Packard Bell EN TM80: Person Records Creation
Person Records Creation: Packard Bell EN TM80

Person Records Creation
Access Rights
Reference Topics:
Access Rights Tab
Floor Tab
Digital Output Groups Tab
Intrusion Zone Tab
Overview - Intrusion Zones
Access Right Form
Use this form to create access rights to define where (with readers) and when (with time schedules) an
individual can gain entry. Floors and digital output groups can be assigned to an access right to define
which floors a person can access and what digital output groups a person can trigger with a valid badge.
Intrusion Zones can be assigned to an access right, allowing the ability to arm/disarm (with a reader) the
zone and access to a particular zone.
Click Add to add and assign a unique title to this record or Search to display or change an existing
You can assign a facility from the drop-down list of those facilities available for assignment by this
For a shortcut menu to related forms, move the mouse pointer below any tab and right-click.
Reference Topic:
Department Tab
The Department Form allows you to create a department that you can then assign to a person record
using the Person Form. Department selection can also be used to group records when running a Person
Click Search to display a list of previously created Departments. You can either click Add on the Secure
Perfect toolbar to add a new Department record OR modify an existing record.
A facility option can be assigned for the Department from the drop-down list of available facilities for
assignment by this operator.
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 52

Person Records Creation
Reference Topics:
Personnel Tab
Location Tab
User Fields Tab
Access Rights Tab
Photo Tab
Mass Update
Person Form
Use this form to create a record for a person, someone who can access the readers controlled by the
Secure Perfect system. Click Add to add a new record or click Search to display a list of previously
created person records to review or modify.
Click the Show me icon to view a step-by-step animated demo.
Last Name
Enter the last name of the individual record you are creating. This is a required field.
A facility option can be assigned to this record from the drop-down list of available facilities for
assignment by this operator.
For a shortcut menu to related forms, right-click below any of the tabs on this form.
Personnel Type Assignment
Reference Topic:
Personnel Type Tab
Personnel Type Form
This form is used to create category types for employees and assign default badge designs for each
Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual 53