from the drop-down list.
Select the appropriate department from the drop-down list.
Trace activity
Select to enable this field if you want a record of all activity on this
badge. Each time this badge is used, a message displays on the Activity
Monitor and a record is written to the history database. If the system has
a printer association, the message is printed. This field overrides the
routing of activity as defined on the Reader Form.
We do not recommend activating the trace function at a site that
uses dial-up micros. A micro will dial the host whenever a traced badge
is read. This may incur additional telephone costs.
Extended Unlock
Select to enable this field. This person is now allowed extra time to gain
access to an entry or exit point in the Secure Perfect system. A popup
message asks you if you want to change all associated Badge records
to follow Extended Unlock Time. If you select Yes, all badges for that
person are changed to Follow Extended Unlock Time, as configured on
the Door Functions tab of the Reader Form.
Example: An extended time limit can be configured for an employee
who enters a motorized door by wheelchair.
Find and Assign
Click to find the next badge presented to a selected reader. Select any
active reader. If the badge is not in Secure Perfect, you can add it. This
is a convenient way to assign badges.
Personnel Type
Personnel Menu
The Personnel Type option opens the Personnel Type Form that allows you to create groupings of
employees and assign a badge design to the personnel type.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 218

Personnel Type Tab
Personnel Type Form
Use this form to create personnel types and assign a default badge design to each personnel type. Click
Search to display a list of existing types. Three personnel types come standard with SP: Permanent,
Contractor, and Temporary. Click Add to create additional types of your own.
Enter a basic description of the personnel type.
Badge Design
Select a default badge design from the drop-down list of available designs. The design you select will
print whenever badges are sent to the printer for people assigned the current personnel type.
Badge designs are created on the Badge Design Form. If you do not want the badge to imprint the
default design, the design can be changed when the badge is printed.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 219

Photo Tab
Reference Topic:
Image Capture Overview
Person Form
This tab allows you to capture images, assign badge design layouts, and print badges.
Field Action
If there is a photo associated with this person
record, it will display here.
Date this photo was captured.
Click to run the Capture program, allowing you to
capture an image or signature of this person.
Displays the Descriptions of badges assigned to this
person, as assigned on the Badge Form.
If a printer is configured for your system, you can
select a badge to print.
Badge Design
Displays the name of the current badge design.
Click the drop-down list to select a different badge
If there is a printer configured for your Secure
Perfect system, click to print a badge for this
If there is a signature capture associated with this
person record, it will display here.
Point Assignment Dialog Box
This window displays when you click , enabling you to select and assign tour
points to a tour.
• Select, and then click the right arrow to assign an available point.
• Select, and then click the left arrow to unassign a point.
• A DI start point can exist in only one tour; therefore, any DIs previously assigned as Start
Tour Point in any tour, will not display in the list. The DI point cannot be re-used.
• All tour points must be associated with micros within the same Region.
• Tour points can be readers or DIs that are not on a dial-up micro:
1) If a reader is selected as the start point, DIs not assigned to a tour, display in this list.
2) DI points can only be assigned to one tour.
3) Reader tour points can be assigned to any tour and any number of tours. A reader as a
tour point can be re-used.
• The number of points assigned to a tour is limited to 64.
• If any reader is assigned as a tour point, at least one badge must be assigned to the tour.
• If all tour points are DIs, you do not need to assign a badge to the tour.
Click OK to display the results in the Tour Points windowpane.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 220

Port Settings Tab
Micro Form
This tab displays only when you are configuring a micro type as direct-connect, network, network +
direct, or network + network micro type. Refer to the Connection type figure below:
Direct Configuration
COM port:
You will be able to change this setting ONLY if the micro connection type is direct-connect or network +
direct. Otherwise, this field is unavailable. From the drop-down list, select the COM port to which this
micro is connected. The system operates with the default setting of None if no port is designated.
Primary Network (you must complete ONE of the following two selections):
These fields are available ONLY if the micro is other than a direct-connect or dial-up micro.
IP Address: Select this option and then enter the IP address for network configuration.
Network Name: Select this option and then enter the network name for the micro that hosts this micro.
Secondary Network (you must complete ONE of the following two selections):
IP Address: Select this option and then enter the secondary IP address assigned for network + network
Network Name: Select this option and then enter the secondary network name for the micro that hosts
this micro.
Preset/Camera Selection
Select or change an already defined camera from the drop-down list, then select or change a Preset from
the Preset drop-down list. Click OK to display in the results in the Assigned Preset/Camera windowpane.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 221

Preset/Camera Tab
Event Trigger Form
This window enables you to assign camera(s) and their associated presets with an event. Up to four
cameras can be assigned per event trigger.
• Click Edit to display the Preset/Camera Selection window. You are able to edit an existing
Preset and Camera combination associated with this Event. This option is disabled if there
are no existing records.
• Click Add to select a camera and corresponding preset. The available presets for a camera
display after you select the camera. Click OK. The addition now displays in the Assigned
Preset/Camera box.
• Select then click Remove to remove a Preset and Camera combination from the list of
available combinations in the Assigned Preset/Camera box. This option is disabled if there
are no existing records.
Presets Tab
Camera Form
This tab is unavailable for fixed cameras. Presets are assignable to PTZ cameras only. Assign predefined
presets for the selected camera.
The Presets tab allows you to assign previously defined presets to a camera. (Presets must first be
defined on the Camera Preset Form.) Presets are assignable to only the PTZ cameras types.
Assigned Presets:
This windowpane displays a list of already assigned presets.
Assign Camera Presets: Click this button to display the Camera Preset Assignment dialog box. A list of
available camera presets displays, enabling you to select and assign or unassign one or more presets for
the selected camera.
When the Camera Preset Assignment form closes, the selected presets display in the Assigned Presets
windowpane. Click Save to save the selections.
Print Preview Report
File Menu
The Print Preview Report option allows you to preview before printing and is available only when a
Report Form is displaying. Following completion of all tabs and options on the Report Form, click to
preview a copy of your report. A printer must be added to your Secure Perfect system in order for this
feature to be available.
On the Preview Report screen, the Total: field represents the number of records in the database and
not the number of records that matched your search criteria. The zoom % value will always read 100%
regardless of the zoom used.
Clicking this icon from the Secure Perfect toolbar can also access the option:
Print Report
File Menu
The Print Report option allows you to send the current report to a defined printer. This option is available
only when a Report Form or Report is displaying.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 222

Print Setup
Reference Topics:
Print Setup Window
Installing the Printer Driver
File Menu
Select Print Setup to open the Print Setup Window, allowing you to select your printer, printer properties,
paper source, and orientation.
Print Setup
Select an available printer from the drop-down list and set properties.
Select paper size and source.
Select orientation as portrait or landscape.
If you are connecting to a network printer, click Network to navigate to the printer.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 223

Read and Keypad-Type Reader
Only reader board door inputs and 20DI board input points can be shunted from a keypad. (To
identify a reader board door input, look for a default description that follows this format: 0001-1-01
Reader. To identify a 20DI board input point, look for a default description that follows this format: 0001-
1-01 DI.)
Follow the steps below to shunt alarm groups within a micro connected to a keypad and badge reader:
1. Click the start key on the keypad. The start key is labeled with either an asterisk <*> or a plus <+>
depending on the reader model.
2. Type one of the following:
0 - to turn monitoring off
1 - to turn monitoring on
3. Type the alarm group number (00 to 15) you want shunted.
4. Click the end key that is labeled with either a pound sign (#) or an <x>.
5. Present a valid badge to the reader.
6. Click the start key on the keypad again.
7. Type your Personal Identification Number (PIN) on the keypad.
8. Click the end key (<#> or <x>).
Device Menu
The Reader option opens the Reader Form that allows you to modify records that are automatically
generated when you define a micro as well as configure door functions, routing, schedules, and events.
Reader Access
Reports Menu
The Reader Access option opens the Reader Access Report Form that allows you to create a report
based on persons in the Secure Perfect system that have access to any of the specified readers.
Reader Assignment
This window displays when you click Assign or Assign Readers, enabling you to select and assign a
reader association. Only readers in the operators’ facilities are available for assignment by this operator.
• Select, and then click the right arrow to assign an available reader.
• Select, and then click the left arrow to unassign a reader.
Click OK to display results in the Assigned Readers windowpane.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 224

Reader Board Records Generation
The reader boards listed in the Boards column on the Micro Configuration tab depend on the Micro Type
you selected on the Micro Definition tab of the Micro Form. When you add a reader board (2RP, 2SRP),
certain records are automatically created:
Reader records:
• If adding a 2RP or 2SRP board, two reader records are generated. By default, these readers
are active and able to accept badge transactions. Readers marked as Active count against
your reader limit.
Alarm records:
• An alarm record is generated for each reader record. If you selected Supervised when you
added the board, an additional alarm record is generated for each reader called Supervised
Reader. If you are adding a 2SRP board, you will receive an additional alarm record for each
reader called Supervised Exit.
• None of these alarms are monitored. If you want them to display on the Alarm Monitor when
the alarm is triggered, you will need to go to the Alarm Form, Alarm Tab and enable Monitor
in the Settings section.
• In addition, all alarms are automatically assigned to Alarm Group 0. To change this, go to the
Alarm Group Form.
Digital input records:
• A digital input record is generated for each reader record.
Digital output records:
• If you added a 2RP or 2SRP board, a digital output record called Aux DO is generated for
each reader record. (There are 2 DO relays available on a 2RP board.)
Reader Button
This option displays a reader assignment dialog box allowing you to configure readers to be used with the
Swipe and Show program. If Imaging is not licensed for the system, this option is not available.
• Select, and then click the right arrow to assign an available reader.
• Select, and then click the left arrow to unassign a reader.
Clicking this icon from the Activity Monitor Form toolbar will access this option:
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 225

Reader/Digital Output Tab
Manual Control Form
Manually lock or unlock doors and turn on or off DO (digital output) points, depending on the current
operator’s facilities and permissions.
Schedules override manual changes unless Indefinite Unlock has been selected. Micros will always
run schedules defined previously in its database. Therefore, if there was a schedule set to be in effect at
the current time, the manual change would be overridden and the schedule would be enforced.
Select micro
A micro must be selected before the system searches and displays results in the list box.
• All displays all the digital outputs of the type selected in the field Select DO type, found on all micros.
• By Micro displays all the digital outputs of the type selected in the field Select DO type, found on a
selected micro. Click the drop-down list to display a list of micros.
Select DO type
• If you select Reader, the windowpane displays the DO points available for the readers.
• If you select Other, the windowpane displays Aux DOs (the two 2 DO relays available on a 2RP
board) and other DO points. Example DO points include lights, sirens, and door strikes that may be
connected to the micro.
Columns in Windowpane
• Description: Description of the reader/DO in the database.
• Micro: Micro on which the reader/DO is located.
• On Time: Displays the On Time in the database. The On Time is the number of seconds this DO
remains in the active state when activated.
Set state to:
The names of the buttons change depending on the DO type (Reader or Other) selected.
If Reader is selected, click. . .
• Duration Unlock: To unlock the selected door for the time specified in the On Time column.
• Lock: To immediately lock the selected door.
• Indefinite Unlock: To unlock the selected door. It will remain unlocked until you manually lock it by
clicking lock.
• Sched. Override: To change the state of a door or DO, if you want a schedule to override its setting.
Example: Use Sched. Override to unlock a door if you want a schedule at a later time to lock this door.
If you don’t want the scheduler to lock your door, use the Indefinite Unlock selection.
If Other is selected, click. . .
• On For Duration: Activates the selected DO for the time specified in the On Time column.
• Off: Immediately deactivates the selected DO.
• On Indefinite: Activates the selected DO, which will remain active until you manually turn it off by
clicking Off.
• Sched. Override: Use this option to change the state of a DO if you want a schedule to override its
Enter an explanation for locking/unlocking doors or activating/deactivating DO points. This field accepts
255 alphanumeric characters. These comments are written to the operator history file and display on the
Operator History Report, Purpose Field.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 226

Reader Tab
Reference Topics:
Read and Keypad-Type Reader
Keypad Only Type Reader
Normal Type Reader
Reader Form
This tab contains the basic information about the reader.
Element Description
This is a read-only field. The description of the micro that controls this reader.
This is a read-only field. The default description is in the format: mmmm-b Board
Type where mmmm represents the micro number to which this reader is associated, b
represents the board number, and Board Type represents the reader board.
For example, 0001—1 8RP would be the reader on micro one, 8RP board one.
This is a read-only field. The number of the reader (For a Micro/5-PX: 1 to 16; for a
Micro/PX-2000: 1 to 4). The number corresponds to where the reader is connected on
the micro. See the Micro/5 Installation Guide or Micro/PX-2000 and Micro/PXN-2000
Installation Guide for more information.
There are three options; select:
• CASI-RUSCO Supervised if using a CASI-RUSCO supervised reader such as the
94x or 97x series proximity readers set for supervised F/2F.
• CASI-RUSCO 440/445 if using a CASI-RUSCO Model 440, Model 445, or Model
• Other if using a reader that does not fit into the above categories.
Status Online: This field is automatically enabled when this reader record is created. An
online reader will accept a valid card read and unlock a door, provided it is one of the
licensed active readers. You also have the option to schedule a reader off-line. When
the reader is off-line, the reader will not accept valid card reads, will not unlock a door,
and transactions display on the Activity Monitor as Invalid.
Active: This field is automatically selected and allows the accepting of badge
transactions when this reader record is created. The number of active readers counts
against your reader limit, as defined by your software license. For example, if your
license key allows the use of 64 readers, you may have only 64 readers marked as
Normal: This reader requires only a valid badge to gain access.
Badge and Keypad: This reader requires a valid badge and a valid number (PIN)
entered on the keypad to gain access.
Badge or Keypad: This reader requires you to enter either a valid badge number on
the keypad or a valid badge to gain access.
Logical type
• Normal: Allows as many successive accesses as needed, as long as the badge
is valid.
• APB in: Anti-passback in. This type of reader (which gives an IN status) is used
to enter an area. This reader will not release a door a second time until that
badge is presented to an APB out reader connected to the same micro or, if you
selected Enable global APB on the Settings Tab of the Parameters Form, a
different micro. All micros are updated.
• APB out: Anti-passback out. This type of reader (which gives an OUT status) is
used to leave an area. This reader will not release a door a second time until that
badge is presented to an APB in reader connected to the same micro or, if you
selected Enable global APB on the Settings Tab of the Parameters Form, a
different micro. All micros are updated.
Secure Perfect Global Edition: You must configure this reader as APB if you
plan to include this reader in a Region APB configuration. Only designated APB
reader types display for selection on the Region Form.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 227

• T&A in: Time & Attendance in. This type of reader (which gives an IN status) is
used to enter an area. This reader will not release a door a second time until that
badge is presented to a T&A out reader connected to the same micro or, if you
selected Enable global T&A on the Settings Tab of the Parameters Form, a
different micro.
• T&A out: Time & Attendance out. This type of reader (which gives an OUT status)
is used to leave an area. This reader will not release a door a second time until
that badge is presented to a T&A in reader connected to the same micro or, if you
selected Enable global T&A on the Settings Tab of the Parameters Form, a
different micro.
• In required: This type of reader will open the door only if the badge presented
currently has an IN status. For example, if you had a badge with a status of OUT
and attempted to gain access through a reader that was marked as In required,
the door would not open.
• Elevator: This type of reader is used for elevator control. This is set up using the
Elevator Tab of the Elevator Form.
• T&A In/Out: Time & Attendance In/Out. This type of reader is used ONLY for
Wiegand Swipe Readers, such as the Model 100.
To get an IN status, hold the badge so that the front of the badge is facing you.
(The logo is usually printed on the front of the badge.) Then swipe the badge
through the reader.
To get an OUT status, turn the badge around so that the back of the badge is
now facing you. Swipe the badge through the reader.
• Passive APB and T&A: If you are using an anti-passback (APB) reader or time
APB and
and attendance (T&A) reader, enable this field for the reader to function as a
Normal type reader thereby allowing any valid badge to unlock the door
regardless of the badge’s IN/OUT status. However, the badge’s status will still be
logged as IN or OUT according to the reader used and will be recorded as such
in the badge history. Use this if you want to record APB or T&A without
preventing unauthorized persons from accessing doors.
Example: Timing begins when a badge is presented to an IN reader. Until that
time expires, the user cannot enter again regardless whether they went through
an OUT reader. If a user tries to go through the IN reader a second time, the
micro sends an invalid Timed APB message to the host.
Timed APB (min): This field is enabled when you select a Logical type as ‘APB
in.’ The default of this field is ‘0.’ Enter a number between 0 and 255.
• Max Invalid PIN Count: 1) Select this checkbox if you want your Secure Perfect
Keypad PIN
system to suspend badges after an invalid PIN is entered and a badge is
presented at a reader a configured number of times. 2) Then, enter a number
between 1 and 6 as the number of times an invalid PIN code is entered at a
system reader before the badge is suspended. The default of this field is ‘3.’ 3) If
suspended, the badge must be changed to active by a system administrator.
If the Parameter Form is set to grant access on duress, access will be granted
and the badge transaction will display as Valid Duress. If the Parameter Form is not
set to grant access on duress, the door will not open and the transaction will be
Invalid Duress. If set to monitor, an alarm will be generated in both instances.
Select this checkbox if you want your Secure Perfect system to notify you when a
‘Valid No
valid badge read occurs but the door did not open within the configured unlock time.
This may be an indication of someone deciding not to pass through the door, or an
accidental read as someone passes a reader.
• This feature must be associated with an alarm type of door forced or door held in
order to be notified of a change in state of the door.
• In order to notify of a duress situation, Grant Access on Duress must be
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 228

Reader Type Events Tab
Reader Form
Use this tab to select the events that will be used to determine when a reader will be used as a Normal,
Badge/Keypad, or Keypad reader.
Events define start time(s) and day(s) only. There is no end associated with an event. Therefore, that
event will stay in effect until another event changes it or you change it manually.
• Normal: Select an event from the drop-down list. This reader will then be used as a Normal
reader beginning at the time and day given by the event.
• Badge/keypad: Select an event from the drop-down list. This reader will then be used as a
Badge/keypad reader beginning at the time and day given by the event.
• Keypad: Select an event from the drop-down list. This reader will then be used as a Keypad
reader beginning at the time and day given by the event.
Readers Tab
Reference Topic:
Activity Monitoring Using the Activity Monitor Form
Event Trigger Form
Select reader(s) and transaction type(s) that will become the source for initiating the Event Trigger.
Assigned Readers:
This pane displays readers assigned to this Event Trigger record.
Element Description
Click to display a Reader Assignment window, enabling you to
select and assign a reader to this Event Trigger.
Select any or all of the options as types of reader transactions to
trigger an event.
Tag Selection
Select one of the Tag options.
None (No tag is sent to the DVR for marking recorded video or
manipulating record rate.)
Tag only (A tag is sent to the DVR for marking recorded video at
the camera(s) current record rate.)
Tag as event (A tag is sent to the DVR for marking recorded
video and for changing the camera(s) record rate to its event
record rate settings.)
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 229

Readers Tab - Reports
Reader Access Report or Roll Call Report
Use this tab to select specific readers that will form the basis of information for this report.
This windowpane displays the list of readers that currently apply to this report. If there are no readers
listed, click Edit to display a Reader Assignment dialog box, allowing you to select and add readers.
Readers Tab - Time and Attendance History Report Form
Use this tab to select the readers you would like to use for this report. The windowpane displays the list of
readers that currently apply to this report. If there are no readers listed, click Edit to display the Reader
Assignment dialog that allows you to add readers.
Recall Search
Search Menu
The Recall Search option refills the current form with the last search criteria data. Use this option when
you want to recall the last search criteria. The option does not conduct a search or affect any data in the
database. The Recall Search option is available only when a form that contains records is open.
Clicking this icon from the Secure Perfect toolbar can also access this option:
Recorded Video Currently Being Accessed
When attempting to retrieve a recorded video event from SP, you may receive this message. You will not
be able to access recorded video events while the DVR is currently serving another request for playback.
Records Generation
Reference Topics:
Micro/5 or Micro/PX-2000 Records Generation
Reader Board Records Generation
DI Board Records Generation
DO Board Records Generation
You can configure your micro record to match the micro’s physical board configuration. Only those
records that are needed are configured. Refer to the Reference Topics for details and lists of records
generated when the board/micro is added:
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 230

Reference Topic:
About Secure Perfect
Administration Menu
The Region option opens the Region Form that allows you to assign synchronization intervals for your
Global Edition database replication.
This option is unavailable if you are not licensed for Global Edition software.
Region Form Tab
Region Form
Use this tab to identify a Global Database Server or Regional Database Server, and configure
synchronization intervals. This tab also contains the licensing information about the Region.
Global Server
If the selected server name:
• Is a Global Database Server, a Yes displays in the Global Server field. Synchronization
interval fields are unavailable for input. You can assign synchronization intervals on Regional
Database Servers only.
• Is a Regional Database Server, a No displays in the Global Server field. Synchronization
interval fields are available for input.
The synchronization processing time is dependent on how much data needs to be
synchronized and the performance of your system.
Using Windows, we recommend that you synchronize time settings on the computers within
your Secure Perfect Global Edition system.
SP Database Synchronization Interval (min):
This database contains configuration data relating to badges and micros. The default and minium number
of minutes for synchronization of this database is every five minutes. The maximum number of minutes is
1440 (once per day).
SP History Database Synchronization Interval (min):
This database contains current history including badge transactions and operator history. The default and
minimum number of minutes for synchronization of this database is every five minutes. The maximum
number of minutes is 1440 (once per day).
REMINDER: A subscription is a request for a copy of data or database objects to be replicated. It
defines what publication will be received, where, and when. The time that it takes to complete this
process of replication and synchronization is dependent on the amount of data needed to be
License Info:
This list informs the operator of the current licensing capabilities of the selected Region.
Example: This information is helpful to an operator when attempting to add an additional feature to a
Region. A message may display, informing the operator that addition of the feature is in excess of the
license limit for that Region. The operator consults this form to review the license capabilities. If limits for
that feature have been reached, additional devices cannot be added at this time.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 231

Remove All Button
Alarm Monitor Form Toolbar
Click this icon on the toolbar to remove all alarms on the Alarm Monitor regardless of whether the alarms
are acknowledged or unacknowledged. An operator must have an ALL permission for the Alarm Monitor
in order to have access to this icon.
Remove Individual Button
Alarm Monitor Form Toolbar
Click this icon on the toolbar to remove one or more alarms without waiting for them to reset. The
alarm(s) can be unacknowledged and cleared as long as it was not defined on the Alarm Form as
requiring an acknowledgment. Select a series of alarms in sequence or individual alarms not in
Replication and Synchronization Conflicts
Conflicts with Secure Perfect replication are rare but can occur. A conflict occurs whenever two users in
different regions simultaneously update a field on an individual record; or update a record at a Global
Database Server computer and a Regional Database Server computer during synchronization.
For example:
Region 1 revises an address from 4444 SW 8th St to 5544 SW 8th St.
Region 2 revises an address from 4444 SW 8th St to 6544 SW 8th St.
There are now two different values in the same field of the same records in two different regions. Each
region’s scheduled SQL Server Merge Agent will activate the merge process and the changes will be
sent to the Global Server.
• If both updates arrive at the Global Server during the same synchronization process, the SQL
Server will detect which update arrived first and that update will be successful.
• If the update at Region Two arrived before the update at Region One during the same
synchronization process, then Region Two’s update will be successful. The address will be
updated to 6544 SW 8th Street on both Region One and Region Two. Keep in mind that
conflicts can only occur during the same synchronization process.
• When the Global Server and Regional Server are connected and synchronization occurs, the
SQL Server Merge Agent detects conflicts and then determines which data will be accepted
and propagated to other sites based on the first record to successfully reach the Global
1. The synchronization processing time is dependent on how much data needs to be
synchronized and the performance of your system.
2. Using Windows, we recommend that you synchronize time settings on the computers within
your Secure Perfect Global Edition system.
3. When re-assigning devices such as micros or DVRs across regions, you must stop and
restart services, first on the original owner of the devices and then on the computer to which
the devices are newly assigned. You must allow sufficient time for data replication to
complete across all affected regions before restarting services on the newly assigned
computer. Verify that devices are online and operable following the re-assignment.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 232

Report Templates Window
Click the Show me icon to view a step-by-step animated demo.
A list box displays a list of available templates. To use, select the desired template and do one of the
Click to close this window without taking any action.
Save As
Select a template, and then click to save with a new name. A dialog box displays, enabling you to enter a
name for the new template.
Select a template and click to save any changes made to the template parameters. An update message
will display.
Select a template, and then click to delete it from the list. A Delete Template dialog box displays to
confirm you choice and the template is deleted.
Make Default
Select a template, and then click to automatically load this template whenever this form is opened. A
Default Template confirmation message displays.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 233

Reports Menu Selections
The following selections display on the Reports drop-down menu:
Device Configuration
Floor Access
Reader Access
Roll Call
Alarm History
Badge History
Zone History Report
DI History Report
Time and Attendance History
Operator History
Guard Tour History
External Reports
Reset Micro
This causes the micro to empty its database and stored history. When the reset is complete, the micro
will request a new database and, if it is configured for forced badge downloading, the micro will also
receive a new badge database.
Clicking this icon from the Micro Utility Form toolbar will access this option:
Administration Menu
The Response option opens the Alarm Response Form that allows you to create a list of frequently used,
predefined responses to an alarm, and prevents the need of retyping an equivalent entry. The response
entries that you create will display on the Alarm Monitor Form.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 234

Restoring Secure Perfect Databases
Complete instructions for Restore functions are detailed in the Secure Perfect Installation Guide.
Restoring your databases depends on your system and how you performed your backups. The following
demonstrations are examples only.
Secure Perfect Enterprise Edition:
Click the Show me icon to view a step-by-step animated demo.
Secure Perfect Professional or eZ Edition:
If you have a backup of Secure Perfect databases, the data can be restored using the SP Maintenance
Click the Show me icon to view a step-by-step animated demo.
Resume Button
This icon will be active only if you clicked Pause. All badge transactions that occurred while the Pause
option was on will be displayed, once you select resume.
Clicking this icon from the Activity Monitor Form toolbar will access this option:
Return Date Filter Tab
Badge Report
Use this tab to generate a report based on the return date of the badges.
• Do not filter badges by return date: Select this field if you do not want to use the expiration
date as a method of filtering the report information. This is equivalent to running a report on
badges for all return dates.
• Filter badges using this return date range: Select this field if you do want to use the return
date as a method of filtering the report information. If this is selected, you must select a
starting and ending date.
• Starting date: Click the start date you want for the starting range of badge return dates.
• Ending date: Click the ending date you want for the ending range of badge return dates.
Roll Call
Reports Menu
The Roll Call option opens the Roll Call Report Form that allows you to create a report based on
parameters selected for people who last entered a facility by way of a specified reader.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 235

Routing Schedule Tab
Reference Topic:
Activity Monitor Form
Reader Form
Use this tab to select the schedules that will be used to determine when valid transactions will be sent to
the history file, monitor, and/or printer. Time schedules define intervals which include a start AND an end
time for different days of the week and modes. At the start of the schedule, the routing of the transactions
changes to the scheduled value. At the end of the schedule, the routing of the transactions returns to the
nonscheduled value. For example, if valid transactions are scheduled to route to history, the transactions
will stop being routed to history at the end of the schedule.
Valid transactions to history
• Time schedule: Select a time schedule from the drop-down list.
• Yes/No: Select Yes if the above schedule is when you want valid transactions to be saved to
the history file or No if the above schedule is when you do not want valid transactions to be
saved to the history file.
Valid transactions to monitor
• Time schedule: Select a time schedule from the drop-down list.
• Yes/No: Select Yes if the above schedule is when you want valid transactions to be
displayed on the Activity Monitor Form or No if the above schedule is when you do not want
valid transactions to be displayed on the Activity Monitor Form.
Valid transactions to printer
• Time schedule: Select a time schedule from the drop-down list.
• Yes/No: Select Yes if the above schedule is when you want valid transactions to be sent to
the printer or No if the above schedule is when you do not want valid transactions to be sent
to the printer.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 236

Routing Tab
Reference Topic:
Parameters Form
Reader Form
Use this tab to define where transactions on the reader are sent. You have three options: badge history,
Activity Monitor, and a badge transaction printer. Badge transactions will print only if the transaction is
routed to the printer, the badge transaction printer is enabled, and a badge transaction printer is selected.
The enabling and selection of the badge transaction printer is done on the Parameters Form.
• Valid: Enable this field if you want valid badge transactions recorded in badge history.
• Invalid: Invalid badge transactions are always recorded in badge history. This default is a
read-only field and cannot be changed.
• Lost: Lost badge transactions are always recorded in badge history. This default is a read-
only field and cannot be changed.
• Valid: Enable this field if you want valid badge transactions to display on the Activity Monitor
• Invalid: Enable this field if you want invalid badge transactions to display on the Activity
Monitor Form.
• Lost: Enable this field if you want lost badge transactions to display on the Activity Monitor
• Valid: Enable this field if you want valid badge transactions to be sent to the badge
transaction printer.
• Invalid: Enable this field if you want invalid badge transactions to be sent to the badge
transaction printer.
• Lost: Enable this field if you want lost badge transactions to be sent to the badge transaction
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 237

Save Record
File Menu Item
The Save Record menu option saves changes made to the current record into the database. Unsaved
entries are discarded. The Save Record option is available only when a form is open, and you have been
given permission to update records.
Clicking this icon on the Secure Perfect toolbar can also access this option:
Save Template As
File Menu
Select this option to create a new template and save under a new file name. This option is available only
when a Report Form is displaying.
Schedule Tab
Alarm Form
Use this tab to assign schedules for monitoring and printing alarms. Time schedules define intervals that
include a start AND an end time for different days of the week and modes. At the start of the schedule,
the alarm monitoring or printing changes to the scheduled value. At the end of the schedule, the alarm
monitoring or printing returns to the nonscheduled value. Example: If alarm monitoring is scheduled On,
it will return to 0ff (no monitoring) at the end of the assigned schedule.
• Time schedule: Click the drop-down list to select a time schedule.
• On/Off: Select On if the above schedule is when you want to monitor alarms or Off if the
above schedule is when you do not want to monitor alarms.
Print alarm
• Time schedule: Click the drop-down list to select a time schedule.
• Yes/No: Select Yes if the above schedule is when you want to print alarms or No if the above
schedule is when you do not want to print alarms.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 238

Schedule Tab
Digital Input Form
This tab is available only if you have selected Digital Output in the Type field on the Digital Input Tab.
Use this tab to assign a schedule. Time schedules define intervals which include a start AND an end time
for different days of the week and modes.
Time schedule
Click the drop-down list to select a previously created time schedule.
• Select Enable if you want to enable this digital input when this time schedule starts. Enabling
the digital input allows it to then trigger the associated digital output when a state change
• Select Disable if you want to disable this digital input when this time schedule starts.
Disabling the digital input prevents the state change from being reported and the associated
digital output from triggering.
Schedule Tab
Digital Output Form
Use this tab to define schedules for turning digital outputs (DO) on or off. Time schedules define intervals
that include a start AND an end time for different days of the week and modes. At the start of the
schedule, the state of the DO changes to the scheduled value. At the end of the schedule, the state of
the DO returns to the nonscheduled value.
Example: If the DO is scheduled On, the DO will return to Off at the end of the schedule.
Turn DO On/Off
• Time Schedule: Select a time schedule from the drop-down list. This determines when the
DO will automatically turn on and off.
• On/Off: Select On if the above schedule is when you want the digital output to be in the
Active state or Off if the above schedule is when you do not want the digital output to be in
the Active state.
Schedule Tab
Digital Output Group Form
Use this tab to define schedules for turning all digital outputs in a selected digital output group on or off.
DO control
• Time schedule: Select a time schedule from the drop-down list.
• On/Off: Select On if the above schedule is when you want the digital outputs in the selected
digital output group to be in the Active state. Select Off if the above schedule is when you do
not want the digital outputs in the selected digital output group to be in the Active state.
Reports Menu
The Schedules/Events option opens the Schedule Report Form that allows you to create a report on the
schedules and events defined in the Secure Perfect system.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 239

Search Menu
The Search option conducts a search in the database for all records that match the search criteria data
you enter in the form. The records found by the search are displayed in the search results window. Data
can be in any number of fields in the form or any number of tables.
Only records that match all fields in which data are entered are displayed. An asterisk (*) can be entered
in text boxes to indicate wildcard characters. The Search option is available only when a form that
contains records is open.
Example: Enter S* in an appropriate text box to display any records beginning with S. Example: A
search for badgeholders with the last name starting with Sm* would yield such names as Smith and
If no search data is entered, all records display. Any column displaying in the list box can be sorted by
clicking on the column heading.
Clicking this icon from the Secure Perfect toolbar can also access this option:
Search Menu Selections
The following selections display on the Search drop-down menu:
Clear Search
Recall Search
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 240

Secure Perfect Services
Reference Topic:
Log On/Log Off or Shut Down
Windows uses special programs called services. A service is a process that can start automatically when
the system boots and remains running as a background process independently of anyone being logged
in. It runs regardless of whether anyone is logged into Windows or SP. In other words, the computer must
be turned on but no one needs to be logged in. The SQL Server 2000 MUST be running for network
clients to connect and share the SQL database.
Secure Perfect has three services that run on all computers. Refer to your Secure Perfect Installation
Guide for additional information about services. The default Startup Type for services is set to Manual.
You are instructed to set the three services for an Automatic startup during the Secure Perfect installation
process, which means that they start as soon as the computer is started. Once set to Automatic, we
recommend that you do not change these settings.
1. Secure Perfect Diagnostics handles all diagnostics on all computers.
2. Secure Perfect Manager is the main service and handles micro communications and alarms.
3. Secure Perfect System Manager manages communication between computers and licensing.
Changing the state of services without a good working knowledge of the services purpose can cause
the computer to act erratically!
4. Secure Perfect API Service is used when using an API interface. This service is used when an
external system is sending or receiving transactions by way of Application Program Interface to
Secure Perfect. Do not start this service or change the settings unless you are using the API option in
Secure Perfect and have been previously licensed. This service can be started manually at the time
you install an API interface.
Services will automatically shut down when a client closes the Secure Perfect application and meets ALL
of the following criteria:
1. Does not host any micros or DVRs.
2. Does not have any API connections.
3. Is not a Thin Client.
4. Is not a backup client or have any backup clients of its own.
5. Is not a CCTV client.
6. Is not hosting a Guard Tour.
7. Client form Enable Auto Shutdown is selected.
The shutting down of a particular client computer designates that license capacity unused. Now, that
license is available for another computer that can now be designated a Secure Perfect client.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 241

Security Tab - Micro Form
Micro Form
Micro Passwords: The Micro Passwords list box has the following default password entries, enabling
four possible levels of security. Select a password; it now displays in the Password dialog box:
Select To
Re-assign a password by typing over the
default displayed in the dialog box.
Re-assign a password by typing over the
default displayed in the dialog box.
Re-assign a password by typing over the
default displayed in the dialog box.
Re-assign a password by typing over the
default displayed in the dialog box.
Click Change to save and re-assign the new password.
If you change your micro passwords, you must enter the changed passwords in FlashTool by typing
over the existing entries. As you type the password in FlashTool, the characters will be replaced by
asterisks (*) to ensure the security of the host access system.
Communication Encryption
This feature allows you to configure additional security encryption that scrambles data into an
unbreakable code for public transmission. Encryption protects the Host-to-micro exchange of information.
The Host uses the Exchange Key to send the Data Key to the micro. Once the Data Key is received, the
Host-to-micro communication is encrypted using that key.
Enable Encryption: This check box is available only for head-of-line network, network+dialup, network +
direct, and network + network micros.
This checkbox, and all selections in the Communication Encryption grouping, are not available on
downstream micros.
Exchange Key: There are two options for encrypting an Exchange Key.
• System: When you choose this selection, no additional selections are available or required.
This key is set at the factory.
• Custom: When you select this option, the three dialog boxes become available. At the micro,
enter the 48-character exchange key using FlashTool. This exchange key must be identical
to the key that was entered into the micro parameter block at the micro.
If the Custom exchange key entries do not match, an alarm condition indication displays
in the Reference column of the Alarm Monitor Form.
• Edit: Click to re-assign or revise an existing encrypted Custom exchange key for a selected
micro. It is possible to assign a duplicate exchange key on separate micros in your Secure
Perfect system. When you click this button one time, this button label changes to Auto
• Auto Generate: Click this button to system-generate a Custom exchange key. We
recommend that you record this number. You can now enter this key into the micro
parameter block at the micro.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 242

Data Key: Secure Perfect supports two methods of data encryption standards: DES and DESIII.
• DES: When you select this method, only one dialog box is available for input. Enter 16
unique hex characters in this binary field. We recommend that you do not repeat any
character. The additional two dialog boxes are unavailable for entry.
• DES III: Enter 48 unique hex characters in the binary dialog boxes, in three 16-character
If you do not enter unique hex characters, this micro record will not save. An invalid field
message will display, informing you that the keys that were chosen are too weak.
• Edit: Click to re-assign or revise an existing encrypted data key for a selected micro. When
you click this button one time, this button label changes to Auto Generate.
• Auto Generate: Click this button to system-generate a data key. We recommend that you
record this number.
Select Columns
This option allows you to select columns that you want to display on the Micro Utility Form by putting a
check next to the column name. When you click OK, the selected columns are saved so you will not have
to select again the next time the form is opened.
If you are licensed for Client Redundancy, the column Default Hostname is available for selection. If
not licensed for Client Redundancy, this selection is unavailable.
Clicking this icon from the Micro Utility Form toolbar will access this option:
Select Criteria and Micro Selection
Clicking this icon from the Micro Utility Form toolbar will access this option:
This dialog box allows you to enter search criteria for available micros, from facilities to which you have
access, that you want to add to your view or remove from the list of displayed micros, based on the
results of the search criteria. Complete one or more of the search criterion.
Micro Description: Enter a micro description for which to search. You may use wildcard characters as
part of the search criteria.
Micro Address: Enter a micro address.
Online, Offline, Error: Select micros that meet the search criteria and are online, offline, or in an error
Hostname: Select a host name.
Comm Port: Select a Comm Port.
Available Micros The micros are displayed that meet the search criteria and are not already selected to
be displayed in the Micro Utility Form.
Selected Micros: This box displays the results of the search. The list of micros are those that meet the
search criteria and are selected to be displayed.
Search: Click to display the micros as requested by the parameters you selected.
Clear Search: Clears the micro search criteria and selection parameters from the form windowpanes,
allowing you to selected new criteria.
Select Default Alarms
Select Default Alarms Dialog Box
This dialog box displays all alarms currently assigned to this map. To designate this map as the default
for an alarm, select each alarm that should have this map as its default association, which means this
map will display whenever you select this alarm point from the Alarm Monitor Form and open the Alarm
Graphics Viewer Form.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 243

Select Facilities
Operations Menu
The Select Facilities option opens the Set Active Facilities Form that allows you to change the facilities
currently in use.
Set As Default Template
File Menu
Use this option to select a template to use as the default template. This option is available only when a
Report Form is displaying with a loaded template. While the selected Report Form is displaying, select
Set As Default Template. A message displays stating the current template is now the default template
for this form. This template will automatically be loaded whenever you open this report form. You cannot
undo this election; however, you can later display and assign another report as the default.
Set Instruction Tab
Alarm Form
Use this tab to select the instructions you want to display on the Alarm Monitor Form when this alarm
occurs. Instructions are simply directions explaining how to react to the alarm.
This windowpane displays the currently selected instructions in the order in which they will display on the
Alarm Monitor Form.
Move Up
Click to move a selected instruction up one line; it will display on the Alarm Monitor Form in the modified
Move Down
Click to move a selected instruction down one line; it will display on the Alarm Monitor Form in the
modified order.
Click to display the Alarm Instruction Assignment dialog box that allows you to assign predefined
alarm instructions to this alarm.
Setting the Automatic Logoff Time
1. From the Administration menu, select Client.
2. In the Auto Logoff field, select a number between 1 and 99 to set the number of minutes of system
inactivity to elapse before an operator is automatically logged off. (Clicking the mouse button and
pressing keys on the keyboard is considered system activity; simply moving the mouse pointer is
3. To disable this feature, enter 0.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 244

Setting Up an Elevator
Do not switch between floor tracking and no floor tracking in the same elevator record. If you want to
change an existing record, delete that record and create a new one with the desired floor tracking
1. Decide which method of elevator control you want to use: no floor tracking, floor tracking by input, or
floor tracking by keypad.
2. Set up a micro (along with the reader board(s) and the digital output board(s); if using the floor tracking
by input method, then also set up a digital input board).
• See information for setting up a direct-connect micro
• See information for setting up a dial-up micro
3. Set the desired readers to active using the Reader Tab of the Reader Form.
• See information for the Reader Tab, Reader Form.
4. Verify that the desired digital outputs are set up correctly. Also check the digital input setup if you are
using the floor tracking by input method.
5. Set up the floor descriptions using the Floor tab of the Floor Form.
6. Set up the elevator using the Elevator Form. Here you assign readers, digital outputs, and digital inputs
if using the floor tracking by input method.
Elevator control does not span micros. This means the reader, digital outputs, and digital inputs (if
applicable) MUST be on the same micro.
Settings Tab
Reference Topic:
Overview - Diagnostics
Diagnostic Setting Form
Enable debug messages: Select this box to enable monitoring for the selected diagnostic object.
Logfiles: Default and newly created LogFile names display in the Logfiles windowpane. Select a file
name from the list of files displayed, to which you are assigning this component for monitoring. By
assigning a component object to write to a particular logfile, you are removing that object from the list of
components that will write to the default logfile.
Save your new settings.
When you open the Diagnostic Viewer, the activities of your selected component will display in the logfile
to which it is assigned. (Those items with the COM # and Line # as part of the component name have the
highest effect on system performance and hard drive usage.)
After viewing, return to the Diagnostic Setting Form and disable the debug messages.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 245

Settings Tab
Parameters Form
Use this tab to set the general system settings.
Archive Database
Select an option to schedule archiving history. Archiving creates a copy of the latest history transactions,
leaving your history database empty. The default value for this option is Monthly. If you select:
• Daily: The archive is appended every day beginning at 11:59:58 P.M.
• Weekly: The archive is appended every week on the day that you select, beginning at 11:59:58
P.M. (You must select a day of the week.) Any change in the scheduling occurs immediately. For
example, if archiving is taking place on Tuesdays and the schedule is revised to archive on
Wednesday, the archiving will occur one day later, on Wednesday.
• Monthly: The archive is appended on the last day of the month beginning at 11:59:58 P.M.
The Secure Perfect services do NOT have to be running. Archiving will occur as long as SQL Server
Agent services are running.
Database Connection
This feature allows you to configure the amount of time that elapes before your Secure Perfect system
detects and advises you that your database is not accessable.
• Timeout (sec): The default is 30 seconds. The minimum is 3 seconds; the maximum is 120
seconds. 1) In a Secure Perfect Global Edition configuration, this is the amount of time until a
Regional failover begins. 2) In a typical Secure Perfect configuration, this is the amount of time
before Secure Perfect transactions are saved, Secure Perfect services shut down, and a
message advises you to repair your database.
• Retry: The default is 3 retries. The minimum is ‘0’; the maximum is 5 retries.
Photo Aspect Ratio: Select or enter a number for the height and the width. The aspect ratio controls the
relationship between the height and width of the photos. This setting controls the photos displayed in the
Capture program, on the Person Form, and in the Badge Designer program.
Console alarm sound:
• Continuous/Short: Select Continuous to sound a continuous tone when alarms are detected.
Select Short to sound a short tone when alarms are detected.
Enable global T&A: (Selected by default.) Select this check box if you want the entry status (either IN or
OUT) for all badges using Time and Attendance readers to be sent to and enforced by all micros.
Disabling the check box will require each micro to enforce T&A independently.
Enable global APB: (Selected by default.) Select this check box if you want the entry status (either IN or
OUT) for all badges using anti-passback readers to be sent to and enforced by all micros. Disabling the
check box will require each micro to enforce anti-passback on readers within each micro.
Enable unique & required Employee Number: (Selected and unavailable by default.) This checkbox is
only available after converting and upgrading a previous database. This feature enforces assignment of
unique and required Employee numbers for each Person record.
Grant Access on Duress: Select this check box to allow a door to open, and to signal a threatening
situation. With a valid access right and valid badge, a 1 + PIN code is entered at the reader. This
sequence generates a duress alarm that displays on the Alarm Monitor similar to the following: 0001-1-
01 Duress. The Activity Monitor displays activity type as Duress Activity. The default setting for
your system includes this feature already selected. Clear this checkbox if you do not want this feature.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 246

Alarm Notifier E-mail Support:
Enable: Select this check box to activate the e-mail notification option. The following e-mail dialog boxes
become available:
• To E-mail Address Field: Select a field name from the drop-down list that will be assigned as an
e-mail address. 1) Labels for these field names are assigned on the User Fields and Address
Fields tab of this form. 2) The content of each field is entered in the User Fields or Address fields
on the Person Form.
[Global Edition: To ensure successful e-mail alarm notification across regions in a Global Edition
system, the Global Database Server and all Regional Database Servers must have identical
configuration settings. That is: 1) For all Servers in your Global Edition system, the user field
selected for the ‘To E-mail Address Field’ must be identical. While configuring each Server, select
the field that represents the e-mail address from the drop-down list. 2) All other Alarm Notification
information is specific to the Regional Database Server.]
• SMTP E-mail Server: Enter the name of the server that handles the transfer of e-mail to and from
the e-mail addresses. This dialog box cannot be left blank and accepts up to 256 alphanumeric
• From E-mail Address: Enter an e-mail address of the account or person that is generating this
alarm notification such as This dialog box cannot be left blank and accepts up
to 64 alphanumeric characters.
• Allow Anonymous Access: This check box is selected by default, permitting the transmission of
an e-mail alarm notification without further authentication. The E-mail User Name and E-mail
Password dialog boxes are not available for entry and not required with default settings.
If the security requirements of the e-mail server require further authentication, clear the check box
to make available the dialog boxes for entry of an E-mail User Name and E-mail Password
E-mail User Name: Enter the user name that the e-mail server uses to validate this user. This
dialog box accepts up to 64 alphanumeric characters.
E-mail Password: Enter the user password that the e-mail server uses to validate this user. This
dialog box accepts up to 64 alphanumeric characters.
Save before you exit this form.
Settings to Reach Host Tab
Micro Form
This tab will display ONLY when you are setting up a dial-up, head-of-line micro. Use this tab to
configure how the micro dials the host.
Phone Numbers to Reach Host
Enter telephone numbers of up to 20 digits, that the micro dials to reach the host. If an outside line must
be accessed in order to dial out, type a comma after the number that accesses the outside line, (typically
9). In this situation, if the telephone number to be dialed is 1-555-666-7777, you would enter the number
in this field as follows: 9,15556667777
The micro will dial the number in Number 1: and then try the others in numerical order until connection it
All Number fields must contain a telephone number of up to 20 digits. If there is only one telephone
number for this micro to reach the host, repeat this number in all fields. (If you click Save after completing
the first Number field, the system will automatically complete all Number fields with a duplicate number.)
Dial Interval
Select the interval (none, 1 hour, 8 hours, 12 hours and 24 hours) at which the micro will automatically
dial the host. The micro will dial at the bottom of the hour. For example, if you select the 1 hour interval,
the micro would dial at 4:30, 5:30 and continue every hour after.
Same Number Retries
Enter the number of times (from 0 to 9) the micro should redial the same telephone number before
moving on to the next available telephone number.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 247

Retry Interval (30 sec)
Enter the number (from 1 to 9) of 30-second intervals that the micro will wait in between each dial to the
host. For example, if you specify 2, then the micro will wait: 2 x 30 = 60 seconds between each dial to the
Settings to Reach Micro Tab
Micro Form
This tab will display ONLY when you are configuring a dial-up, head-of-line micro. Use this tab to
configure how the host dials the micro.
Phone Numbers to Reach Micro
Enter the telephone number of up to 20 digits, that the host dials to call the micro. If an outside line must
be accessed in order to dial out, type a comma after the number that accesses the outside line, (typically
9). In this situation, if the telephone number to be dialed is 1-555-666-7777, enter the number in this field
as follows: 9,15556667777
The micro will first dial the number in Number 1: and then try the number in Number 2:.
All telephone number fields must contain a telephone number. If there is only one telephone number
for the micro, enter this number in all fields.
Dial Interval
Select the interval (None, 1 hour, 8 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours) at which the host will automatically dial the
micro. The host will dial one hour from the time the micro went into an idle (no activity) state. If this is a
new record, the count begins once the record is saved. If the Secure Perfect system is shut down, the
count begins once Secure Perfect is started.
Same Number Retries
Enter the number of times (from 0 to 9) the host should redial the same telephone number before moving
on to the next available telephone number.
Retry Interval (30 sec)
Enter the number (from 1 to 9) of 30-second intervals that the host will wait in between each dial to the
micro. For example, if you specify 2, then the host will wait: 2 x 30 = 60 seconds between each dial to the
Host Call Back
Select this check box if you want the host computer to return a call back to the micro, providing additional
validation that the correct host-to-micro communication has taken place.
Show Me Demo Files
Reference Topic:
Index of Show Me Demo Files
If this graphic is displayed in a topic, click the Show me icon to view a step-by-step animated demo that
may assist you in performing the tasks described in the related fields. The demo files are in English only.
There is a short pause as the demo begins.
Sort Fields Dialog
This dialog box allows you to select fields by which to sort the information on a given report. The window
lists the fields available for the current report. If you want to sort by more than one field, hold the Control
key while you left-click the additional fields.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 248

View Menu
The Split option allows you to increase or decrease the horizontal size of the tabs and windowpanes on a
Status Bar
Reference Topic:
SP Taskbar
View Menu
Status Bar is a toggle option and determines whether or not you view the Secure Perfect status bar at
the bottom of your Secure Perfect screen. Clear the check box to hide the status bar from view. The
status bar displays the status of your Secure Perfect system, indicating the current operator,
communication port status, number of clients connected, number of alarms, and number of background
The numbers indicate the total status of all active facilities assigned to the current operator.
Status Tab
Alarm Form
The Status tab provides the status of a selected alarm as stored in the micro’s database, such as its
sense time. This status reflects any changes made by schedules on this alarm and displays the date and
time of the last status.
• Alarm group: Displays the alarm group to which the alarm is assigned.
• Monitor: Displays whether this alarm is routed to the Alarm Monitor Form.
• Last status date: Displays the date on which the status was last requested.
• Last status time: Displays the time on which the status was last requested.
• Refresh: Click Refresh to receive the most current status from the micro. This may take
several moments.
A status refresh on an offline micro will never be returned.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 249

Status Tab - Badge Form
A badge record must be selected in order to enable this tab. This windowpane provides an immediate
status of the selected badge according to the information in the micro database.
This is a diagnostic tool. The status displayed here is verification that a badge modification has
actually taken place in the database, according to a change in the Status as modified on the Badge
Definition tab.
Requirements are indicated by an asterisk.
Element Description
Select a micro from the drop-down list of available micros in facilities assigned to
this operator, and then click Status. The selected micro must be online in order
to display a Status windowpane conveying information about the selected badge.
Badge Status
Displays the current status according to the micro database.
APB Status
Displays the current Anti-Passback status.
TA Status
Displays the current Time and Attendance status.
Click to refresh or update changes that occurred since the last Status request.
Status Tab
Digital Input Form
Select this tab to display information about the digital input as stored in the micro’s database, such as its
sense time. Request the latest information by clicking Refresh. It may take a moment to process
refreshing the data.
A status refresh on a micro that is offline will never be returned.
Sense Time:
The sense time as of the last status date and time.
Yes/No - Whether the digital input is enabled or disabled as of the last status date and time.
Last status date:
The date on which the status was last requested.
Last status time:
The time that status was last requested.
Click to receive the current status information for this digital input.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 250

Status Tab
Digital Input Status Form
Provides the status of the selected digital input according to the information in the micro database. You
can list the digital inputs for all micros or list the digital inputs per micro.
Select micro
• Select All to display the status for all digital inputs on all micros.
• Select By micro to display the status for all digital inputs on a selected micro. Click the drop-down
arrow to display a list of active micros.
Click Refresh to get an updated status on the digital inputs. A refresh for a dial-up micro will cause the
host to dial the micro unless they are already connected. The refresh process may take a few minutes. A
reader and associated DIs are grouped together, by reader number.
A refresh selected for a micro that is offline or in error will never be returned.
Column Headings:
Displays the number of the digital input assigned by the system.
Displays the description of the digital input. (A reader and associated DIs are grouped together, by reader
Displays the number of the micro to which this digital input belongs.
Displays the state of the digital input as On, Off or Trouble.
• On means that the digital input point is in the Active state as defined on the Digital Input
Status Form.
• Off means that the digital input point is Inactive as defined on the Digital Input Status Form
• Trouble means that the digital input point has been cut or shorted.
Physical State
Displays the physical state of the digital input point.
• Open means that the contact is open.
• Closed means that the contact is closed.
• Cut means that the line has been cut.
• Short means that the line is shorted.
Displays the date that the status was requested.
Displays the time that the status was requested.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 251

Status Tab
Digital Output Status Form
This form displays the status of the selected digital outputs according to the information in the micro’s
database, by Reader DO or other DOs, by micro or for all micros.
Select DO Type
• Select Reader to display the DO points available for the readers.
• Select Other to display Aux DOs (the two DO relays available on a 2RP board) and other DO
points. Example DO points include lights, sirens, and door strikes that may be connected to
the micro.
Select Micro
• Select All to display the status for the digital outputs of the type selected in the field Select
DO type found on all micros.
• Select By Micro to display the status for digital outputs of the type selected in the field Select
DO type found on a selected micro. Click the drop-down list to display active micros.
Click to get an updated status on the digital outputs. A refresh for a dial-up micro will cause the host to
dial the micro unless they are already connected. The refresh process may take a few minutes.
A refresh selected for an offline micro or micro in error will never be returned.
Column Descriptions:
• DO Number: Number of the digital output.
• Description: Description of the door/DO in the database.
• Micro: Number of the micro on which this digital output is found.
• Current State: Displays the state of the digital output.
• Date: Displays the date that the status was requested.
• Time: Displays the time that the status was requested.
If this is a reader DO, the states are:
• Lock: The door is locked.
• Unlock: The door is unlocked.
If this is any other DO, the states are:
• Active: The digital output is in the Active state defined on the Digital Output Form.
• Inactive: The digital output is NOT in the Active state.
Status Tab
Digital Video Recorder Form
Perform a search, select a DVR from the right pane of this form window, and click Status. The DVR must
be online in order to display a Status pane conveying the following information about the selected DVR:
• General Status: Current time, time powered on, MUX firmware, PPC firmware, and disk
• Camera Status: Current in alarms and current in video loss alarms.
• Record Status: Record status, disk status, time recording, and time until disk is full.
• Archiving Status: Archive status, device status, time archiving, and time until archive is full.
• Ethernet Status: Normal connect IP address and connect priority, and live connect IP
address and connect priority.
A duplex recorder priority status displays on a line separate from the IP address.
A Triplex and/or Matrix recorder priority status displays as the last entry of the IP address
such as:
Click Status to refresh or update changes that occurred since the last Status request.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 252

Status Tab
Reference Topic:
Status Tab - Digital Input
Status Tab - Digital Output
Intrusion Zone Form
Perform a search, select an Intrusion Zone record from the right pane of this form window, and click
Status. This list box will display the status of all devices associated with this zone and status of the Zone.
• Reader Status: Online/offline
• Alarm Status: Monitored on/monitored off
• Zone Status: Armed/Disarmed.
• Digital Input: On/off/trouble
• Digital Output Status: Active/inactive
• Refresh: Click to refresh or update changes that occurred since the last status Refresh
Status Tab - Micro Form
This tab allows you to quickly view the status of an individual micro.
The columns of the Micro Utility Form also reflect the status of the selected micro and explains what is
happening between the host and the micro.
Refresh: Click to update the data on this page. Depending on the size of your Secure Perfect system,
this may take some time. A status refresh can only be executed for on-line micros.
Encryption status for a head-of-line network + direct micro: If the micro loses network
connection and fails over to a direct connect, a configured Encryption status changes to None, since
Encryption is available for network micros only.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 253

Status Tab - Reader Form
Select this tab to view information about the reader as currently stored in the micro’s database, such as
its type and routing information. You can request the latest information by clicking Refresh. It may take a
moment to complete the refresh of the data.
Physical type: Displays the actual reader type: Normal, Badge and Keypad, and Badge or
Logical type: Displays the reader type this reader is being used as: Normal, APB In (anti-passback In),
APB Out (anti-passback Out), T&A In (time & attendance in), T&A Out (time & attendance out), In
Required, and Elevator.
Online status: Displays Online if the reader is currently online and Offline if the reader is currently
Routing for valid transactions
• History: Whether valid transactions are being routed to history.
• Monitor: Whether valid transactions are being routed to the Activity Monitor Form.
• Printer: Whether valid transactions are being routed to the printer.
Active Access Rights: Click to display a list of access rights that are currently active on the reader.
Last status date: Displays the date when the status was last requested.
Last status time: Displays the time when the status was last requested.
Click to receive the current status information for this reader from the micro. A refresh for a dial-up micro
will cause the host to dial the micro unless they are already connected. The refresh process may take a
few minutes.
A status refresh requested for a micro that is offline or in error will never be returned.
Supervised DI Points on 2SRP Board Not Working
Check the board addresses on the reader boards in your micro. They must be consecutively numbered.
This means that the first reader board must be set to Address 1, the second reader board must be set to
Address 2 and so on.
Swipe and Show Button
Clicking this icon from the Activity Monitor Form toolbar will access the Swipe and Show program:
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 254

Swipe and Show Option
Only one instance of Swipe and Show is available for display on a computer at one time. If readers
have not been selected, the program will not start. If Imaging is not licensed for the system, this option is
not available.
The Swipe and Show program is a monitoring and validation option, available on the Activity Monitor
Form. When properly configured and following a badge transaction, the operator is able to observe a
badge photo and text description of the transaction in the Swipe and Show window. An operator is able to
monitor transactions and compare the photo ID to a live image.
The Swipe and Show window is set to a default size, cannot be resized, and displays the following:
A photo displays in this windowpane for the badge presented to the reader. If
no photo is available or an unknown badge is presented to the reader, a
silhouette displays.
First name, middle initial, and last name of badge holder.
Employee Number
Number assigned to this employee.
Department where person is assigned.
Transaction Type
Valid (displays green), invalid (displays red), or unknown (displays gray)
messages display. Guard Tour activity types also display. See Activity
Monitoring Using the Activity Monitor Form for a listing of activity types.
Reader transaction date and time.
Reader Description
Description of reader where badge was presented.
Always on Top
Right-click the Swipe and Show title bar to display a shortcut option that
keeps the window in the forefront of all windows displaying on the Secure
Perfect workstation.
If you select another transaction, the window content changes to the available information for that
transaction. Close this window by selecting the window exit button, closing the Activity Monitor Form, or
closing the Secure Perfect client program.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 255

Takeover and Recovery Timing
Reference Topics:
Client Tab
Backup Clients Tab
Client device takeover occurs following communication breakdown between the default client and the
backup client, under the following circumstances:
1. If network problems should occur.
2. If a default client computer crashes.
3. Immediate takeover following normal shutdown, ignoring any other settings. This occurs if Secure
Perfect services are stopped and Perform Backup on Normal Shutdown is enabled on the Backup
Clients tab of the Client form.
When a backup client detects that the default client is offline, an approximate takeover timing can be
predicted using the following formula:
Ping Interval X Retry Count of Default Computer
+ Heartbeat Interval X Heartbeat Retry Count of Default Computer
+ Network Delays
All these values are configured on the Client form.
The values in this formula can be adjusted to achieve a shorter or longer takeover scenario.
Template - Defined
Reference Topics:
Save Template As
Set As Default Template
Create Default Template
Delete Template
The Template drop-down list on the Report forms displays the name of the currently loaded template, if
there is one. To load, select from the drop-down list of the available templates and load the details to the
form. Report templates are useful when you run a certain report frequently. After you select a report, it
can be saved as a template and revised by loading it from the template combo box.
Window Menu
This option allows you to control multiple window or forms. If you have several forms open but not visible,
select this option to view all forms at one time tiled side-by-side or one over the other on your display
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 256

Time and Attendance
Set the time and attendance status to neutral for all badges in this micro.
Clicking this icon from the Micro Utility Form toolbar will access this option:
Time and Attendance History
Reports Menu
The Time and Attendance History option opens the Time and Attendance History Report Form that
allows you to create a report based on the history of time and attendance activity and the parameters you
Time Schedule
Administration Menu
The Time Schedule option opens the Time Schedule Form that allows you to define when an action will
begin and conclude on a daily or weekly basis. The schedules created here can be used many times in
controlling how the system works.
Time Schedules Tab
Time Schedule Form
The display time is in half-hour increments by default. To change the display increment, click and hold on
the right end of the bottom time bar, then move the cursor to the left until you are at the time increment
that you want. Then, click the desired time.
The time 00:00 is the same as 24:00 of the same day. For example, Saturday at 00:00 on the left side
of the chart is the same as 00:00 on the right side of the chart .
Use this tab to create a time schedule.
• Time chart: Click the desired start time and day of the week/mode and drag to the desired
stop time and day of the week/mode. This creates a bar that indicates that the time schedule
will occur during that time frame. Note that the current time schedule’s bar is selected.
Continue for each appropriate day that completes you new time schedule.
• Interval: Displays the number of the time schedule.
• New: Click to create a new time schedule.
• Delete: Click this button to delete a time schedule. You may delete a schedule that is
currently in effect. Refer to the note below.
Deleting a schedule does not affect the current state of any devices to which this schedule is
associated. Any devices currently under the effect of the deleted schedule will remain in that state until
changed manually or by another schedule.
• Interval details: The controls in this section are not needed in most circumstances. Use
details to verify that your selections match the calendar display.
Start time: Displays the time on which the time schedule will begin.
Stop time: Displays the time on which the time schedule will end.
Mode/day: Displays the mode or day on which the time schedule will occur.
You will need to assign this time schedule to a device such as a reader. Note the example below.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 257

1. On the Reader Form, select Building 1 Lobby Door reader record.
2. On the Functions Schedule tab, select a Door schedule BocaHQ Normal Workweek from the
drop-down list.
3. Select Unlock.
4. The result is that the reader will unlock the door based on the time schedule of BocaHQ Normal
Time Zone Tab
Micro Form
Select the time zone of this micro from the drop-down list of available time zones. The global map
graphics reflects the areas within that time zone. You can also use your mouse click-and-drag feature to
select and edit the time zone.
View Menu
The Toolbar option determines whether or not you view and access the Secure Perfect toolbar icons.
Clear the check box to hide the Toolbar from view.
Tour Point
Administration Menu
The Tour Point option opens the Tour Point Form that allows you to select a reader or digital input,
associated with pre-determined security inspection points by someone such as a security guard.
This option is unavailable if you are not licensed for Guard Tour.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 258

Tour Point Tab
Tour Point Form
A tour point can be a reader or digital input. You must select one option before you can save this point
Element Description
If you selected Reader, this field is available. Select a
reader from the drop-down list of available readers.
When reader records are created, we recommend
that you keep the mmmm-b-pp prefix and add text to
the description field. A complete and accurate reader
description aids in assigning the reader points from this
drop-down list.
Digital Input
If you selected Digital Input, this field is available. Select a
digital input from the drop-down list of available digital
When the digital input records are created, we
recommend that you keep the mmmm-b-pp prefix and add
text in the description field. A complete and accurate
digital input description aids in assigning alarm points
from this drop-down list.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 259

UL Certification
Secure Perfect is a UL-listed Grade A system (UL 1076 Grade A Proprietary Burglary Requirements/UL
294 Access Control Requirements). Your installation must adhere to the requirements listed in the
Certification section of the Secure Perfect Installation Manual, in order to qualify as UL-listed Grade A
User Fields Tab - Badge Form
Use this tab to enter user-defined information for the Badge Form record selected in the right
Modify Field
To give value to one of the fields, select a Label in the User Fields windowpane. Enter the value that you
want to display, corresponding to this label. This text box field accepts 32 alphanumeric characters.
User Fields
The existing list of labels and their values is listed in the User Fields windowpane. The selected label in
the User Fields windowpane is the label to which you are assigning a value.
The Badge User Field 1 was previously defined and labeled on the Parameters Form as Condition of
Badge. The first label listed here, in the User Fields windowpane, displays as Condition of Badge. Select
Condition of Badge. In the Modify Field dialog box, enter the corresponding condition of this badge as
Reported Lost by Badgeholder.
User Fields Tab
Parameters Form
Complete this tab to modify the labels for user fields. These labels are used on the Person Form and
Badge Form.
Person User Fields
Person User Fields Labels: Displays a list of 90 currently assigned labels for the Person Form user
New label: To assign or edit the label of a Person Form user field, select a label and enter the new or
edited text in this dialog box. The user field label can be up to 32 alphanumeric characters long.
Badge User Fields
Badge User Fields Labels: Displays a list of 20 currently assigned labels for the Badge Form user fields.
New label: To assign or edit the label of a Badge Form user field, select a label and enter the new or
edited text in this dialog box. The user field label can be up to 32 alphanumeric characters long.
Save before you exit this form.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 260

User Fields Tab
Person Form
Use this tab to enter user-defined information.
Modify Field
Enter the value for the currently selected User Field. This text box field accepts 32 alphanumeric
characters. User Fields are not appropriate for exceptionally lengthy street addresses or E-mail
User Fields
The current user field Label and Value is listed in this windowpane. To give values to these fields, select
a Label.
The label for User Field 1 was previously defined on the Parameters Form as Social Security Number.
The first label listed in this windowpane displays as Social Security Number. Enter the corresponding
Social Security for this person record in the Modify Field text box.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 261

Video Display Tab
Reference Topic:
Video Windows - An Overview
Digital Video Recorder Form
Select this tab to set up your DVR video window display options. These options are configurable per DVR
and are intended for optimizing system performance based on your network bandwidth and computing
hardware. Secure Perfect can be configured to request and process video from DVRs in reduced
resolution and color for display purposes, while the video remains locally stored on the DVR in its original
recorded resolution and color settings. All video is transmitted over the network in a compressed Wavelet
From the drop-down list, select your video display resolution as Low (~12K per image), Medium (~20K
per image), or High (~28K per image).
Window Size
From the drop-down list, select a video window display size: Small (180 x 121); Medium (360 x 242); or
Large (720 x 484). Window sizes are to be selected based on achieving the best display quality for the
selected resolution. A medium window size with a medium resolution is an optimum selection for most
Black and White
Select if you choose to further reduce the size of images transmitted over the network for display
purposes. Video will display in black and white; however, the video remains locally stored on the DVR in
its original recorded resolution and color settings.
Max Search Time for Recorded Events (secs)
Enter number of seconds from the drop-down list. This selection is the length of time a search request for
recorded video will wait before timing out. Search times may vary depending on network traffic, DVR
processing load, and number of recorded events.
Video Standard
Select PAL or NTSC. PAL (Phase Alternating Line) is a European TV standard. NTSC (National TV
Standards Committee) is the U.S. TV standard administered by the FCC.
Enter the same password, if any, that has been configured locally in the DVR for authenticating remote
network connectivity. This is not a required field and the default is no password.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 262

Video Driver Installation
After installation of the video adapter card, Windows will automatically detect the new video card on
power up. Follow the installation instructions received with your video driver software; then, reboot your
After your computer has rebooted, you will need to select your video resolution. A Secure Perfect
computer requires that you run in 1024 x 768 resolution. Choose 16-bit High Color minimum. To change
your video settings, follow the steps below:
1. Right-click the desktop and select Properties.
2. From the Display Properties window, select the Settings tab.
3. Select the desired video characteristics.
Once you have completed the installation of the video driver, now install the Video for Windows (AVI)
Video for Windows (AVI) Driver Installation
The Video for Windows driver must be installed to allow Secure Perfect to capture images. After you
have installed your video drivers, follow instructions included in your video system software to install the
Video for Windows driver.
Read any README file produced during installation.
This completes the installation.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 263

Video Windows - An Overview
When you open a live or recorded video window, the window size corresponds to the choice you selected
on the Video Display tab of the Digital Video Recorder Form. Each window displays a title bar identifying
the source of the video, the display, and a dialog box containing the current date and time. The minimize,
restore, maximize, and exit options display in the upper right corner of each window.
Resize Window
To resize a window, point to any window frame or corner border and drag a sizing handle to the size
window you want to display.
A resized window has a Restore option that restores the window size as it was prior to resizing.
Increasing the window size is limited to the size of your monitor screen.
Decreasing the window size is limited to the system default, corresponding to the Small option available
on the Video Display tab.
Shortcut Menu
Right-click anywhere on the video window to display a shortcut menu:
• Save Position: Each window can be independently moved anywhere on the desktop. Select
this option to save the position. If you close the window and reopen, the window opens at the
saved position. This feature has been incorporated to facilitate multi-window management for
both single and multi-monitor workstation configurations.
• Restore Window to Default Size: After resizing, select this option to return the window to
the default size corresponding to the choice you selected on the Video Display tab of the
Digital Video Recorder Form.
• Always On Top: Selection of this option keeps the window in the forefront of all windows
displaying on your Secure Perfect workstation.
• Save Picture As: When you select this option, an image of the display in the video window is
grabbed. The video continues to advance. An additional window opens for you to save the
captured image as a .JPG video file. The default file folder may display similar to the
c:\Program Files\GE Interlogix\Secure Perfect\Video\untitled.jpg
(If this is a custom installation and the file shares were separated from the Secure
Application, the default video folder resides on the File Server.) If you choose, you can
navigate to another location and store the file. You can assign additional alphanumeric
characters to the file name to assist in identification. The following characters are not
/ \ ? * < > | "
Click the Show me icon to view a step-by-step animated
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 264

View Menu Selections
The following selections display on the View drop-down menu:
Status Bar
Menu Buttons
Next Pane
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 265

Weak Encryption Key
Weak encryption implies that the key could be unscrambled with a realistic amount of processing
capacity and within a reasonable amount of time.
In Secure Perfect, a message displays informing you that an assigned key is too weak and therefore,
invalid. Corrections must be made before the record can be saved. We recommend entering 48 unique
hex characters, in three 16-character strings. Do not repeat any character. Do not create a pattern.
Why a Host PC Dials a Micro
Whenever a change is made to a form that requires an update to the micro database, such as changes to
the Person Form, the host will dial the micro with the changes.
If you make many changes, the micro may go to idle between your changes causing a disconnection with
the host. Then, the host will need to dial the micro back to download the next change. You have two
options available to work around this situation:
1. Increase the idle time (found on the Parameters Form, Communication Settings tab) on the micro
that will give you more time to make the changes. Secure Perfect Server services must be
restarted for the changes to take effect.
2. Put the micro offline, make the changes and then put the micro online. The host will automatically
dial the micro and download the changes.
Why Can't I Delete a Record?
Some forms, such as the Digital Output Status Form and the Manual Control Form, do not contain a
Delete button because they display only status information. Other forms, such as the Reader Form,
Alarm Form, Alarm Group Form, Digital Output Form, and the Digital Output Group Form, also do not
contain a Delete button.
To keep the system stable, NO ONE is given permission to delete these records, not even a System
Administrator. These records are deleted when the associated micro is deleted. However, on other forms,
you may be assigned delete permission. If you can’t delete on those forms, you do not have permission
to delete.
Wiegand Badge Formats Dialog Box
Select from the Available list those badge formats that you want to assign to this micro. The maximum
number of formats that you can select is 8.
• Select, then click the right arrow to assign an available badge format.
• Select, then click the left arrow to unassign an available badge format.
Click OK to display the results in the Wiegand badge format windowpane.
Window Menu Selections
The following selections display on the Window drop-down menu:
Arrange Icons
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 266

Zone History
Reports Menu
The Zone History option opens the Zone History Report Form that allows you to create a report based
on the history of intrusion zone transactions in the system.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 267