ASRock b85m: 1.3 Jumpers Setup


1.3 Jumpers Setup: ASRock b85m

1.3 Jumpers Setup

e illustration shows how jumpers are setup. When the jumper cap is placed on

the pins, the jumper is “Short”. If no jumper cap is placed on the pins, the jumper

is “Open”. e illustration shows a 3-pin jumper whose pin1 and pin2 are “Short

when a jumper cap is placed on these 2 pins.

Clear CMOS Jumper


Clear CMOSDefault

(see p.1, No. 11)

CLRCMOS1 allows you to clear the data in CMOS. To clear and reset the system

parameters to default setup, please turn o the computer and unplug the power

cord from the power supply. Aer waiting for 15 seconds, use a jumper cap to

short pin2 and pin3 on CLRCMOS1 for 5 seconds. However, please do not clear

the CMOS right aer you update the BIOS. If you need to clear the CMOS when

you just nish updating the BIOS, you must boot up the system rst, and then shut

it down before you do the clear-CMOS action. Please be noted that the password,

date, time, and user default prole will be cleared only if the CMOS battery is


If you clear the CMOS, the case open may be detected. Please adjust the BIOS option

“Clear Status” to clear the record of previous chassis intrusion status.
