Philips 28HT5405: instruction

Class: Household, kitchen appliances, electronics and equipment


Manual for Philips 28HT5405



Cover Pac II format A5 19/08/02 14:56 Page 1

External Loudspeaker


Allow the user to connect an external loudspeaker. The minimum impedence is 16 Ω.

Altavoz Exterior


Permite al usuario conectar un altavoz exterior. La impedancia mínima es 16 .

Äußere Lautsprecher


Der Anwender muss den äußeren Lautsprecher anschließen können. Die mindeste Impedanz

beträgt 16 Ω.

Haut-parleur Externe


Permet à l’utilisateur de raccorder un haut-parleur externe. L’impédance minimale est 16 Ω.

Altoparlante Esterno


Consente all’utente di collegare un altoparlante esterno. L’impedenza minima è 16 Ω.

Extern Högtalare


Används för anslutning av en extern högtalare. Min. impedans är 16 .

Externí Reproduktor


Umoòuje uivateli pøipojení externího reproduktoru. Minimální impedance je 16 .

Åîùôåñéêü Ç÷åßï


ÅðéôñÝðåé óôï ÷ñÞóôç íá óõíäÝóåé Ýíá åîùôåñéêü ç÷åßï. Ç åëÜ÷éóôç áíôßóôáóç åßíáé 16 Ù.

Externe Luidspreker


Biedt de gebruiker de mogelijkheid een externe luidspreker aan te sluiten. De minimale impedantie is

16 .

Külsõ Hangszóró


A felhasználó külsõ hangszórót csatlakoztathat. A legkisebb ellenállás 16 .

G³onik Zewnêtrzny


Pozwala u¿ytkownikowi pod³¹czyæ g³onik zewnêtrzny. Min. impedancja wynosi 16 .

Dýþ Hoparlör


Kullanýcýnýn dýþ hoparlör baðlantýsýný yapmasýný mümkün kýlar. Minimum empedans 16 deðerine


Externý Reproduktor


Umoòuje uívate¾ovi napojenie externého reproduktora. Minimálna impendancia je 16 .



PHILIPS Institutional TV - Instructions for use

Installing the television

Installing the remote control


Remove the cover at the back of the remote


Place your television on a stable and strong base.

Insert the correct type and size batteries into the

Leave at least a minimum free space of 5 cm on

compartment making sure they are the right way

both sides and 10 cm from the top for sufficient


ventilation of the set.

You can secure your batteries by fastening an

Do not cover the ventilation openings with items

appropriate screw into the hole of the battery

such as newspapers, cloths, curtains, etc.


Do not place any flame sources such as lighted

candles on the television.


Never try repairing the set by yourself; always

Clock and wake-up alarm are not available on Pro-

contact a qualified technician.

Plus sets when television is switched off by mains

Do not expose the television to moisture or


splashing and do not place any object filled with

liquids on top of the television.

Accessing the Set-up Menu


When the set is in the High Security Mode, the Set-

up menu can be accessed only by a T374AH

Your television contains material that can be

Institutional Set-up Remote Control (RG4172BK).

recycled and reused by specialised companies.

When the set is in the Standard Security Mode the

Please find out about local regulations on the

Set-up Menu may be accessed with a guest remote

disposal of your old television set.

control (like the RC2882) by a sequence of com-

Pay particular attention to the disposal of exhausted

mands (3 1 9 7 5 3 MUTE).


Your television consumes energy in the stand-by



Energy consumption contributes to air and water

The current menu item can be selected by means of


the cursor up and cursor down keys.

We advise you to switch off your television overnight

Submenus can be accessed from menu items with a

instead of leaving it in stand-by mode.

"” symbol pressing the cursor right key.

Connecting the mains


Insert the mains plug into the wall socket and switch

The Language function is shown in the Menu as

on. Please refer to the label on the back of the

"LANGUAGE", and its valid modes are "ENG-

television for the correct operating voltage.



No. of Programs

This sub menu allows setting the number of

television, PAY-TV Radio and Info programs.

The overall maximum number of programs is 125.


When this menu is open, all the protections are

inactive. To exit any menu press Menu button.


Teletext Language

The "Input" menu item selects the desired input

This menu enables the user to select the Teletext

source that will be assigned to the program.

character set to be used for the selected channel.

Possible values are Front End, AV1, AV2 and

With cursor left/right you can select a letter

AV2YC (internal interface for system televisions

corresponding to the different language clusters.

only), and RADIO.

W: Pan European (Latin) / West option

E: Pan European (Latin) / East option


G: Greek


A: Arabic


C: Cyrillic

Manual Search

Video Blank

Digits can be entered for a frequency in MHz.

This item can change between "YES" and "NO" to

Right cursor starts an auto search; during

activate or deactivate picture mute.

frequency entry the digits not yet entered are

displayed as dashes "-".

Audio Mute

Enter 0 for frequencies below 100 MHz.

This item can change between "YES" and "NO" to

activate or deactivate sound mute.

Program no.

The programme type can be selected with the


cursor left/right buttons. These buttons will toggle

TELEVISION up/down, INFO up/down, PAY-TV

between all available types: "TV", "INFO", "PAY-

up/down and RADIO up/down are active in menu

TV" and "RADIO".

mode and the television reacts the same way as

If the program number of a certain type is 0, the

in TV mode.

corresponding type is not displayed.

In order to display a program number of the

Clock set-up

above-mentioned types, always enter two

The Clock set-up menu can be entered from this

numbers, for example: 01 for TV1 or digit 1 and

menu item

up/down cursor.

The Menu items actually displayed depend on

whether a LED clock display is available or not.


The present program information is stored after

Display (OSD only)

pressing the cursor left/right button. Press Menu

Defines whether the actual time is displayed on

to exit without storing.

the screen or not.

Fine Tune

Display Standby (LED only)

Using the "control left/right" commands starts fine-

This menu item will be used to set the intensity of


the clock display when the television is in standby



This function indicates whether the selected

Display On (LED only)

program has a protection or not. With the cursor

This menu item will be used to set the intensity of

left/right keys the protection can toggle between

the clock when the television is in the ON mode.

"YES" and "NO".

Time Setting


This menu item will be used to set the time for the

This menu item will be used to add a label/name


for each program. Pressing the left/right buttons

you may enter or exit the label field; pressing the

Teletext Time Download

up/down cursor you may insert alphanumeric

This menu item is used to activate or deactivate


the function for automatic time downloading by

Pressing M (Menu button) you may exit the Label

means of Teletext.

Menu item.

Download Program

Volume Bar

This menu item is used to select the channel from

To display volume bar when adjusting volume,

which to retrieve the correct time from the

select "YES". Select NO to hide the bar.

Teletext. When this item is selected the television

set tunes to the selected program.

Min Volume

This item sets the limit for minimum volume

Time Offset

allowed for the television set. Use right/left cursor

This menu item is used to set the offset needed to

to adjust.

adjust the time received from the Teletext channel

to represent the current time in the current

Max Volume


This item sets the limit for the maximum volume

allowed for the television set. Use right/left cursor


to adjust.

The brightness control contains 63 discrete values

from the minimum to maximum setting.

Switch on Volume

This item sets the televisions volume at switch


on. Use the right/left cursor to adjust.

The colour control contains 63 discrete values

from the minimum to maximum setting.

Buzzer Volume

This item sets the volume of the alarm buzzer.


Use the right/left cursor to adjust.

The contrast control contains 63 discrete values

from the minimum to maximum setting.

Switch On Program

This item sets the televisions program at switch



The sharpness control contains 63 discrete values

from the minimum to maximum setting.

Power On

The Power On menu function defines the

Forced mono (for stereo televisions only)

behaviour of the television whenever AC Power is

This command is used to activate or deactivate


the stereo feature in stereo sets. Toggle YES, NO

The valid states are "FORCED", "STANDARD"

using the right/left cursor.


When FORCED, the television can only be

Balance (for stereo televisions only)

switched OFF by means of the main switch or a

To balance the output sound from TELEVISIONs

set-up remote control or by ESP function (Energy

speakers left and right

Saving Programmability controls the maximum

continuous viewing time allowed by the control

Treble (for stereo televisions only)


To set the treble frequencies of sound output from

When STANDARD, the television switches on

TELEVISIONs speakers.

the previous status, ON or Stand-by.

When STAND-BY, the television always

Bass (for stereo televisions only)

switches on in Stand-by.

To set the bass frequencies of sound output from

televisions speakers.

Step Tuning (YES/NO)

If YES, TV programs (1 to 9) are tuned immedi-

AVL (Automatic Volume Leveller)

ately when a digit is pressed.

The Automatic Volume Leveller feature is shown

If NO, tuning is performed only after the dash

as AVL in the menu and its valid states are



Digit Time-out

Volume Fixed

This is the time-out to enter the second digit for

The valid toggle states are "YES" and "NO": if

TV program 10 onwards.

YES, the volume is fixed at a certain volume, if

NO, the volume contains 63 discrete values.

Program Display

Auto Scart

Program Display values can be: Number, Label,

Enable/ disable automatic switching to external

All, None.

Scart source.

Keyboard Lock

Welcome Message

In Commercial Mode, the Keyboard Lockout menu

Press cursor left/right to display Welcome

function disables the televisions local keyboard

message entry menu:

for volume and program control.

Welcome Message, Line 1, and Line 2.

With the cursor up/down you can set the message

Free protected programs


With this item all protected programs can be

freed. If "free protected programs" is set to "YES",

Program Guide

all programs are accessible for the user, if the

This feature will enable/disable in a "list" or

item is "NO" protected programs are skipped. A

"page", the program numbers with the associated

TV program can be selected by relevant digit but


with picture blanked and sound muted.



This menu function is shown as "REMINDER",

Energy Saving Programmability Mode (ESP)

and its states are "YES": "NO".

controls the maximum continuous viewing time

allowed by the control system.


It allows the establishment to limit the time the

The menu function "SECURITY" allows the user

Television remains activated once a Guest has

to select one of two states "HIGH" or "STAND-


ARD". The default is "STANDARD".

The ESP Menu function is shown as "ESP", and

While the set is in the Security High Mode the set-

its valid values are 00 - 99 (in hours). 00 value

up menu can only be accessed by a T374AH

means OFF.

Institutional Set-up Remote Control

While the set is in the Security Standard Mode the


Set-up Menu may be accessed with a guest

This item is only present in "system" sets and it is

remote control by a sequence of commands (3 1

used to enable or disable communication with the

9 7 5 3 MUTE).

DCM (Data Communication Module).

Audio / Video Mute

The Audio/Video Mute menu function determines

whether the video should be blanked and the

audio should be muted if the currently tuned

channel has no signal (Blue, Black, Off).

Annotations for Philips 28HT5405 in format PDF