Sony DSC-W530 Black: Charging the battery pack
Charging the battery pack: Sony DSC-W530 Black

Charging the battery pack
For customers in the USA
For customers in countries/regions
and Canada
other than the USA and Canada
Power cord
(Mains lead)
Lit: Charging
Off: Charging finished (normal charge)
Insert the battery pack into the battery charger.
• You can charge the battery even when it is partially charged.
Connect the battery charger to the wall outlet (wall
• If you continue charging the battery pack for about one more hour after
the CHARGE lamp turns off, the charge will last slightly longer (full
Charging time
Full charge time: approx. 245 min.
Normal charge time: approx. 185 min.
• The above charging times apply when charging a fully depleted battery pack at a
temperature of 25 °C (77 °F). Charging may take longer depending on conditions
of use and circumstances.
• Connect the battery charger to the nearest wall outlet (wall socket).
• When charging is finished, disconnect the power cord (mains lead) from the wall
outlet (wall socket), and remove the battery pack from the battery charger.
• Be sure to use the battery pack or the battery charger of the genuine Sony brand.

Battery life and number of still images you can
Battery life: approx. 125 min. (recording)/approx. 280 min. (viewing)
Number of images: approx. 250 images (recording)/approx. 5,600 images
Battery life: approx. 125 min. (recording)/approx. 290 min. (viewing)
Number of images: approx. 250 images (recording)/approx. 5,800 images
• The number of still images that can be recorded is based on the CIPA standard,
and is for shooting under the following conditions.
(CIPA: Camera & Imaging Products Association)
– DISP (Screen Display Settings) is set to [Normal].
– Shooting once every 30 seconds.
– The zoom is switched alternately between the W and T ends.
– The flash strobes once every two times.
– The power turns on and off once every ten times.
– A fully charged battery pack (supplied) is used at an ambient temperature of
25 °C (77 °F).
– Using Sony “Memory Stick PRO Duo” media (sold separately).
- English
- For Customers in the U.S.A. and Canada
- For Customers in Europe
- Notice for customers in the United Kingdom
- Refer to “Cyber-shot User Guide” (HTML) on supplied CD-ROM
- Identifying parts
- Charging the battery pack
- Inserting the battery pack/a memory card (sold separately)
- Setting the date and time
- Shooting still images/movies
- Viewing images
- List of icons displayed on the screen (When shooting still images)
- Introduction of other functions
- Number of still images and recordable time of movies
- Notes on using the camera
- Specifications
- Для покупателей в Европе
- Обратитесь к справке “Руководство пользователя Cyber-shot” (HTML) на прилагаемом диске CD-ROM
- Обозначение частей
- Зарядка батарейного блока
- Установка батарейного блока/карты памяти (продается отдельно)
- Установка даты и времени
- Фотосъемка/видеосъемка
- Просмотр изображений
- Список значков, отображаемых на экране (при выполнении фотосъемки)
- Введение в другие функции
- Количество фотоснимков и время видеозаписи
- Примечания по использованию фотоаппарата
- Технические характеристики
- Для споживачів з Європи
- Додаткова інформація у «Посібник користувача Cyber-shot» (HTML) на компакт- диску, що додається
- Визначення частин
- Заряджання батареї
- Встановлення батарейного блока/карти пам’яті (продається окремо)
- Налаштування дати й часу
- Фото- та відеозйомка
- Перегляд зображень
- Список піктограм, які відображаються на екрані (під час фотозйомки)
- Знайомство з іншими функціями
- Кількість фотознімків і тривалість відеозапису
- Примітки щодо використання фотоапарата
- Технічні характеристики